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aiseh. i called burn at 9.30, he said nobody there except him and it was raining so i tot cancel. then i went straight home. damn. Sorry guys... perhaps next opportunity. hate to have put my name and not show.
fuyooo had a good time there.
thanks to BURN , amizana , tongsatriani for the well planned TT and even though it was raining but who cares !!!

thanks to Burn for allocating reserved parkings, meal paid for and the kindness that he showed. Tongstariani for his sharp directions guidance.
And the rest of them who showed up.....

Thanks for the ICE explaination by our very own Mr Sithwarrior@Alpine king, Mr burns buddy, Phillip and the rest.... maybe next we can take our car to the end of the road and test the ICE... ke ke ke ke

What a TT i had .... AWSOME atmosphere and chicks too .... :D :p
Originally posted by ICEMAN 13@Nov 21 2005, 04:52 PM
What a TT i had .... AWSOME atmosphere and chicks too .... :D :p
Dei... Your woman there also you "brave brave kindle" looking at other ladherkhi's ah !!!
Originally posted by burn@Nov 21 2005, 12:01 PM
ingin ucapkan berbanyak-banyak terimakasih diatas kehadiran kaki-kaki batangan, dan juga tidak terlupa puan iceman!
happy to see all of you there, eventhought it was still drizzling! thought non will show-up since it was rainy all day long but was indeed surprised when one by one of you start turning up. thanks amizana 4ur help!
this hav shown me how serious was the club get gathering and to know new members! and no matter rain or shine they hav make an effort to come, accept kalaulah ribut taufan melanda atau appt important yang tak dapat dielakkan! minta maaf juga yang tersesat, especially rezzy318I from seremban, one of the oldest kaki i hav met!
thank you very very much again, very nice knowing all of you!

1. amizana
2. blackrobe
3. tkew
4. rezzy3181
5. nikazwaa
6. xtracooljustin
7. tongsatriani
8. iceman n wife
9. sithwarrior
10. philip (my classmates)

ps. will be there on sat at 10/12pm most of the time, try to see the girl in tattoo! siapa cepat dia dapat! can see, no touch! she look awesome... jangan tunggu nik, meleler gua tengok... original, no make-up, sweet lips, beautiful smile, her hairstyle, the way she talk, her beautiful big round eyes, her boobs, her tattoo, the way she hold her rokok, just perfect n nice to look at:p
Dai Burn aka Steven aka Pagoda man jangan marah kita semua suka gurau2, Thanks for the treat that night.... what time Sith report for duty after I left at 1am? nak botakkan dah memang takda rambut ingat dia dah tak datang.. datang juga dia.. Tabek SITH.. that makes others stayed till 4am. I think not for him but for the Tattoo chick kot I mis that.
ada kah you kata I am the oldest kaki.. you must be sleepy I am just approching 35 maybe of not sleeping at night I look so old..anyway I am always young lah. :cry:
Originally posted by rezzy3181@Nov 22 2005, 10:38 AM
you must be sleepy I am just approching 35 maybe of not sleeping at night I look so old..anyway I am always young lah. :cry:
rezzy, u mean 53 kah?
Originally posted by xtracooljustin@Nov 23 2005, 12:48 AM
wah... seriously i missed good things it seems...

but tabik la u all... stay until 4am.

So.... Burn...., this week ON tak? :huh:

i was a bit buta/blurr on that night and hav mistakenly thought that the oldest was abang rezzy1381, but it wasn't, it was a shadow that look like him! thousand apology to abang rezzy1381, his birthday is coming, happy 36, abang rezzy1381...
hi moderator, for time being, my side will not hav any gathering due to my working schedule. maybe after chinese new year! if need to remove this post for more space, then it is find with me. can always post a new one when time comes. tmn desa side not to sure!
Well lets organise one TT at Sree Neela's Taman Desa... Burn its ur area, u kasi organise lah... :p
No problem, just let me know if anything is happening coz i frequently go to OUG and TMn Desa, i would like to drop by and meet you all.
Originally posted by sithwarrior@Jan 2 2006, 10:14 PM
Well lets organise one TT at Sree Neela's Taman Desa... Burn its ur area, u kasi organise lah... :p
mak dato, sree neela's kat mana? gua ni low class punya kaki!
yang gua tau mamak aje!!!
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