2nd Official AGM & Election

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01) Daredevil
02) Kevster30
03) elwine30
04) jeffreyewe
05) three28
06) fabianyee
07) alvin
08) ALbundy
09) ICEMAN 13
10) nikazwaa +1
11) mctnesh
12) BMW2002
13) MTek1318
14) Juan Powerblow
15) kahar abdullah
16) Blackrobe
17) Jarance
18) c-square
19) tyke + piedpiper
20) 535i
21) JYazid
22) 2Cents
23) ian
24) KennyG
25) Sithwarrior
26) OSFlanker
27) XTR-1ND
28) flash
29) wolverine
30) The Necessary
31) Pussy
32) Vanilla Coke
33) Fireblade
34) L O N G + 1
35) chrischy
36) Babeblu
37) Wireless Junkie
38) Nelsone30
39) Mafia(+1)
40) XXX
41) Joe + 1
42) Rezzy3181
43) Alex
44) vincent
45) Marco
46) Calvin Tan + wife
47) Tom
48) Mienoz
49) Khalidm3
50) Armagedon
51) TycoMalaya
52) lolipo
53) teejay (+1)
54) Cizeree328 (+1)
55) KiNaKa
56) naray (verbally informed at Klang TT that he is coming and have paid)
57) bm8118 (verbally informed at Klang TT that he is coming and have paid)
58) puss
59) skar19
60) ridrahim
61) dingchaves (maybe 50/50).
62) xtracooljustin
63) BiMmEr78

Sorry a bit late entry .... to whom can i pay ... can i transfer or can i pay once i reach the place
Come pay at the place. If i'm not mistaken there'll be a rm10 surcharge for late-payers.
passed by today. Saw lotsa bimmers. Didn't see anybody hangin' out downstairs. I had a buka puasa function at Tropicana. On the way back my little kid wailed so had to speed back. You guys must have been having lotsa fun. Cheers and advanced congrats to the new committee.
Results of the Election for 2005/2006 BMW Club Malaysia Committee

President: Daredevil (uncontested)
Vice President: JeffreyEwe (28 votes)
Secretary: Vanilla Coke (uncontested)
Treasurer: FabianYee (uncontested)
Committee Members: (The top 5 members in order of votes)
Jarance (46 votes)
Sithwarrior (38 votes)
Nikawaa (29 votes) (oops post typo edit: Nikazwaa)(sorry!)
Iceman (26 votes)
Mafia (24 votes)

Returning Officer: Albundy
Scrutineers: Puss, Vivian and Babeblu

At the time of voting: 48 members were eligible to vote
Ballot papers received: 51
There were 3 phantom voters. All ballot papers were counted.
The results of the votes were fortunately not determined by the 3 votes, hence no re-elections were called.

Bravo! and thank you new Committee and Kahar (also new appointed committee member), Blackrobe, Three28, 2 cents, Fireblade and Tyke who care enough to stand for elections!
Hip hip hurrah! for 2004/2005 Committee who retired and a BIG thank you for your time and effort in service for 2004/05.
Congrats to the newly crowned office bearers... Let's take the club to new heights...

Pssst... babeblu... you spelled my name wrong! :p
My personal sentiments:
This is a dismally shameful incident - 3 ballot papers were dishonestly handed up! We are only a car club! It is also not fair that 3 persons (may be more, may be less - only he/she/them cheats and scoundrels would know!) should tarnish the overall integrity of the voting process and the whole club generally - just for an additional 3 lousy votes.

We learn from our mistakes:
1. We entertained complaints of lost/non-receipt of ballot papers - and ballot papers were then given.
2. We had no way of knowing if additional ballot papers could have been photocopied.
3. The safeguard we thought we had was to ensure later that every one eligible to vote hand in their ballots personally to the scrutineers as announced by the returning officer.
However, there were some who just threw ballot papers into the box without handing it to the scrutineers, some handed voting slips twice or otherwise handed in ballots when they were not eligible to vote.

My suggestions for next year's AGM -
1) Have serialised voting ballots or at the very least, each ballot paper has to have a red/blue colured rubber stamp mark - so no unauthorised photocopies may be made AND
2) Members personally sign in for registration and receipt of ballot papers. Thereafter leaving the registration table, the returning officer/scrutineers should not entertain any complaints of lost/ non-receipt of ballot papers.

I hope this new committee will take note and learn from our/this year's mistakes. I am so sorry that this had happened.

The AGM is over, babeblu your suggestions are good, i believe the new committee will take the necessary measures to prevent a mistake like this from happening again. But we must understand that there is no point in discussing this now as it could lead to pointing fingers at fellow members, which in return can be chaotic. I am confident that the matter will be discussed and prevented in the next elections.

Thank You

-The Moderator
Actually I have thought of implementing the suggestions mentioned by Babeblu but by doing so, we will know who voted for whom, so I decided to do away with it. I guess some members of this club are not matured enough to vote and behave in a responsible manner and a good intention has led to members abusing it. :blink:
Let not start a witch hunt.. It was most unfortunate that such things happened.

Your suggestions would be considered seriously and countermeasure would be implemented to prevent any short coming in the next AGM...

Thank you for all who are concerned but as babeblu have mentioned earlier, the phantoms votes did not have any effects on the final outcome of the results.
And on behalf of the protem committee, we would like to thank Babeblu, Puss aka wliew and Vivian in assisting us during the election and performed their duties admirably :)
rite, next AGM will b a return of the jedi, dats when the empires strikes u back hard!

anyway, i wld like to thank everyone for comin to cast your vote durin the AGMIII, organiser (previous commitee) n those who helped (jarance, reg desk), fellow nominees, staffs of Bernard n those i cant recall at the mo, yknow who u r.

look ferward to turnin over a new leaf for the new comin term ....

rgds, B)
kahar abdullah
Originally posted by kahar@Oct 24 2005, 12:41 PM
rite, next AGM will b a return of the jedi, dats when the empires strikes u back hard!

anyway, i wld like to thank everyone for comin to cast your vote durin the AGMIII, organiser (previous commitee) n those who helped (jarance, reg desk), fellow nominees, staffs of Bernard n those i cant recall at the mo, yknow who u r.

look ferward to turnin over a new leaf for the new comin term ....

rgds, B)
kahar abdullah
the only way to turn a new leaf is to get married.... We will arrange the largest convoy for you... ha..ha... :nyehehe: :nyehehe:
It was fun and although tyke didn't get elected, he was very happy with the MP3 thingy that I won in the lucky draw. Wooo Hooo :yahoo: :yahoo:

To the elected committee, CONGRATULATIONS :eek:k: :eek:k:

Lead us well and right!!

p/s - don't forget to put Trance night into our events calendar yah... :yahoo:
Originally posted by ALBundy@Oct 24 2005, 12:19 PM
No, its the revenge of the Sith! :D
Thats right Al Bundy... It's SITH not SOOOOTHERRR ok....

The Necc - How comes you didnt come yesterday ? anyways hope to meet you soon..

Looks like everybody has done and given all the necessary appreciation and credit to all those who were involved in a simple but fruitful AGM. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Castrol and Quickbooks for sponsorship of the paperbags, door gifts and lucky draw prizes.

Those who won the Magnatec, RS and SLX Engine Oil, ENJOY!

Sincere gratitude and appreciation to my fellow retired committee e.g. Kevster, elwine30, Albundy, Three28, Alvin & Sideways who has each in their own individual ways left a footprint in the history of BMWCLUB Malaysia. Special mention goes to JPB who has always been an integral part of the team. His body left but his mind didn't.....hahahaha. As part of the team who founded this new home for all of us, they've given me assurance their presence will still be strong and will continue to provide undivided attention for future club events and activities as ADVISORS. I've enjoyed myself thoroughly working with this team and have learnt a lot in this process.

Kudos to you guys.

:yes: :eek:k:

Winners (PiedPiper, Vanilla Coke & Hisham aka shame28) of the Wireless Link MP3 Player, your prizes are now ready for collection. Pls contact Jeffreyewe (New VP) after Thursday, 27 Oct 2005.


Originally posted by Daredevil@Oct 24 2005, 05:11 PM

Winners (PiedPiper, Vanilla Coke & Hisham aka shame28) of the Wireless Link MP3 Player, your prizes are now ready for collection. Pls contact Jeffreyewe (New VP) after Thursday, 27 Oct 2005.


:dunno: :dunno: :dunno:
well wht can i say about the 3rd AGM?.........

outright awesome although it would hav been better had we gotten more members to vote as this voting is all for u guys!!! :rolleyes:

i understand tht we were supposed to hold the agm if we reached the minimum qouta of 70 members in the AGM.....and all we got was wht?.....52 members?
i knw tht we had to carry on with the agm as the 52 members tht paid were all present and gung ho bout it......it wouldnt be fair if we had to postpone due to the lack of voters right?

oh well....before i start to sound like i'm resentful of the results(of which i am not i assure u,coz my baby won us the mp3 wireless link player.. :yahoo: )....it has been done and i hope tht the nxt AGM will be grander and with more participation from our fellow members.....

and to end tht....i would like to thank the previous committee for their valued guidance,friendship,and for leading the way for the new bunch of ...

"TOTALLY AWESOME COMMITTEE"! :yahoo: :eek:k: :yahoo: :yes!: :yahoo: :eek:k:

u guys deserved the votes and i am sure u will continue guiding us!

thanks for the oil.. hmmnn need an extra 2 liters.. anyone want to sell theirs ?

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