Its a sad sad day...

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Club Guest
Dec 7, 2004
All sifuss,I came back from work. Bathed and ready to go for dinner...what I found, some jackarse scratched my beloved car....from front till back on the driver side..they even scratched my side signal lamp.... :angry: :( :cry: :cry: What have I done to provoke such incident?!!! Nothing!! My car was there all good until yesterday....fark fark fark...If I find that bugger, I will scratch his face like how he scar my car!!!To all,Is there anyway I could lighten up the damage that was done...damn everytime I walk pass my car, shit the lines are sooo visible....but luckily its not silver....Maybe I should move out from my current place.... :cry: :cry: :cry:
a-holes.... real a-holes.
How deep is the scratch? If it is light, you can still try to remove the scratches using MG Scratch Remover.
Sorry for u ....
bro sorry to hear abt yr car..did the same bugger scratch yr plastic cover earlier? the culprit could be the same bugger who 'usually' parks in that spot where u put the car.. :huh:
you may want to try Chipsaway to see whether they can do something about the scratch.
Alamak... where do you stay??? xtracooljustin had his car scratched at 3 different places last night too. He was furious. Somewhere around Bangsar. Apa ni??? Scratching spree ka???
Originally posted by nikazwaa@Sep 15 2005, 09:07 PM
Alamak... where do you stay??? xtracooljustin had his car scratched at 3 different places last night too. He was furious. Somewhere around Bangsar. Apa ni??? Scratching spree ka???
nampaknya ada orang dengki sama kita, ni :aggressive:

I feel sympathetic with you. :cry: Wish i could help you but my both my hand are tight. Those fellows with their very itchy hands think nothing of the misery they caused to the car owner. They have no other works to do except stealing jealous glances at our hard earn udm and dreaming to own one. They don't even think or ever think what they feel if other people did the same thing to their vehicles, their fathers cars or members of the family, relatives or friends cars. Do they ever think of that? :ph34r: I doubt it.

I can still recall vividly what my teacher taught me during my schooldays."Do not do unto others what u expect others no to do unto you". :getyourfactsright: Pse correct me if i am wrong.

To those burgers if they overheard this is my advise to them, "stay clear of vandalism and try to appreciate the beauty of the car."

Tq & rgds.
I guess must remove my BMWClub Malaysia Sticker for a while la .... the scracther is targetting all the club cars man .... some ppl really piss with us i guess .... wonder what we did wrong .... anyway Ade bro sorry to hear what happened ...
It was parked in my apartment lot...I was nowhere outside..about 10 meters away from the guard house...been living here about 2 years and nothing happened..

its a peaceful and family based neigbourhood..I am suspecting some school going kids who showed up 2 days ago fixing their bikes on the ground floor of my apartment. I accidently knocked or rather touched one of their side mirrors..but no harm was done..I said sorry..and walk away..heck..they were blocking the whole entrance with their bikes...what the fark has the world come to...

It is not light...its rather deep..paints were chipping away..they got to my paint!!....

My side signal was scratched together with the lines...

Damn those buggers..Hate them sooooo much...the car was super shinny and the blardy line makes it look sooo terrible...

Now thinking about turtlewas chipstick..any good?

Where is detailing sifu...Kev30??
teruk betul.
People like this never think about the consequences. Really scary now considering that you are not the only one with a car scratched. Hmmm someone from the Club stepped on somebody's foot or tail?? But does that justify to do to others? What is wrong with this blardy country.
happen to my previous car which i managed to catch the facker on action.... it was a boy who lived in the same village. :angry:

when i asked why... said he was carrying a 20cents coin on the way to buy ice cream malaysia (the long one).. passed by my car and accidently scratch the coin all the way from side rear to front... i've done nothing wrong with this boy nor his family... :angry: Slap him one time and send him home....

apollogize? yes ....compensation? forget it! :angry:

but u know what, good thing come after bad thing happened, sold that car and get udm..... :D :D, be cool ....cheers
Turtlewax only works on light scratches..anything deeper will require a pro job..respray..btr get pro opinion
too many crazy ppl out there these days with little respect for law and other ppl's property..
I'm so sorry to hear of these incidences. If you're living in a condo, the security must be told off and at the very least, they be more vigilant in checking your car. I'm very friendly with my guards with this ulterior motive in mind. I feel that even if the perpetrators are kids, they must be made to bear the consequences of their actions. Bring them to the nearest Polis station and file a complaint. I had a friend who did that once with some secondary school kids and was told the juveniles went through "a life-changing" experience in the lock-up which I hope was for their own good!
:ph34r: secondary school boys nowadays are scary man!!!! to think that these are our future generations.. damn!! can't even begin to think man!!!
Sorry to hear that..... :( I think our education system failed!!!! and created this tpye of ppl...... :ph34r:
Originally posted by supergripen@Sep 16 2005, 01:06 PM
:ph34r: secondary school boys nowadays are scary man!!!! to think that these are our future generations.. damn!! can't even begin to think man!!!
Ya...i agreed wit u.....The student behaviour now a day are scary....viiolent....I think the major problem is the family education seem all the parents are busy with their job and hardly to spend time wit their children....... :ph34r:
Sorry to hear that man...i feel your deep pain... 3 weeks after i got my UDM all shiny and looking new, I found a double track of lines from bumper to bumper on the drivers side...and i parked right in front of my gf's hse, so not blocking anyone at all...but it happened...

Some people just cant see something good for others....
Originally posted by Juan Powerblow@Sep 15 2005, 11:55 PM
I'm so sorry to hear of these incidences. If you're living in a condo, the security must be told off and at the very least, they be more vigilant in checking your car. I'm very friendly with my guards with this ulterior motive in mind. I feel that even if the perpetrators are kids, they must be made to bear the consequences of their actions. Bring them to the nearest Polis station and file a complaint. I had a friend who did that once with some secondary school kids and was told the juveniles went through "a life-changing" experience in the lock-up which I hope was for their own good!
Yup, I always had a good relationship with my guards. Coz they are just 10 meters away from my car...

But sad case happens and there was no witness. Even there was, I dun think they will come forward....damn only a CCTV caught him in action, gonna wack the sucker :aggressive: ...I told them to keep a watch for, yesterday night, they sat beside my car.... :D

Gonna lodge a complain to the residents association during the weekly meeting... :angry:
Ade, even my satria was sratched by some ppl in my condo some time back - from front to back; even complained to the mgmt but all they can say is, " I sympathise with you. We will step up our security patrols!" that's it!...

Anyway, I took a decision to move out from the condo a few years back...
wht can i say dude.....u hav my sympathies!
bloody immature dumb farks!!!
if u catch thm and need a hand reconstructing their face,let me knw.i'm sure other ppl would love to help out too.....knnccb!
nothing else better to do!
again,i share ur pain dude!
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