Angkasawan Go/ No Go Poll

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Let's send Samy Vellu to the moon and we'll see if his hair will grow back naturally. Now that's an experiment for you! :)
taggnas;257642 said:
Let's send Samy Vellu to the moon and we'll see if his hair will grow back naturally. Now that's an experiment for you! :)

i bet it will grow better coz less gravity :rolleyes:
jarance;257635 said:
NO... please.. save the money and help the poor (not the politician).

Yup. The cabinet should watch TV3 programme " Bersamamu" before sending to space. There are malaysian who eat "siput babi" becoz too poor.

F. T. G.
initialM;257908 said:
Yup. The cabinet should watch TV3 programme " Bersamamu" before sending to space. There are malaysian who eat "siput babi" becoz too poor.

F. T. G.

Yah sooo sad watching those poor ppl almost wanted to cry. Eh apa tu FTG??? ;) is it **** the Gov, ka???:23:

:20: :20:
Bmmad318i;257920 said:
Yah sooo sad watching those poor ppl almost wanted to cry. Eh apa tu FTG??? ;) is it **** the Gov, ka???:23:

:20: :20:

FxxK The Govt. To all malaysian pls wake up for the next election:smokin:

P/S: I can guarantee petrol price hike after election if still in power.
I think petrol hike is inevitable be it with the current G or new G.. look at it this way, even if the votes were to go 'd other way'...the current power will still be a majority. Change do not happen over night. Not all are willing to [X] the 'alternatives'. Apart from that, even if [X] were on the 'alternatives', it's [X] via pencil, like all other high profile cases' evidence, it can be erased
Two things were reported in the latest news:

1. Our can-or-naut conveniently had all his experiments smashed on landing on earth (yesterday's news). God only knows what experiments he did that others have not done before. I'm sure your've all heard this kind of story before during our school days when we were asked if he had finished our school homework. "Could not finish the homework la. My pen ran out of ink")

2. Mr Sam Wells, our local hero, know at home as Samy Vellu, stated in today Sun newspaper that PWD could not repair state roads as it had no money. Each state needs to allocate money to repair roads.

I believe KJ wants to go up next to become the first PM-to-be to go up in space, and be counted alongside with the monkey that Russia sent up some years ago.

If these a**h***s really care for the rakyat; they won't dabble in these costly expeditions anymore, but probably work aongside with Singapore and Thailand to make this region a medical tourist destination.
BLaCkHoWLiNG;258009 said:
I think petrol hike is inevitable be it with the current G or new G.. look at it this way, even if the votes were to go 'd other way'...the current power will still be a majority. Change do not happen over night. Not all are willing to [X] the 'alternatives'. Apart from that, even if [X] were on the 'alternatives', it's [X] via pencil, like all other high profile cases' evidence, it can be erased

Yup true but at least some effort can be done. Now they think all malaysian are behind them & yes many are still sleeping.
Evidence is never erased. Just that the clock is turned back and history is altered, aligned and corrected.
Government okays RM292mil for bridge compensation

THE Government approved RM292.52mil as compensation following the cancellation of the RM1.1bil “crooked bridge” project at the Johor Causeway.
Finance Ministry parliamentary secretary Datuk Seri Dr Hilmi Yahaya told Dr Mohamed Hayati Othman (PAS – Pendang) that the compensation included RM55mil in claims for groundwork that had been carried out.
As an alternative, the Federal Government was discussing with the state government to construct a permanent road to link the Causeway and the new Customs, Immigration and Quarantine Complex.
On the cancellation of the RM1.5bil incinerator project in Broga, the compensation amount had yet to be determined and the Government was still discussing the matter with the contractor, he said.
To another question, Dr Hilmi said he visited an incinerator in Japan which was built in a housing and industrial area and the surrounding was so comfortable and one could even have tea there.
“The problem with locals here is that they are unable to accept the concept,” he said.

Well, I guess if it did actually cost RM90M to send our can-or-naut this RM292M isnt really that expensive. Heck, we cant even send 4 more space travellers with the 'paltry' sum.
In this part of the world, nothing is expensive because the Govt is not spending their dads money. It's other people's money. If the Govt is short of money, they will borrow from Japan. If it still not enough, they will reduce the subsidy. If it still not enough they will introduce VAT. If still not enough, they will sell Proton. If it still not enough, they will sell the country. The best part, they still got the 2/3 rd majority and they will still got the money.
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