SCAM at Kota Damansara Petronas

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Jun 1, 2006
Guys, Read the mail below, then read what ACTUALLY happened to me also... Subject: FW: Lucky Draw SCAM-MUST READ-New @Kota Damansara & Damansara UptownMaybanDate: Sun, 23 Jul 2006 13:42:00 +0000Lucky Draw SCAM-MUST READ-New @Kota Damansara & Damansara UptownMaybank An important note from a friend..... Very could happen anywhere ..... I am just gonna make this whole terrible experience as short as possible as i still need to pack up for KK Ok, This happened in Kota Damansara Shell Station (the one opposite Palm Spring condo, very near to the Curve). There is a scam and I was the unlucky target First, i drove into the petrol station to pump petrol. While I was pumping my new (old toyota SEG) car, a very young girl approached me (about 18 years old). She offered me a coupon saying it is a lucky draw from a car servicing company. She showed me a piece of newspaper clipping with the lucky draw advertisement. Well...all she is trying to do is to convince me that this "lucky draw" is real. could be real at this moment. So i took the coupon and opened it. It said that had won 6 prices + RM1000. The "girl" jumped up and down and congratulated me and asked me why I am not feeling happy winning 6 prices with 1k as it is one of their top price! well...i am still not convinced. Then another girl came and asked what had happened and etc.. she also jumped in jubilation. In less than 30 seconds, another girl came. no difference, she also jumps. And because i was pumping petrol, the tank is already filled and the shell staff was waiting for me to sign off the Visa statement, so after signing it, the girls said that should park my car and continue to discuss the winning process. Ok...i parked my car nearer to the counter. But when i stopped my car's engine, one of the girl opened my rear passenger's door wanting to come in. I realised this and immediately walked out of the car and locked it. (and i also shut the passenger door before i locked my car) -- Note, very difficult to get an unwanted human off a car :) She said she wanted to have some airconditioning inside, but i said it is not healty if the car is not moving, so better we talk outside :) Ok, she starts to say that there are 2 conditions to win the prizes. I must take picture for the newspaper because I won a grand prize. Second, I must take it with my car. ok....fine. So then they drove a toyota UNSER car plate number WMM 8393 (black colour) beside my car, they said, "get in!lets go! we'll go to the office and get it done! and you get your prizes."Huh?!? I'm going in your car? NO WAY! I responded to them like I am not free, I need to pack and get ready to go overseas. Well...I didnt lie, I am really going to pack for KK and go "overseas" to Sabah :) So after a while of refusing to get into the car, another guy came and joined the crowd. This is where i confirm this whole thing was a scam. 1st: Why is it now? I asked for the phone number and they said I need to follow them in order to make the coupon valid.2nd: This guy talks like a gangster. and he stared at me like he is going to eat me.3rd: They said I need to take picture with my car but why now, I don't need to??? Thats it, I rushed inside the shell counter and complained this to the staffs and manager. Then I saw the Unser driving off while i was complaining. So everyone out know what to do. please help to broadcast this event. Protect your love ones.
Ok, I also thot this is just another chain-letter-scary-story emails. But, the same bunch of @#$% tried to pull a fast one on me last Saturday (19 Aug).I was at the Kota D’sara Petronas station last Sat at around 6ish in the evening. As soon as I pulled up at a petrol pump, a young Chinese girl walked over and stool next to the pump (outside my car door), smiling. The girl fits the description in the email above, long hair, abt 5’2” – 5’3”. She started talking to me and asking me various questions. I was already a little suspicious and ignored her as best as I can while continuing to fill my car. A second Chinese girl then appeared (like the email above) and stood on my other side. Shorter girl (abt 5’) and looks younger than the first. By this time, the first girl started to offer me Jusco discount coupons. By then, I’d already know it was a scam and called a petrol attendant over and asked him to call the manager to call the cops. I then told the girls that they are calling the cops. Immediately, she started walking away towards the corner of the building (Maybank’s drive thru ATM) and hung around there. I got into my car and drove round the building towards the back. When I passed the drive thru, I saw the black unser (as described in the email), the 2 girls and 2 other Chinese male (one was quite tall – prob 5’10”+ while the other one was slightly shorter and fat) hanging around. They looked like street thugs from those HK gangster movies. As soon as I got home, I called the Kota Damansara Police Station and asked them to send a petrol car over to check. Not sure if the cops actually went, coz when I drove out for dinner at around 7, the Unser was still there and the guys were still standing around. Anyway, just becareful out there when you pump petrol. Also, I didn't have a camera with me, so couldn't take any photos.
Let me get this straight...the scam or operation would've worked if the 'guy' didn't step into the picture and it was just the 'jumpin' 18 year old girls surrounding you?? :D LOL
Yup they tried on me too. The minute they said must go to the company now, I laugh & gave them back the coupons.
Not only at Kota Damansara ......Happend to me at Ampang Point......

Its happend anywhere now a day........
KL2DC said:
Let me get this straight...the scam or operation would've worked if the 'guy' didn't step into the picture and it was just the 'jumpin' 18 year old girls surrounding you?? :D LOL

Bro, road kills look more attractive than the 2 girls....
Like that have to report to the poilice liao... They might ignore 1 or 2 reports, but if there's a lot of report, then they can ignore it.

Alternatively, report to the newspapers with some photos.

Any Operation Stingray in the making???
Andrew, glad you didnt fall for it. I had a similiar experience sometime last year...they did house calls back then and insisted on coming into my house to use my house phone to call to their company to inform them that I had won.
also happened in seremban..
area maybank senawang..

their target:
orang2 yang baru keluar bank, yang baru nak masuk kereta.. :D
Same thing happened to me at the Menjalara Mobil Station a couple of months back. Same "modus operandi", totally ignored them and finally they backed out.
how does this scam work, so they haul you in the Unser and rob/kidnap you or what...this is not a scam, its a downright scary proposition.
In my case , I have to buy something before I entitle the grand prize ...
yes, my brother also kena tricked. He is young and think there still somesort of 'jackpot' for him someday. He went to public bank and suddenly there are some girls give him a coupon. Their face just like normal and boring. Age around 18-21. Then he just took and scratch. It's free wat .... Then suddenly all the girls jump upside down said he won a perdana V6. The grand prize of all. As a not mature human, my bro also jump la. Then he followed them to a office in cheras and said have to pay rm 4000 for advertising fees. The fees is for photograph shooting, marketing purpose for the product. They claim already 2 ppl have drove 2 perdana V6 already. Then, talk talk talk talk, my bro don't have money and credit card. Finally, nothing happen. Luckily. While their are talking that time the some sort of big boss will come and pretend like their are very rich like that. Drove a mercedes clk , another one s320. Wearing coat. But attitute like gangster.

My sister fren not so lucky. This gang actually go house to house also. One day a girl go to her house, press the bell and give her one coupon claiming a lucky draw from X company. With the door close, she thought why not give it a try. As usual, jump up and down, she had won the biggest prize, might be a car. What she had to do is scratch another coupon. This coupon is a special one, all the prize 90% are expensive. From a vacuum cleanner to a Perdana V6. The girl said she is very lucky that she have a chance to scratch this coupon. A few walk away with osim rm 20k chair and one with perdana V6. But she have to pay rm2500 first for advertising purpose. So she paid and eventually walk away with a vacuum cleaner.

Good luck guys ...

p.s Warning again .... 18-21 girls or boys.
wahhhhhh, good info, i think alot of us never heard of such scam-bag including me. now we are well aware, instead of us getting into their car, y not we force the gal into ours, nget nget nget.................. like fabian mention, any ops sikap and who volunteer to become target? any taker?
the question is why SHELL allows such scam to happen within their premises????
tis is sick .. i got tis also few years ago at my work place selayang, fortunately my boss told me all of this are fake b4 i fall on it.. thanks god.
This type of scam has been going around forever.

They also go house to house, same modus operandi.

Tried it on mine, I basically threw them out.

Next, I read in the newpaper the police busted their office somewhere in Puchong.

They'd claim you won some electronic crap, which you'd have to pay to retrieve.

Another version, claiming you won a lottery but you need to pay some income tax fees to claim the money.

Why on earth would people believe they won some lucky draw which they never even entered?

Beware... of our own GREED and STOOPIDITY.
hahaha....tis is all over kl, klang valley man!....they tried foolin me at tesco....called the cops....and the damn....was a total waste of time as they all were taken care off!.....damn!

my style...jus ignore whoever who approches you!...
Hrummphhh, just recd the AF4 scam via sms on my hp. Bloody scummers....:mad:
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