Ticking Noise

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Apr 24, 2006
Dear Sifus and all, I just changed my plugs on my car to the Beru Ultra X Plat. after doing this, there seems to be some noise coming from the engine, it sounds link tic,tic,tic,tic,tic,tic. there has been no drop in power or any vibration, just the noise. I do not know if it is the plugs. Anybody has any ideas? Appreciate any input. Thnaks
The last time i had this sound[tik.tik], was soft then got louder...[tak.tak.tak]...2 of my con-rods were bengkok. had to change all 6...gdLuck

Tick on idle only or continuous? And if so then up to what speed does it keep ticking?

Will the tick increase with rev, or increase with vehicle speed?

Usually if you can provide more initial details then more people are likely to help... most of the time, you'll find no responses if fellas need to ask you more questions first. Let's get the ball rolling here... :)
the noise sounds like hydralic tappet wear, did you changed to a lower viscosity engine oil during this service? just my 2 cents. cheers.
Unlikely it causes by your plugs.

anyway i hope your problem solved.
There is an issue with the hydraulic lifters that's being out of specs that was causing the ticking sound on the E90. Unfortunately, replacing these never actually solved the problem as the ticking sound continues to haunt you again after a few months or maybe less according to some. Is this happening on the E90? If your dealer does comes up with a solution, please share.
Hi rubes72,
I faced somewhat similar problems on my 1989 E30 after I did my regular service (this is my first service after I bought the car early this year) but it was not the tick sound.
It was the "tak tak tak" sound. Its there even when the car is idle with the engine on. The sound is louder & more frequent when on high speed. I brought to my mechanic & they said it could be either the engine oil (I changed to fully synthetic oil with 10K km during service) or hydraulic lifter wear off.
The sound got worse until I really cannot stand it no more & I changed to new set of hydraulic lifter last week & the sound is gone.
So it could be due to the viscosity of the engine oil or the hydraulic lifter wear off. My case is the later.
Was at the workshop yesterday, there was a E34M20B25 being serviced.
got the tick tick tick noise coming from the engine. So I ask the mechanic servicing the car about it. My guess was the hydraulic tappet/lifters, but my suprise, the tick tick tick noise is actually the fuel injectors.
Worn Hydraulic lifters/tapper will sound like tak tak tak as mentioned by dannychew. tick tick tick is the fuel injectors.
the solution is to have them replaced but they are costly. so it depends on the owner on how irritating the noise is to him.
That owner of the E34 is going to live with that tick tick tick noise.
just my 2 sens. hope you find the most cost effective solution.

If you find out it is due to fuel injector making the noise :-

Use multimeter to checker your injector, if reading btw 14 to 19 ohm, meaning your injector still good to use. Mostly like it is clog up and need some cleaning.

There is special machine to clean the injectors. I forgot what it call, Price range from rm40 to rm60 pp.

Hope it help.

Thanks guys, info really helpful, just hope nothing bengkok, cause it sounded expensive anyway This is the problem, I've used Full syn all the time i had the Car, bout 5 years, my previous service i changed to semi-syn, then back to fully-syn, foolish I know. The Sound goes off when I rev the engine, when i leave the pedal and let it go back to idel, there is no sound for about 1 minute, then it comes back again. initially I thought it was also the injectors, but there is no drop in performance. I could be wrong. Probably the cheapeast step is to change to a higher viscosity oil, and see what happens. Next will also check injectors, just to be sure.

However any idea how much the hydraulic lifters would cost?

Another thot, anybody thinks that fuel pumps may cause this. I think my fuel pump has been acting up. Sometimes difficult to start after one day of not driving, have to pump accelerator until able to start. Battery is ok. Appreciate any help on this
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