Want to buy E90 320i LCI

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My advice is getting 323i/325i, my friend and my sister both own 320i LCI & 320 pre LCI, both have the same problem. Engine oil leak, but if you don't mind the pre LCI, 325i price is quite reasonable. Even myself also selling 325i. If you interested can view the add on the classified section or PM me. Seriously think twice before proceed.
Hi Kevin , can you pm me the person contact ? Kenny. How does he go about charging for inspection ? . I am scouting for 320d.
kelvin1703 said:
My advice is getting 323i/325i, my friend and my sister both own 320i LCI & 320 pre LCI, both have the same problem. Engine oil leak, but if you don't mind the pre LCI, 325i price is quite reasonable. Even myself also selling 325i. If you interested can view the add on the classified section or PM me. Seriously think twice before proceed.
U got 325i? PM me more details

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