Need advises on brakes and gearbox oil...318i

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Jul 29, 2007
Hi all...i've this problem every morning.. the brake will squeek every morning when its still cold but it will be fine after it gets on the road. Im using an e46 318i yr99 4 cylinder. The mechanic told me to skim the disc as it is already warp. Is it adviseable to change the disc or skim it? What brake pads should i use? original BMW pads? or aftermarket?....anywhere i can buy it for a good price in pj/subang/kl area?Secondly, I just got this car so im planning to flush out my gearbox oil. What gearbox oil should i use for my car and how many litre? is there any filter that i need to change together in the gearbox reservoir? I can't seem to find the dipstick for the gearbox. Im very new with this ride and unsure with many parts and maintenance. Hope you guys can advise me on this 2 issue. In addition, what other wear and tear should i look out for? Thanks
hey there boink

1. squeeking sound can come from a lotsa area .... could be ya disc has got some rust stain during the morning start off drive ( the rust stains happen when you leave ya car after a car wash , rain or parked in the open space)..if the disc already warped better get it changed or skimmed ...but atmost skimming is not highly recormended at times ...
as for the pads i usually use Jurid .... but there are several other brands out there too ...

gearbox oil ...usually it's called dextron 3 if i'm not mistaken ...brand wise it's better you check with your foreman... better change the filter and gasket when doing for how many litres to be used ...that depends on the foreman eperiance..

as for others wear and tear would be good if you could take your ride to a good foreman for inspection ...

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