BMW E36 318i Manual Gearbox Kaputt!! Need Advice

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Mar 2, 2005
Hi Sifu's Yesterday I was driving and suddenly my Gearbox snapped. Cannot go into any Gear, clutch paddle very light, seems like no connection to gearbox. After that towed the car to a BMW specialist they said that the gearbox damage bearing rosak and clutch plate makan and now might have effected the cranshaft.... So the specialist recomends to repair the gearbox and to ensure that it wont happen again the engine needs to be taken out and dismantled to make adjustments to the crankshaft. They say If I dont fix this and fix the gearbox only, it is possible it will spoil my engine later on. My Question is, 1. Can a Gearbox damage cause any imbalance or damage directly to Cranshaft, because as I know Crankshaft is made from forged steel so should be very strong? 2. If I just ask them to fix gearbox only will it effect my engine after sometime? Would appreciate feedback and advice from all you sifus here. Thanks.
PGF2609 said:
..............Cannot go into any Gear, clutch paddle very light, seems like no connection to gearbox.........

Are you sure it's not just the clutch pump? I had the same symptons a couple of months ago in an E30, just needed new clutch pump.
I tot its clucth pump too but they say related to engine. I ask them to fix the clucth pump only but they say in future if fix gearbox side only engine will kaput...

Is there any connection or this is a rip off...? :confused: :confused:
I advise you to get another workshop to diagnose your gearbox problem. Better to get a 2nd opinion as gearbox repair can be costly.
Mine just happen to have the same problem just a month ago.

No feel at the clutch and gear cannot masuk.

Buka the thingy and found out its

1) Clutch bearing rosak (how come its plastic)
2) Clutch plate burn (too much dump clutch:p )
3) Clutch Cover rosak (also because too much dump clutch:D )
4) Flywheel not smooth already

The repair cost to replace everything + labour is RM 500-00

btw, mine is a 318 (M) M42
bmwsideways said:
Mine just happen to have the same problem just a month ago.

No feel at the clutch and gear cannot masuk.

Buka the thingy and found out its

1) Clutch bearing rosak (how come its plastic)
2) Clutch plate burn (too much dump clutch:p )
3) Clutch Cover rosak (also because too much dump clutch:D )
4) Flywheel not smooth already

The repair cost to replace everything + labour is RM 500-00

btw, mine is a 318 (M) M42

Wah... Bimmersideways.... good deal bro, here they quote be about 1+++ but maybe my car got more components need to replace like a new clutch plate and stuff....

But good to hear that its not effecting the engine so I will proceed and repair the gearbox side only....

btw I saw the plastic bearing and mine is broken as well, and before this I also didnt know that they plastic stuff down there.

Thanks for the Advice Man....
bmwsideways said:
Mine just happen to have the same problem just a month ago.

No feel at the clutch and gear cannot masuk.

Buka the thingy and found out its

1) Clutch bearing rosak (how come its plastic)
2) Clutch plate burn (too much dump clutch:p )
3) Clutch Cover rosak (also because too much dump clutch:D )
4) Flywheel not smooth already

The repair cost to replace everything + labour is RM 500-00

btw, mine is a 318 (M) M42

That super cheap man..... are you sure ah??

cos I just change all those parts listed by you la....
bmwsideways said:
Mine just happen to have the same problem just a month ago.

No feel at the clutch and gear cannot masuk.

Buka the thingy and found out its

1) Clutch bearing rosak (how come its plastic)
2) Clutch plate burn (too much dump clutch:p )
3) Clutch Cover rosak (also because too much dump clutch:D )
4) Flywheel not smooth already

The repair cost to replace everything + labour is RM 500-00

btw, mine is a 318 (M) M42
where's the workshop bro?
the cluth and presure plate RM650, bearing RM10.00 and one slave pump dunno yet. Cos my bills can "tulis dinding" with my Mechanic.

that shud roughly give you the idea of how much I spent.

Btw, I got two racing clutch now collecting dust....For E30s and E36s.
oops...sorry double post.


Issit ur shifter lingkages faulty???

Don't know what is faulty yet. Waiting for quote from Happy Motors. Racing clutch... sound interesting... racun
Zoggee - I still bising for that price, you say cheap:p since everysthing is pre-owned stuff

portseven - S.W Sdn Bhd (Sendiri Workshop Sdn Bhd):p
Amir , you have dounut for lunch everyday ? drift to work ? Manual gearbox also can die. you're one F&F driver:)

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