Fed up of broken lower arm bushes!!!!

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ALIAS said:
Not sure what's the tolerable camber. Was told that bimmers have negative camber built in for the rear. Helps with stability. Downside is of course inner tyre will wear faster.

for the front, it's usually aligned until the screen turns green. Go try Sunny Car Care at Taman Megah, PJ.
aite bro..will try.. thanks for the suggestion...
Insured By Mafia said:
indeed a very interesting article..but i just discovered i dont hv that pin on my absorber mounting mentioned in the 1st article..see my other thread E46 Camber readjustment i posted my mounting pics there...
Can you post a picture of the absorber mounting for better understanding. the pin should be there unless someone change the mounting.
Hello folks..

Sorry been missing for quite sometime due to business requirement.
Anyway, here are the latest updates;

Steering freeplay;
As sifu Jarance adviced, checked for the free play using the method below
1.start the engine and ask somebody to move slightly the steering wheel from left to right.
2.Observe when the steering move slightly and where the place where after the joint did not move equally.
3. also checking the steering rack's movement.

could not find any culprit with naked eyes. steering rack, upper joint & lower joint looked normal.
However, i didnt have a good feeling when i grabbed item no4 (swivel joint) with my hands while the mech was moving the steering. it wasn't really firm and tight.
Decided to ignore it 1st since the item is still new (knowing the fact new item can be defective too)..
Wanted to concentrate more on steering column. Had a strong feeling dat could be the culprit. To prepare for the worse, we ordered a recon steering column.
While the recon steering column was on it's way, we unmounted the current steering column to check for defect.
This is what we found,

The pin as indicated was out of its railing
View attachment 1391

Re-set the pin back to the railing
View attachment 1392

Tried to mount the steering column back and check if that makes any difference. Went for a test drive.
Suprisingly, it improved soo much..Steering was alot more firmer and steadier than before.
I have no idea if the pin was the only culprit and how that could contribute to freeplay, but im was a very very happy man.
No parts replaced.
** i may look back to item no4 (the swivel joint) to get that replaced soon **

Camber re-adjustment;
Please refer to my other thread;
E46 Camber readjustment
Hey Mafia,

great thread you have here, very informative.. will definitely use the info to check my car's steering free play as well.

My car also has multiple Bushings & control arm problems and will need to get it sorted out soon.. I just came across this today and its those 3rd party chassis components, maybe not as good as those M3 spec bushings but maybe, they might be more durable than Ori bushings???


What do you guys think of this "HardRace" parts?? I know fitting these might loose out the original driving feel we get from BMWs, but maybe balance it with some Titan Shocks with a softer set up might make it close to original??
Yeah I just got my Bushing fixed too.. got the Powerflex bush for RM260, installation labour RM180. So far so good, feels more like a new car and less rattling. Mechhanic said that my arm doesn't need to be replaced~~ >_<"
Seems like all used E46 need to replace the bush..Ken luckily your lower arm never worn out or else it's come in pair..

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