JB Revisited - The aftermath

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Originally posted by Vanquish@Dec 12 2005, 12:54 PM
P/S - Can somebody please get Hisham and Skar a stage ???

Yes can somebody please do that....

Skar and Hisham should be on a stage
Originally posted by sithwarrior@Dec 12 2005, 01:53 PM

Skar and Hisham should be on a stage

And it's all MAFIA's fault !!! He hogged the stage and the limelight till these 2 entertainers did not get their 15 mins of fame in JB. We cud have had a real riot by putting these 3 fellas on the stage that nite .... BMW Club's version of The 3 Stooges !!!! :p ** Cabutz !!!! **
Looks like I missed out on a great party!! Great photos too...like the terlampau Mafia's pic... :lol: :lol:

Well done guys...will certainly try to join your next adventure!!
RHI... there will be a Nothern drive coming our way soon

Make sure you're in this drive ya John chen... ;)

Notherners watch out !!! :p
oh crap......kekekekekekekeke

So now all of you know my style!.....cheh.....Bundy wanna cum try???? kekekeke

anyway....JB drive was beauttiful....all the way fun ...the convoy was great tho we had some clowns doin thier act of slippin out of convoy!....but then they couldnt resist me in the front car.....muahahahahahahaha

Thx to Vanquish,Vladd, Farid, Roland, and the rest of the JB guys for entertainin us allp the way...the club was dead boring until i had to do my show!

Fab can really dance and Jolene is hot!....kekekekekeke

they left early .....kekekekeke :nyehehe:

Sadly we all left the next day back to kl....

the convoy back was fun too....ICEman did his stunts!

We found a perdana copyin ICEman's emergency lane stunts!

BMW2002 being the second car and making hisham lead was a bad idea.......we saw him pulloff like a bullet when yazid dared him!....damn.....thats when we(me and soap boy) tot we are gonna have a lonely journey back coz.......the guys at the backk of us started following!.....DAMN!!

but luckily hisham waited for us!....kekekeke

and damn the petrol consumption on the 2002 is bad....

I'm Selling My 2002....anyone interested????
And its PINK!

and boys.......get ready for the next!.....
Originally posted by mafia@Dec 12 2005, 07:31 AM
oh crap......kekekekekekekeke

So now all of you know my style!.....cheh.....Bundy wanna cum try???? kekekeke

ptui ptuiiii ptuiiiiii ptuiiiiii :getyourfactsright:

ptui ptuiiii ptuiiiiii ptuiiiiii :getyourfactsright:

ptui ptuiiii ptuiiiiii ptuiiiiii :getyourfactsright:

hahahahaha.... :rofl:
The fren that i brought is JONI not Jolene...

She happened to be my neighbour but working in s'pore. She enjoyed u guys' company. She was tired from her Friday nite out but still enjoyed the evening.

The trip was a blast. Everything was nicely planned and organised. Thanks Van and the rest of the JB guys for the effort.

Will post my photos later.
Originally posted by fabianyee@Dec 12 2005, 04:28 PM
The fren that i brought is JONI not Jolene...

She happened to be my neighbour but working in s'pore.
yea yea... just a friend is it ??? :p :D
Originally posted by nikazwaa@Dec 12 2005, 02:20 AM
Sith thinking he's a member of the Beatles.
....where's the zebra crosXing!
Looks like yu'all had great fun. Well done.
Before i forget... on the way back from JB, passed Malacca and saw Hang Sabun, Hang Tua-O-two, Hang Sejuk, and Hang Waa :p
Originally posted by nikazwaa@Dec 12 2005, 11:17 AM
And now... what you've been waiting for... BMW Club Malaysia Committee Terlampau!!!
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: HAHAHAHHAHHAHHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!

But what u all didn't know was that Mafia was talking about she-man all night long in his sleep.... :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:
Originally posted by nikazwaa@Dec 12 2005, 04:33 AM
Before i forget... on the way back from JB, passed Malacca and saw Hang Sabun, Hang Tua-O-two, Hang Sejuk, and Hang Waa :p
:blink: :eek: :rolleyes: :lol: :p :D :rofl:

u guys crack me up man!
how was the trip.
wish i was able to make it but there is alwiz a nxt time yeah?
Originally posted by nikazwaa@Dec 12 2005, 11:43 AM
The Soap Brothers. Going where no soap has gone before...

Ladies and gents... Have a good week ahead.
HAHAHAHHA!! far.ker!
Originally posted by mafia@Dec 12 2005, 03:31 PM
Thx to Vanquish,Vladd, Farid, Roland, and the rest of the JB guys for entertainin us allp the way...the club was dead boring until i had to do my show!

BMW2002 being the second car and making hisham lead was a bad idea.......we saw him pulloff like a bullet when yazid dared him!....damn.....thats when we(me and soap boy) tot we are gonna have a lonely journey back coz.......the guys at the backk of us started following!.....DAMN!!

but luckily hisham waited for us!....kekekeke

and damn the petrol consumption on the 2002 is bad....
Bollocks... u wanted to dance with Sheman since u first entered the club. That was what u were telling me in the car on the way there.. remember??!
act shy shy only.. ptuii.... :getyourfactsright:

YA!! Hisham being the lead car was a bloody bad idea... supposed to be doing 100-120km/h... ended up averaging 140km/h all the way...
Hisham's speedometer spoilt dy ar?!??! :lol:

All u far.kers nicely pulled away leaving me and mafia behind :cry: ... but i could have kept pace.... if not for Mafia.... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :beaten:

and Yes.. thanks to Hisham for waiting. Fantastic convoy leader, although he made me push my 2002 quite abit. Thanks for all the help with the car.. and all the entertainment!

THE petrol consumption was bad due to you la! :p :p :p
Originally posted by Vanquish@Dec 12 2005, 12:38 PM
A special word of thanks to the one half of the Soap Action Heroes - David aka BMW2002 for driving yer old faithful down to Johor and gracing the event .... you're the MAN, dude !!!
Thank you JB boys for planning this all so well!!

We THOUROUGHLY enjoyed ourselves! There's bound to be 1 or 2 problems along the way... like the lack of food... poor Mafia :p


when we do the next convoy... rest assured i will bring my ol'faithful along, with new interior! ;)
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