2nd Official AGM & Election

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Originally posted by vladd_tappish@Oct 11 2005, 11:31 PM

Yes tomorrow is a working day indeed. For you no problem bro because you are living in KL. How about us from outstation? 300++ KM. Sorry for if I had said anything wrong. I guess we have to live with facts that this AGM is only compatible or meant for the members from central region only. Check out the latest attendees list.
Vladd my friend. This club is in existence mainly because of its supporting members. Democracy exists whenever a decision is based on majority decision. Unfortunately in this case, majority of our members hail from Central region. The 'Geographical Poll : Where Do You Stay' is evident of this statement.

AGM is only a 'once-a-year' event. E.g. If JB is my hometown, even if it's 400km away, I'll drive down to exercise my voting rights during general election. That is why we've scheduled the AGM earlier so that friends from afar can leave earlier and take a slow drive home. Furthermore, this event was posted up a couple of months back so that members will have sufficient time to make necessary plans i.e. take half day off, apply for a day off and see wonderful KL or pretend to be sick and take MC. Ekekekeke......

Everybody is important to this club. That's the most crucial point. And just because we organised the AGM to be in central region doesn't mean we're neglecting friends from outstation.

Sad to say but where events are concerned, mostof the corporate sponsors HQs are based in KL and there's where they usually prefer to hold their events. It's not our choice. So it'll be great to have members from North and South at this event.

But rest assured, we'll definitely be organising official events to outstation as well next year. And BMWCLUB Malaysia Treasure Hunt is one of the biggies to look forward to in 2006!

:p ;)
No worries Vladd. You've always been one of the key Southern member of this club. And we'll definitely look into the feasibility of online voting for outstation members who can't make it. But it'll be different because we're gonna be having lots of fun on that day.... :nyehehe:
TIME : 5.30PM – 8PM

5.30pm – 6.00pm - Arrival of Guests
6.00pm – 6.10pm - Speeches
6.10 pm – 7.00pm - Voting of new Committee
7.00 pm – BUka Puasa (at the right time)
8.00pm – End of Programme. Free & Easy.


01) Daredevil
02) Kevster30
03) elwine30
04) jeffreyewe
05) three28
06) fabianyee
07) alvin
08) ALbundy
09) ICEMAN 13
10) nikazwaa +1
11) mctnesh
12) BMW2002
13) MTek1318
14) Juan Powerblow
15) kahar abdullah
16) Blackrobe
17) Jarance
18) c-square
19) tyke (mebbe + 1)
20) 535i
21) JYazid
22) 2Cents
23) ian
24) KennyG
25) Sithwarrior
26) OSFlanker
27) XTR-1ND
28) flash
30) The Necessary
31) Pussy
32) Vanilla Coke
33) Fireblade
34) L O N G + 1
35) chrischy
36) Babeblu
37) Wireless Junkie
38) Nelsone30
39) Mafia(+1)
40) XXX
41) Joe + 1
42) Rezzy3181
46)Calvin Tan + wife
50) Armagedon
52) Wasabi (+1)
53) lolipo
54) tj (+1)
55) Cizeree328 (+1)
56) KiNaKa
57) ace99
Can exercise Proxy kah?
Although its an AGM, sometime, the timing may not fit into schedules, even if its next door! So, should also consider Proxy.
Mr. V, for your info, our prez Mr.DD come all the way from "down under" to attend the AGM and somemore have to take plane.. :D

Hope you can understand the dedication and the situation at this moment.. :eek:k:
Proxy is a good idea but the nominee must come for the AGM in order to get elected.

Now how to do the proxy things. it has never been done before.
Originally posted by jarance@Oct 12 2005, 03:40 PM
Proxy is a good idea but the nominee must come for the AGM in order to get elected.

Now how to do the proxy things. it has never been done before.
Well, for one thing, the candidates standing for / issues to be voted for/against, in the election must be known before voters can nominate their proxies. :D
Dear Committe,
Hope i can come out from 'e jungle as i planned & attend 'e AGM.
Can't promose anything yet. So Jeff, if i don't turn-up...halal je la... :D
surely provisions fer vote by proxy procedurals hev been well documented in our up-comin club by-laws rite or isit not? :)

but then gain, theres always somethang dat slips putta our minds sometimes. im preety sure by now theyve at least tried to discuss bout dis matter durin the commitee meetin.

rgds, B)
kahar abdullah
Originally posted by kahar@Oct 13 2005, 03:34 AM
surely provisions fer vote by proxy procedurals hev been well documented in our up-comin club by-laws rite or isit not? :)

but then gain, theres always somethang dat slips putta our minds sometimes. im preety sure by now theyve at least tried to discuss bout dis matter durin the commitee meetin.

rgds, B)
kahar abdullah
Only wun wk to go - du u see it being implemented? go figure again, dude. :D
Mr. 2, 'wun wk' tu apa eh? heh :D

my dear fellow forummers ku sayang, fr the schedule given by the commitee, i anticipate guests wld b late as usual, BUT pls b informed dat if any of u guys r late, just imagine the difficulty we hevta go thru k .... speeches bout 10mins, voting process only allocated an hour or so, n if the election doesnt finish on time, then history wld repeat gain like last year, chaotic cos ppl wld go makan during the ELECTION!! on top of dat, its buka puasa some more. so b considerate lah ok n BE VERY PUNCTUAL IF NOT EARLY.

rgds, B)
kahar abdullah
Originally posted by kahar@Oct 13 2005, 12:14 PM
Mr. 2, 'wun wk' tu apa eh? heh :D

my dear fellow forummers ku sayang, fr the schedule given by the commitee, i anticipate guests wld b late as usual, BUT pls b informed dat if any of u guys r late, just imagine the difficulty we hevta go thru k .... speeches bout 10mins, voting process only allocated an hour or so, n if the election doesnt finish on time, then history wld repeat gain like last year, chaotic cos ppl wld go makan during the ELECTION!! on top of dat, its buka puasa some more. so b considerate lah ok n BE VERY PUNCTUAL IF NOT EARLY.

rgds, B)
kahar abdullah
I have to second Kahar's comment on this. This an AGM no matter how much fun we're gonna have the main agenda of this event is to get the right people into office. Time is very important here guys and gals. Once the main agenda is done with then we can proceed with all the fun. So everyone attending please come on time. A little mingling before the elections may help everyone of of us get to know each other better.

I think Vanquish is coming from down south. He can be the representative for the southern chapter.

Vladd - why lah macha... you cannot come.. nevermind lah we will all have a beer for you. :p Will be driving down south sometime end of Nov.. will buzz you and meet up for a drink ya.

Peace to all
Originally posted by jarance@Oct 12 2005, 03:38 PM
Mr. V, for your info, our prez Mr.DD come all the way from "down under" to attend the AGM and somemore have to take plane.. :D

Hope you can understand the dedication and the situation at this moment.. :eek:k:
kudos to DD flying back to KL from down under!
i don't mean to stir anything on this proxy issue.
as mentioned there is not much time to carry out this proxy exercise at this 11th hour (whether documented or not in any by-laws, statutes, orders, M&A, etc etc). i was merely pointing out this option since there were some comments by members not within the klang valley, central district. just making a note for future AGMs, EGMs, and the such.. pls don't bombard me ahh pple..
hey, no worries Mr. P, u actually brought up a point worth debating n mentioning ... like i said, certain thangs slip out of our minds sometimes .. we r relatively new in motoring club n currently awaiting fer ROS approval in registering the club :)

Mr. suthe, just reminding of wat occured last AGM we had last year (no, im NOT referrin to booze session after AGM k, all elected commitee got mabuk then braved emselves fer photoshoot, hehe) :D

n i still rmber dat wuz the day i met Mr J when he wuz quoted as tellin me, " kita newbie duduk blakang2 ok" heh ... rmber anot arr jarance?

bck to topic, so anyone else comin? come larrrrrrrrrrrrrrRRR!!

rgds, B)
kahar abdullah
Originally posted by kahar@Oct 13 2005, 01:25 PM
hey, no worries Mr. P, u actually brought up a point worth debating n mentioning ... like i said, certain thangs slip out of our minds sometimes .. we r relatively new in motoring club n currently awaiting fer ROS approval in registering the club :)

Mr. suthe, just reminding of wat occured last AGM we had last year (no, im NOT referrin to booze session after AGM k) :D

rgds, B)
kahar abdullah
Sir Kahar,

Sorry if I came out wrong ya... I dint imply that u were refering to booze. Anyways what trying to say was that you were right in suggesting everyone to show up on time as it is an AGM.

Originally posted by kahar@Oct 13 2005, 01:25 PM
hey, no worries Mr. P, u actually brought up a point worth debating n mentioning ... like i said, certain thangs slip out of our minds sometimes .. we r relatively new in motoring club n currently awaiting fer ROS approval in registering the club :)

Mr. suthe, just reminding of wat occured last AGM we had last year (no, im NOT referrin to booze session after AGM k, all elected commitee got mabuk then braved emselves fer photoshoot, hehe) :D

n i still rmber dat wuz the day i met Mr J when he wuz quoted as tellin me, " kita newbie duduk blakang2 ok" heh ... rmber anot arr jarance?

bck to topic, so anyone else comin? come larrrrrrrrrrrrrrRRR!!

rgds, B)
kahar abdullah
Yes Mr. K, I did remember that day where we voted for the present protem committee. In fact we were so new that we have to ask who to vote as we don't know most of them except for a couple of them.

Look like we have to campaign.. Who want to be my campaign manager?
I want to sack 5201 as my my manager coz he didn't do anything.. :blink: :beaten:
Mmmmm...... today is Tuesday... 5 more days to go for the election of club protem.. come one come all. come and support your club. Still not too late to join the fun and vote for your club future. :yes:
Originally posted by jarance@Oct 17 2005, 10:26 PM
..... vote for your club future.  :yes: ....
future? :dunno: wat future? :dunno: eheh, just kiddin ....

looks like all AGM related threads r gettin more hits as the time gets nearer .......

tday saw mr suther withdrawin fr the nomination list .... n some of the posts r uncontested, cant blame anyone but ourselves fer dat ..... i suppose some guys r meant to b leaders, n some r meant to b err kuli? heh .....

ere n there, everyone's talkin bout the AGM, esp durin TTs. the anticipation is high n i hope the attendance will b encouragin.

most of us know each other, thx to well-organised activities, so vote smart tho each of us has to accept sometimes somewhere along the line dat popularity preceeds everythang else (i wont b surprised if arnie wld contest fer mr president one day).

lastly, pls b reminded all to b punctual in order not to mencacatkan event schedule n affect our muslim brothers breakin their fast. well, best wishes, gd luck fr me to all contestin, kahar abdullah fr parti cap ikan kembung. heh :D :)

rgds, B)
kahar abdullah
Yes..the AGM is getting very close by the minute. No doubt the members will be reminded to vote wisely, as the new committee will have a heavy task ahead of them.

Sadden by the fact that sithwarrior has withdrawn at the last minute, as I believe, he's will be a great asset to the club in terms of dedication and responsibility.


eweje mobat
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