The Grand TT @ Souled Out

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Founding Member
Nov 25, 2004
Re: Grand TT at Souled Out on the 5th March 2005 (Sat) – from 5 p.m. onwards.Ladies and Gentlemen:Due to the overwhelming responses and support from the members of this club, we would like to update those concerned who are attending this Grand TT which is first of kind in the history of this club.Various FAQ (frequently ask questions) were posted and we have summarized it for your convenience and understanding.1. Food and Beverages.Various varieties of food ranging from local to western delicacy are available in the menu. The price range of the food available starts from as low as RM10.00 to RM40.00 depending on the dishes that are ordered. For local food, there is Malay, Chinese and Indian varieties available to suit most of the member’s taste buds. Western food consists of steak, chicken, fish and prawn. Soft drinks and other beverages are also available. All members are strongly advised to pay for the bill when the food or drinks are served to you. However, please make prior arrangement with the waiter/waitress serving you if you want to opt for a running bill for your own table. This applies especially to those who have family and close friends sitting together in a table. Please remember to pay for your bill before you leave.Souled Out has promised to allocate a portion of the establishment for the gathering of members of this club. It shall consist of about 25 to 30 round/square tables. Each table can sit about 4 to 5 persons. For the moment, we decide that this would be sitting arrangement for the timebeing. (The people can rearrange the tables if they decided to group up or mingle among themselves).2. Parking Space Allocation.Due to the overwhelming responses from the member and limited amount of parking space for the car, members are encouraged to come early to ensure a free parking space for their car. We have reserved two parking lots (managed by Souled Out) which might cater for about 70 cars. Presently, there are about 88 car/persons registered for this gathering. This means 18 person might have to park their car outside the designated area. However, like all gathering and event, there would be some last minute cancellation. In case of no cancellation, we would like to have the understanding of the members to park their cars outside the designated car park once the car park is full. Please take note, there are still a lot of car parks available around Souled Out area. There are some public car parks which are free after 5:00 p.m. along the road. Some of you might want to park their in private operated car park. They usually charged RM2.50 to RM3.00 per entry for the parking charges.The management of Souled Out will provide 2 car jockeys to assist us to manage the parking and traffic control for the cars. The designated car park would be closed from 6:00 p.m. or when it is full (whichever come first).Please come early to ensure a free parking place. It’s “First Come, First Park!”Note: For those who are planning to leave early, please try to find a parking lot that is unlikely to be blocked by other cars.3. Members Registration.All members are advised to immediately register themselves along with their guest at the registration counter located near the entrance of Souled Out. You and your guests will be presented with a nametag each. Please wear the nametag at all time for the purposes of security and identification. We would also present a Voting Ballot during the registration. Each member are entitle to 1 ballot paper. Members are encouraged to check out the cars first by deciding your choice for the “Best UDM” in the Hall of Fame. We appreciated it that you cast your vote when you have make your choices in the Ballot Box. Results would be announced later in the “Hall of Fame” thread after all the votes have been tally. Jarance and his troops are in charge of this.Don’t be surprised to see if there are some members who stick a slogan on their car.4. Dress code.As this is an informal gathering of the members, casual wear is encouraged.a) BMWCLUB Black T-ShirtB) Old Club Shirtc) Anything with the roundel.d) If you don’t have any of the above items, please wear light colour t-shirt.5. Code of ethics.Please show some courteousy and respect to each other and observe some simple rules stated below when checking out the cars to avoid misunderstanding.a. Try not to lean on other people cars.b. Try not to rest your hands on other people cars.c. Try not to touch the paint's finish unless you have prior permission from the owner.d. Do not smokes near the cars as ciggie ash will fly all over the car's finish.e. Do not open the doors of these cars without prior permission from the owner.f. Last but not least, do not scratch the paint works of the cars.6. Member Convoy.Members are encouraged to make arrangement among themselves to meet at various points to make the Grand entrance to Souled out. However, please observe various speed limits around the town. Drive Safely and do not speed on the road.7. BMW Club Malaysia Merchandise.The committee will be bring some BMW Club Malaysia merchandise for sale to any interested members.a. BMW Club T-Shirt - Ls, XLs and XXLs left – cash and carry basis.b. BMW Club Cap - free size – based on prior order basis.c. BMW Club Number Plate Holder - cash and carry basis.d. BMW Club Shirt – Please pay for your order if you have not made your payment. (Unfortunately, the production of the Club shirt could not be rushed out in time for the Grand TT.)8. Other matters and reminders.a. Please bring your cameras to take pictures of the events and gatherings. Don’t forget to charge your camera battery and bring extra films or memory for your digital camera.b. Please bring extra chilled bottle drink to quench your thirst as it is expected to be hot around 5:00 p.m. till 7:00 p.m.c. Bring big umbrella as it going to be quite sunny or raining.d. Bring a hat or BMW Club’s cap.e. Plan some stop at various R&R to rest if you are planning to travel long distance.f. Please bring along some emergency first aid kit if you have.g. Please clean your car or detailed it if you have the time.h. Please some cloth to give you car of quick clean. Expect some cars to be quite dirty after traveling for some distance.i. Please vote for your favorite cars.j. Please registered yourself after you have parked your cark. Please be punctual for the gathering.l. Last but not the least, please enjoy yourself and have a good time.Note: Members are strongly encouraged to bring your own anti virus and antidote as we expect see a lot “racunners” to be lurking around the car parks.Agenda for the Grand TT.5:00 p.m. till 6:00 - Car coming in to Souled Out car park.NB. Please register your attendance after parking your car and get a nametag.6:00 p.m. - Group photos at the car park or outside entrance of Souled Out6:15 p.m. 7:15 p.m. - Mingle around the cars and members.7:15 p.m. - Adjourned for Dinner at designated area in Souled Out.7:20 p.m. till 7:30 p.m. - Welcome speech by El-president & Vice Presidente of BMW Club Malaysia. (You can order dinner and refreshment at the same time)7.30 p/m/ onwards - free far all - mingle, etc, and have FUN.
Add map to Souled Out..


And parking arrangement for cars.


1. Please fill up the car in sequence 1) Blue car area 2) Orange car area 3) Green car Area.

2. Yellow car area is reserve for VIP, press media and committee members who are coming early to make arrangement for the gathering.
Appreciate it if you can you arrange the "BMW Club" sticker to be given free during the TT. I think some of the newbie would want to have it.. cheer. :eek:k:

BTW, appreciated if the regulars keep this thread clean. This is to ensure that the update and information are not buried under ton of comments Thank you..
I think that was already being discussed in our weekly committee meeting. Consider it done :yes: :yes:

Alvin and I will be at Souled Out this evening to finalise all minor details. Also to add on what DD has mentioned, we will instruct the waiters to bring the bill when food is served. This will prevent misunderstandings and ensure all bills are paid.

All in all, this should be a great event and kudos to Anthony for suggesting it and Jarance for being his vast contribution. BRAVO! :yes:
Well, c u all tomorrow.....

Have a nice DAY!!!
:yahoo: :yahoo: :blush:
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