Are There "Cleaner" Brake Pads for E60?

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Jan 31, 2010
Good Day to All:I'd appreciate it if any of u sifus could help me here. About E60 brake pads.The rims on my E60 get dirty (black dust/stain) just after a few trips to the office. And I'm pretty much fed-up having to clean the rims every day! I notice that most of the E60s out there have the same blackened/dirty rims...:)I asked some mechanics, and they told me the same thing: it is NORMAL, because of the brake pads.... (However, for comparison purpose, I never have this problem on my Toyota Camry..)Qs:1.) Is this true? The BMW brake pads shed out black particles which end up sticking on the rims at every braking?2.) Would this be related to only a certain brand / type of brake pads?3.) Is there any other brand / type out there which wouldn't give out this dirt? If there is, are they better (in performance) and/or higher in price?For your feedback/insights, I thank u in advance.:)
I feel you man!... When doing some self detailing on Saturday it took me 1 whole hour to clean my rims.....argghhhh....
same problem with my mum's E60, was told that the dust is a result of the quality of the pads which are supposedly very good...
The pad works like a rubber eraser when it scrub on the rotating disc rotor to slow the car down.

If the eraser does not produce dust, then your rubber eraser will last forever. Ever seen this kind of eraser? If there is, it will be the last eraser you ever need, or the last brake pad u ever need! :D :D

The cast iron disc rotor is harder than the pad and wears of the pad. The pad disintegrate and turn into dust as by product and produce heat too. No magic involved so no vanishing act here. The dust flies everywhere and stuck on all over the place. Rim not spared.

What about producing harder pad so can claim less dust? Then your pad will wears off the rotor and now u get rotor iron dust, when stuck on the rim, it turns redish or orange color because the dust will rust when reacted with moist.

What about no pad dust and no rotor dust? then apply oil in between the rotor and pad so no friction lor, and CAR WON'T STOP WHEN U BRAKE!! :eek:

Choose yourself wisely.. :wink:
astroboy;532643 said:
The pad works like a rubber eraser when it scrub on the rotating disc rotor to slow the car down.

If the eraser does not produce dust, then your rubber eraser will last forever. Ever seen this kind of eraser? If there is, it will be the last eraser you ever need, or the last brake pad u ever need! :D :D

The cast iron disc rotor is harder than the pad and wears of the pad. The pad disintegrate and turn into dust as by product and produce heat too. No magic involved so no vanishing act here. The dust flies everywhere and stuck on all over the place. Rim not spared.

What about producing harder pad so can claim less dust? Then your pad will wears off the rotor and now u get rotor iron dust, when stuck on the rim, it turns redish or orange color because the dust will rust when reacted with moist.

What about no pad dust and no rotor dust? then apply oil in between the rotor and pad so no friction lor, and CAR WON'T STOP WHEN U BRAKE!! :eek:

Choose yourself wisely.. :wink:

In addition to that, pls dont get conned by workshops telling you to get high temperature brake pads.... unless you go sepang to test your car everyday la....
Aha! High temperature brake pads! Be careful when using it coz you have little stopping power after coming out of late night movies in the parking lot. :eek:

"High temperature" means its optimum operating temperature is higher, so to achieve it full stopping potential, you need to heat it up properly. Coming out of your housing estate on a cold morning, better don't rempit too early. Choose the pad with the right operating temperature to your driving condition, best of both world is too good to be real!
thanx guys..... guess we all hv to leave with it.. so it mite be wise to get the black (or any other color..) rims so that we dun hv to clean them too often, ehh?
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