Renault Sport Track Day Drive 27 April 2013

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can't wait for the next track day and this time target is to clock below the 3min mark ... a speacial thank goes to sifu/mastar sly to show me the braking points and the racing lines clearly , next one is gonna be below the 3min mark ... lotsa set up to be carried out in my 20 yrs old junkie ..i need slick tyre's, better brakes and many others to list down's surely something in the line ...

for those who had modded their rides ...pls don't just show ya dyno charts , power mods etc etc ...come down and show what is ya car able to do in the track for once ...

surely i was super impressed with the capability of the renaults and the newer generations of the F30's ...indeed technology has taken a step ahead to produce such a good car..
Beemer, u have 6 weeks to prepare yr m3evo. No more excuses.
Redd;819819 said:
Ecc0, you seem to have quite a few opinions of the RS250. I'm curious, have you ever actually driven the car? :)


..hi Redd..I never had opportunity to drive design looks really nice, and price tag/performance ratio is very very attractive..having experience before with french vehicles (I have had Peugeot 205 GTI), and im very confident that RS feels and drives great, so, that is all I could say about given vehicle..all other comments I have made, are related to fact that, in my humble oppinion, none of BMW track ready motorsport vehicles was there that day, and thats all Im saying, what ultimateively rendering given results..either way, it was very nice time there and I loved it..
rx8;819917 said:
Beemer, u have 6 weeks to prepare yr m3evo. No more excuses.

Aiseh ... now i feel pressured :p Am collecting parts now some of them are suspension related stuff. It should be ready by then :4:

Looking forward to chase you on the track hehehe :rock:
Not supposed 2 chase each other, Time attack is how its supposed 2 work. Nanti kena banned from sepang, malu lah. I belanja u lafite if u can hit 2.30 round d track.
rx8;819932 said:
Not supposed 2 chase each other, Time attack is how its supposed 2 work. Nanti kena banned from sepang, malu lah. I belanja u lafite if u can hit 2.30 round d track.

If i can hit 2:30 in Sepang like that i better quit my day job and be a pro driver :p Tengku Djan did a 2:34 with his E36 M3 and semi slicks lol If i can hit below 3.00 i'd be more than happy and i belanja you lunch summore hehehe :4:
B33mEr;819951 said:
If i can hit 2:30 in Sepang like that i better quit my day job and be a pro driver :p Tengku Djan did a 2:34 with his E36 M3 and semi slicks lol If i can hit below 3.00 i'd be more than happy and i belanja you lunch summore hehehe :4:

Nevermind bro, I will set you a more conservative target.
If you can hit 2:40 at Sepang, I will give you free dinner at my restaurant. :D:D
maxxsp;819969 said:
Nevermind bro, I will set you a more conservative target.
If you can hit 2:40 at Sepang, I will give you free dinner at my restaurant. :D:D

I offer free Sarawak Tattoo if you can do below 2:50 :rock:
B33mEr;819951 said:
If i can hit 2:30 in Sepang like that i better quit my day job and be a pro driver :p Tengku Djan did a 2:34 with his E36 M3 and semi slicks lol If i can hit below 3.00 i'd be more than happy and i belanja you lunch summore hehehe :4:
U have d name beemer 4 a reason, do us proud. Yours is m3 evo. Of course some weighrt disadvantage, but u have more driving experience than him,( being older ) 2.30 achievable bro, just got to believe in yourself !
Being tianci's crony, he is offerring free masat if u go below 3minutes.
ICEMAN 68;819896 said:
wanting to thank the CM to make this happen for me and not forgetting the other clubs that participated on this wonderful event ...thanking the Renault club and lotus for their super kind hospatality and generousity shown to host such an event ...

thanking all the BMWCM supporting members that came by with full force to support us there .... from the awsome food till the water bottles to keep us moving ...thanking you all from bottom of my heart ...
special thank for Alby and the east cost chapter guys that are always there no matter how far the distance it ...salut you all ...

thanking V-man and co for coming straight after HH ... hope to see you in the line up soon for the next track day

Yes...tqvm too to OM Cat for all those Amazing Photos..

Terimakasih Banyak2 ...ya .

Jasa mu dikenang senantiasa..
maxxsp;819969 said:
Nevermind bro, I will set you a more conservative target.
If you can hit 2:40 at Sepang, I will give you free dinner at my restaurant. :D:D

Ok set!!! Though i really doubt i can do it lol :top: Maybe in PS3 i can hahaha

anaksarawak;819970 said:
I offer free Sarawak Tattoo if you can do below 2:50 :rock:

Tempting bro very tempting hahaha can i go for henna tattoo? :4:

rx8;819972 said:
U have d name beemer 4 a reason, do us proud. Yours is m3 evo. Of course some weighrt disadvantage, but u have more driving experience than him,( being older ) 2.30 achievable bro, just got to believe in yourself !

Thank you for your confidence in me :p I shall do my best if kenot we go HH :4:

rx8;819973 said:
Being tianci's crony, he is offerring free masat if u go below 3minutes.

Hahahahaha ... got happy ending? or is it the XXX version one? :4:
looks like everyone had fun...aiks...if i brought my tanker...probably be hitting 5mins in one lap...maybe good enough to be safety car only...hehehe
maccasel;820640 said:
looks like everyone had fun...aiks...if i brought my tanker...probably be hitting 5mins in one lap...maybe good enough to be safety car only...hehehe

:listen: ... sorry to say Mac tht your tanker wont qualify to be a Safety Car .... ambulance maybe :4: ...
dzuljazz2001;820689 said:
:listen: ... sorry to say Mac tht your tanker wont qualify to be a Safety Car .... ambulance maybe :4: ...

Tow Truck Car pun boleh :wink:
Okla, as long as get be on the circuit...apa pun jadi
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