Who has watermark problem?

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Rain X doesnt work in clearing watermarks. I believe Rain X is to be used on front windscreen so that it creates a layer of silicone which will expel rain drops easily? so that we use less wiper to wipe off tiny rain drops. Ok i will try to snap the photos i have using my hp...silly but try and see whats the effect. Will post up when its ready
Ok guys, I have 1 pic on the watermarks which I believe are those that u guys are referring to. Take a look at the pic. The left hand side is the watermarks and the right hand side is how it looks like after using the solution to clear off the watermarks. Sorry if the pic is not so clear coz i am snapping it from a photo itself and not scanned :p
An Impressive Product !

Russie;216183 said:
Ok guys, I have 1 pic on the watermarks which I believe are those that u guys are referring to. Take a look at the pic. The left hand side is the watermarks and the right hand side is how it looks like after using the solution to clear off the watermarks. Sorry if the pic is not so clear coz i am snapping it from a photo itself and not scanned :p

....judging from the images, it seems like you may have a very useful product , depending on the pricing strategy, ofcourse...

...or you could offer a 'watermark' removal service during one of the TT sessions...


Wah u want me to open up a booth to provide the watermark removing service? hohoho, if thats the case, i rather pass some sample to 1 person and let him try out b4 others could use it widely.

tamade7;216153 said:
The solution is with me now. no brand or whatsoever just in a white bottle. told tkew already. RM50 for the bottle. waiting for tkew to try it on his windows.

hey you guys why not try the solution they are selling at brothers. rm2 only. read my post on udmowners. if that one is as good do let me know because i am going to get mine refunded haha.

I don't think the RM2 bottle at brothers is gonna work against your RM50 solution. Let us know where we can get this product you have.. I think many of us here have this similar problem..
Hello hello I have my bottle already. no one wants to try ah? pm me and we can meet at shah alam during office hours or sri petaling during off hours. oh btw this is not mlm. just wanna share.
Don't mean to kacau anyone's business - but here's my story...

I have tried many ways before to remove water marks, from car polish to window cleaner.. all didn't work that well.

When I had to replace my front windscreen recently, I noticed there were a few water marks on the new windscreen. The guy who replaced the windscreen used some liquid to clean off the water marks..

I was sceptical at first, so got the guy to demo it first, and he cleaned off a bit of the back windscreen. Results - very clean...

It costs me RM12 per bottle, with some elbow grease, it removes water marks gone. Don't have before & after pics though, and probably the one offered here requires less effort to use.
It's common that everyone here assume that I am doing business selling the watermark cleaner. Let me make this a little bit clearer, I am not into this watermark remover business. It just really amaze me that the solution that I got solve my prob and I just want to share. If you got better option please post where and how to get it. I for sure would be interested because I am just like you looking for the cheapest and most effective method. I sell commercial and inustrial air filters and that's my business.
I just use old newspaper lah works great and after that you can give it to the OldNewspaper collector :)
Have to agree that the old newspaper works. I was having bad visibilty during a raining day. Wiper could not it out due to oil stain mark. Wipe it with dry newspaper and it cleared.
err...ok...so what is the solution? i have MAJOR problem with watermarks. very dangerous especially at night. The solution? using newspaper? get the solution bottle from Russie?
if the wm you car has can be removed by newspaper, then that isn't wm..
Carbon substance works fine only on oily surface?? (especially when u park your car very close to a "char kueh teoh" stall!)..

Toilet bowl cleaner, anyone tried? :)
alamak..toilet bowl kena careful....because ada clorox. can damage the paint. But can work or not? the watermark quite hardcore...can fell the texture ..
huh.... toiletbowl cleaner.. that would be too strong to apply to the car as it will damage or spoil the paint or even the mirror/window.
All, pls, use it at your own risk.. But to me, it is not risky at all to the paint or the windscreens if you use it carefully...it is certainly darn effective. I'm talking about those hardcore wm which has penetrated into the glass...
Wash, clean and dry up the windows/windscreen, then pour some tbc to a dry cloth to start clearing up the marks.. Dampen a separate cloth to ''dry wash'' after that..do this several times until you feel that it is safe enuf to spray water directly onto the surface as a final step.. I too apply x-rains on windows (except windscreen) after that.
btw..not all tbc works. One that I m using came from a direct sales co. , less than RM10 .. and no, i am not an agent..
Dear guys,

The idea NumberTwo offered is workable too, but use it at your own risk like he said. Coz the toiletbowl cleaner is acidic in a way. Well. i will be planning my time to pass 1 bottle of the watermark solution to one of the forummers here. Hopefully it will work to clean off those watermarks on his car. Maybe then he can recommend it to u guys if he finds it effective :)

more to come....

Water marks are caused by the calcification of impure(dirty) water as it dries on any surface.

Any product that can remove calcium based stains can be used.
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