white smokes on idle =.=

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Jan 8, 2010
hello, sifu... greetingsthis is my case8pm when i was just just about to went out, i started the engine for warming up.... then i left it there. After few minutes, the engine is off. I thought it was nothing and restart the car again...what i found was there was white smokes came out from the pipes... aww it failed me againany advice on this issue? regards Axel
hi bro..what model is urs?

Is the smoke bluish whitish? if it is then its burning oil. Does it happen again?
sorry for tumpang your thread...I'm also having the same problem, except my car can be started normally,just white smokes coming out from the tailpipe..what indicate this?my car is e30 btw..
If makan minyak hitam then my suggestion is to change the valve seal. I changed mine cost RM1.3K solved, instead go for overhaul. But then, u must have a reiable mechanic.
hi sifu! so sorry for late reply. well, my model is 02' e46 2.0 N42. it didn't consume any minyak hitam.
i sent the car to the workshop, the foreman changed the spark plugs. Problem solved
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