I'm driving a E30 318 M40 18 (local assemble 1992) with an Auto trans. got the ride for 4 months. previously it was on a manual trans. the previous owner changed it. yesterday morning, start to drove the car like normal. i realise that the gear was reluctant to engage to 2nd gear and the car was dragging in 1st gear for almost 2km. i was reving constantly around 4k rpm where normally it would engage towards the top gear already. i decided to try to push the car to 5500rpm and finally the car manage shift up gear....so didn't bother much.. i continue driving.... am staying in jalan gasing and when i reach the seputeh tol (50 cents tol) i wind down my window to pay, i saw smoke coming out from the bottom of my car... i quickly drove the car by the tol office. and check out the smoke. holy shit..my auto trans fluid was flowing out like water fall when i look down......manage to tol the car safety to the garage. the mechanic open up the gear box. found out that the joint(it look like a metal round thingy) of the torque converter and the transmission house broke.this causes the oil to leak out. i'm not familiar with the gear box thingy, not sure whether my descriptionis correct) my mechanic gave me 2 option, to repair the broken part or to seacrh for a new gearbox. i ask him to repair it. but he said if he manage to fix the borken item, he's not sure if the gear box still works well. else it would be just a waste. anyone experience this problem b4? how much would it cost to opt for a chop shop gear box? is it weasy to get? sifu out there, any comment? advise needed badly... thank you.