My very own White Knight.. =)

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F*** 35K!!!!!? SHite that's a price of another whatever car man.....damn i feel so sorry for your predicament!...I wonder why no one (oth road users using middle lane) complain to the PLUS authorities that there is some metal shaft lying on the fast lane.

I think it's the case of the tidak apa long i didn't kena, who cares about the others........people....sigh!
Yeapp no1 cares and PLUS making fuss for everything and still refuse to do anything.. I dont know why they are so F**KED up... The first car hit the shaft was at 4someting and i was at the scene at 540pm.. After my car hit the shart another Camry came and whack the shaft as well.. all together 5 cars.. after the first car hit the shaft also PLUS still havent removed the shaft from the freaking FAST LANE... =(
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