Maybank Account number is 512361051130.
Account Holder Name : YEE YAU CHUN (fabianyee)
NOTE: please PM me the details if u are paying thru Maybank.
Guys, this is the tresurers account. Please PM me your details once you have banked in. Alternatively you can just either pass him or me the money when you see us. Lets see how much we can raise. Big or small it doesnt matter. He will never have the luxury of enjoying life like we all do. He needs our assistance to help him go on living, so give generously please people.
I have contacted the organistion handling this matter and they said that they are in the midst of setting up an account for his mother and we should just spend a week or two more collecting as much as possible and send the donations to the mum directly. So lets see what we can raise by the 20th...
Thanks Guys for your kind consideration.
Thanks Guys