Sound from absorber mounting/drive shaft

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May 7, 2009
Hi Seniors,Need your advise especially from those who has faced the same situation.I've had a sound coming from either absorber or drive shaft, not sure the source. The sound will appear whenever the car passes uneven road so i thought it was my absorber. I've changed to bilstein absorber together with all the new bush and the sound is still there and i doubt so its my drive shaft coz no sound when turning the steering wheel, only when driving at uneven road.Could it be that something is loose and not tight down there? Or could it be the steering coupling?Appreciate if anyone could advise, thanks.Ash2992
Try check your lower arm btw did the sound come when u fully turn your steering to left or right. If the sound happen then your lower arm should be kong. My problem solve by changing the lower arm. Btw i was learning this from Sifu Jarance & Sifu Jerman thnks to them too.
Hope u can solve your problem soon.
Alex5522;578159 said:
Try check your lower arm btw did the sound come when u fully turn your steering to left or right. If the sound happen then your lower arm should be kong. My problem solve by changing the lower arm. Btw i was learning this from Sifu Jarance & Sifu Jerman thnks to them too.
Hope u can solve your problem soon.

Hi Alex, thanks for the feedback. Actually the sound only appears when i'm driving straight on uneven roads, feels like something is loose or not tight.
bro ...try spaying silicon onto the rubbers , bushes ...etc etc one at a time and then check ..... it may take some time , but it's worth after all ....if spraying the silicon onto the parts makes the noise dissapear ..then thats the culprit ...
Kinda hard for us to tell you what's wrong if you don't tell us what sound it is.

Anything can be a sound. Your exhaust sound? Your engine sound? Please be more specific.

Is it a squek? Is it a banging sound? Metal to metal clanking sound? Tuk tuk tuk sound?

I'm suspecting it's probably a worn rear absorber top mount.
I've had the noise coming from my rear, changed the exhaust bushing and sub frame bush and the squeaking rectified, but the labor was quite a bit as they have to dismantle almost everything from the rear just to replace the sub frame bush!

Did it at bavarian Kayu Ara
Faced the same problem one month ago. Changed my stock absorber to Bilstein B4 and thereafter encountered some kind of soft metal sound whenever I go through uneven road or bump, whether going straight or turning. Changed the lower arm and absorber link and the sound goes away. Sometimes not necessary to change all the bush or arms. Get your mechanic to check which one needs to be changed to minimise costs.
One more thing, Ash2992, initially I was also thinking whether the mechanic who changed my absorbers have indeed tightened all the screws and nuts. Turned out the suspicion was unfounded. Some times it could be that when you change your absorber, your old arms (whether upper or lower) may have lasted its normal life span and the dismantling and re-installing of the arms could have worsened the damage and triggered those unwelcomed sound.
Bro Ash2992 I had the same problem last week. A week before that just changed to a new set of rear absorber and ounting . The next day driving I can hear something like golf ball is rolling in my boot whenever passes uneven road . Bring it back to my mech to double check but everthing is ok. Still "tak puas hati". Then last weekend ask mech to take out the absober again and claimed for a new set from Munich Auto. They replaced with the new set. Now no more golf ball in my boot. Bro Ash2992, not all new absorber is in good condition. Try to ask ur mech to replace with the new set.
Thanks for all the replies bros....i will send my car to check on the problems this saturday but i reckon is the lower arm....will update once the problem is rectified.

Thank you again bros..
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