Lower Arm kaput less than 6 month

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Feb 1, 2008
Dear All,Just like to share my bad experience... i have change new set of lower arm whole set (RM 820) including lower arm bush (RM 330) total cost include labour RM 1,310 in sunway.Who know after 3 month i feels like loose when over bump. Then i send my car to another mechanic in USJ and found that its 'china made' lower arm which got NO brand name. After checking that both of the arm and bush already kaput. Need to be change. WTF i just change a new set and it kaput less than 6 month....
bro,that workshop really cut you nicely

usually, just change the lower arm bush will do. it cost about RM80 per pc only excluding labour.
yeah.. do tell us the name of the shop in Sunway.. Hence we will keep away from that shop.
Bros, my mechanic quote me to change lowerarm bush (bush only) both left and right including labour RM 330. It's the price quoted is fair compare to market practice. Your comments is much appreciated
cal_vin;447538 said:
Dear All,

Just like to share my bad experience... i have change new set of lower arm whole set (RM 820) including lower arm bush (RM 330) total cost include labour RM 1,310 in sunway.

Who know after 3 month i feels like loose when over bump. Then i send my car to another mechanic in USJ and found that its 'china made' lower arm which got NO brand name. After checking that both of the arm and bush already kaput. Need to be change.

WTF i just change a new set and it kaput less than 6 month....
try to look at the brand stamped on the lowerarm next time, make sure its lemforder or meyle or some other reputable german OEM manufacturer (meyle will be a better option coz the ball joint can be replace as well)
kayz;447634 said:
Bros, my mechanic quote me to change lowerarm bush (bush only) both left and right including labour RM 330. It's the price quoted is fair compare to market practice. Your comments is much appreciated

Yes bro. The price your mechanic quoted it is reasonable. My mechanic also quoted around that price. At the moment, i also in the process to changing my armbush. This time i need to change it with a harder one. I dunno why my armbush lasting in 6-7 month period only (i change it last January). :stupid: My mechanics said the jangkahayat of the armbush itself is depending on your driving style. I dunno wether it is true or not. :4:
Jay Bigbang;448443 said:
Yes bro. The price your mechanic quoted it is reasonable. My mechanic also quoted around that price. At the moment, i also in the process to changing my armbush. This time i need to change it with a harder one. I dunno why my armbush lasting in 6-7 month period only (i change it last January). :stupid: My mechanics said the jangkahayat of the armbush itself is depending on your driving style. I dunno wether it is true or not. :4:

Jay, wah only can last for about 6-7 month:stupid:........................aku punya boleh tahan 12-13 month, jangkahayat of our bush is depend on the road condition (maklumlah jalan kat KL ni cam cilako semuanya, lobang sana lobang sini bertampal2 - thks to our JKR). I will look for harder one this time, change before raya (lower armbush, brake pad & wiper):eek: .............
kayz;448484 said:
Jay, wah only can last for about 6-7 month:stupid:........................aku punya boleh tahan 12-13 month, jangkahayat of our bush is depend on the road condition (maklumlah jalan kat KL ni cam cilako semuanya, lobang sana lobang sini bertampal2 - thks to our JKR). I will look for harder one this time, change before raya (lower armbush, brake pad & wiper):eek: .............

Yeah, thats what i heard also. But anyway bro, do you know any brand of bush arm that 'tougher'? If you know, roger2 le gua bro. :wink:
Jay Bigbang;448733 said:
Yeah, thats what i heard also. But anyway bro, do you know any brand of bush arm that 'tougher'? If you know, roger2 le gua bro. :wink:

No problem, If I know the good one sure will roger you..............................
Changing the lower arm bushes to the blue PU ones will make it last way longer then the originals. But the ride will be a little harsher.

Joey Low
Is this the notorious E46 lower arm bush issue? I guess those who have not replace an E46 lower arm bush have not really owned an E46.. :eek:

Is there any E46 owner out there that have not replace their lower arm bush before? Please put up your hand and please tell us how long (in km terms) have you own the E46?

Its not fair to measure the life span of the lower arm bush by "month", "km" traveled is a better yardstick, apart from road condition because if roads you traveled has many pot holes, its very damaging to the lower arm bush.

What about lowering your suspension by converting to a shorter but harder spring, will this shorten the life span of your lower arm bush?

When lower arm bush kaput, you will feel looseness on your undercarriage, alignment will start to lari, and vivid knocking sound can be heard when crossing bumps or pot holes. If they are loose enough, you will even feel the wheel axle shifting back and forth when pick up or braking.
Try using the original BMW lower arms. They last much longer. A very important procedure is that the arms must be tighten under load. Meaning the car with the wheels must be sitting on the ground else your arm bush will be dead very soon. Many mechanics are either lazy or lack of know how when they tighten the arms while the car is on the hoist with wheels sprung down.
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