BMC Access Road -Parts 2

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If you are the one stay over here & work in glenmarie.. then you will know why we go for work from 6:30am onwards.....
before CMahkota exist ..SG long used to be a peaceful place the jam is like life inside a JAM jar ....

anyway lionel time bring along some rotten eggs larrrr .... then they will run away ...
ICEMAN 13;324196 said:
before CMahkota exist ..SG long used to be a peaceful place the jam is like life inside a JAM jar ....

anyway lionel time bring along some rotten eggs larrrr .... then they will run away ...

Agreed ....let us throw 2gether ...hehehheheh

Damm HW ...already make such big money somemore he contract last till 2037.....sill want to block the only access road for BMC....
Last nite incedent is the most urgly i ever seen in my life .........

According to the residents there, Grand Saga has hired at least 30 "Gangster" or so called Kongsi Gelap to cordinate and help them to re-block the access road .......My question is ....
1.Why a highway company hired such people there?
2.They dont hv their own workers to cordinate the works?
3.Wat their intention from begining? Issit to hurt the peoples or residents there ?

The shocking moment happend arond 7pm when the residents trying to pull down the road block .........But out of sudden, at least 20 gangster mentioned above attack the empty hand residents with steel,wood stick and helment........They not only attack residents also some cars park at tat area ......More then 10 ppls injured in the inccident and few are badly hurt like broken hand and head ......Few policeman are there but there not even taking any action to stop the Gangster .....Some related report .....

The most urgly and shocking moment following then when the FRU arrived which support to protect the residents but unforturenately the worst senario happend when they attacking a driver n passanger tat they claimed "driven his car in aggresive manner" My question is if u feel tat way u can arrest him but not to hit him ...somemore his car also damaged by the FRU n police....Pls refer the link below for the incident....
Wat kind of Federal gvt tat we having now until let tis kind of things happend .......
The residets of Bandar Mahkota Cheras are going to Parlimen on this Thursday to send a memorendum to Work Misnister to solve out the problem .........For those who want to support them can be there at 9.30 am to show u all also care about the issue .....The issue is not only related to BMC residents but i think is also about the benefits of the Rakyat Malaysia .....Pls show ur suport to them ans also fight for ur own right....
The detail as below ...
Date : 29-05-2008
Time : 9.30am
Venue : Parlimen Malaysia
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