NO More Petrol After 10pm...?

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Feb 10, 2007
0 warns petrol stations...KUALA LUMPUR: The Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry has giving a stern warning to the Petrol Dealers Association of Malaysia (PDAM) to not close their petrol stations at 10pm. :smokin: Its minister Datuk Shafie Apdal said such a move by PDAM would jeopardise the country’s economy. PDAM must get approvals from the Government to close petrol stations earlier, he said during a seminar on Consumerism and Wise-Spending for Women 2007 yesterday. “They have no right to make any decision without consultation with the Government,” he said. :rock: He said while it was possible to close certain stations early in some places, other stations would have to operate 24 hours a day, especially those along highways where lorries transport goods at night. “If there is a security issue, we can allow the station to close earlier but we have to see which areas. If closing a petrol station affects consumers, security has to be improved. We have negotiated with certain oil companies and dealers in the past that in some places where there is hardly any traffic, they are allowed to close earlier,” he said. He was commenting on the decision by PDAM that the 3,200 petrol stations nationwide would open at 7am and close at 10pm, with or without the approval of the Government. :stupid: Shafie also said that dealers should not pass on the credit card cost to consumers because the consumers were already paying for credit card use. :top: However, PDAM vice-president Datuk Zulkifli Mokti said the operating hours of petrol stations depended solely on business opportunity. Pan Malaysian Lorry Owners Association president Er Sui See said closing the petrol stations at 10pm would only drive up transportation costs. He said the move would result in longer journeys and difficulty in meeting delivery deadlines. Federal Territory and Selangor Taxi Operators Association president Datuk Aslah Abdullah said the move would result in taxi drivers feeling a strong pinch on their income. Cheers...The Star Online
tat is totally stupid... :stupid:
if they unable to operate it, i'm sure number of ppl are interested to take over...
Dont worry folks.....the stupid idea had been abandoned by the Association. They had closed the issue.
...but looking at this constructively and soley from a business perspective...what if the reasons these chaps cited are valid for wanting to close early.

If I remember correctly some of the reasons were:
- not enough business (especially from 10.00 pm till 7.00 am) to sustain operating cost

- danger of being robbed and they cited that (I may be wrong here) EVERY or almost every Petrol station in the Country has been robbed, at least once.

I also read that although the station would 'close' one could still use the pump via credit card could be courting for trouble in this case, what with the raise of the crime in our country nowadays.

Hmmm, interesting....if I were to operate one of these stations caught in this delima, I would probably get my association to ask Govt to fund this. Would this be fair? After all I am running a business and if you dont allow me to operate efficiently and I loose because of this, shouldt you at least, subsidise? So, taxpayers $$$ will be used or let them close and lets safe us some $$$.

Probably those who should stay open 24/7 are stations situated along all major highways and trunk roads.
This is wat i heard la...the Association has so many issues to xpress to the govtmnt and many times request to the ministry to have meeting with them.Unfortunately...the ministry look the issues with one eye and not taken their request seriously. Therefore...the Association has to create some issues to force the ministry having words with them.If this story is true...I think they did well in their strategy.
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