Is your classic car your daily ride?

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Club Guest
Jul 20, 2005
Just wonder how many classic car owners actually use their UDMs (or other classic cars) as their daily ride? Or perhaps its too precious to be driven everyday....Having to risk getting your car scratched or too many stone chips hurting your paintwork or too much wear n tear to bear? Am sure we would like to drive and use it daily to get the max out of your UDMs but do we actually do it? Is your classic your daily ride or your weekend drive only? Mine is a daily ride even tho it hurts to see the little dents and scratches to the doors from inconsiderate cars parking next to you! Just wish there were better ways to prevent this short of covering your car every time you park..:p
i drive my e21 everyday, from kl to kajang and back..hehe.everytime i park my car,will protect the dashboard from hot sun
Mine is a weekender now. Hate to leave it exposed to the elements while at work. On top of that, monkeys roam the parking lot, real monkeys and not the homo erectus type. They do some damage to the paintwork and any protrusions, such as aerials etc.

Allows me to appreciate the e21 more, particularly the torque and the smoothness.
me?.... well i alternate between my bike and e21.... try to clock at least 50 - 120km a week to keep the engine purring.... use the bike if appts are within PJ and the e21 if appts are a little far out.

i can only afford one e30 is a daily 120kph driver.....
mine is a daily driver before this,now i alternate between my e21 n e30...sayang the e21 too much to use it as daily driver now..
I don't own a classic (BMW or otherwise), but a 1967 VW 1300. It thrives on daily use - letting any car sit idly for too long can wreak havoc on the tyres (flatspotting), rubber parts (eg. bushes), brake parts etc.
wglee - my other half had a red VW which ran smoothly and trouble free until one aunty hit us right at the front left and knock it in so deep they couldnt pry it back with crowbars....had to leave it at the roadside until the towtruck came. After the repairs it didnt feel the same so we got another classic - AR1750 which we still have today.

One of the reasons I thot about this was the suggestion to remove cars older than 10yrs from the road. Whats going to happen to our beloved UDMs (ie older ones lah)???? Hence the reason to drive it as often as possible. You knowlah Msia bole suddenly my UDMs become a piece of junk to display outside house if the 10 yr rule becomes bole...
oh ya horr
gd point to brought that up
eventho' i think it is impossible but must put into consideration oso
elwine30 said:
jules, not 120MPH meh.

shhh.....i do touch 120kph everyday somewhere on way to work.....that's all I can claim.....120mph can, but not daily-ler bro! :D
vsmpyscho said:
One of the reasons I thot about this was the suggestion to remove cars older than 10yrs from the road. Whats going to happen to our beloved UDMs (ie older ones lah)???? Hence the reason to drive it as often as possible. You knowlah Msia bole suddenly my UDMs become a piece of junk to display outside house if the 10 yr rule becomes bole...

Any links to articles on this? I've been drowning in a pile of work. Don't what's happening outside :p

Most of my cars are more than 10 years old :(
My E21 reduced to week end, My E36 cabrio reduced to once a while, miss driving them ..JBK
alternate between my 1984 e23 728i and 1990 Peugeot 505 Gti.. Both in excellent nick..
E21jbk - saw your ride at MMZ (just before you left). I can certainly understand why you miss your rides. Cool classic!
my 320/6 1983 carb/auto sometimes does not crank or starts so i just stay ~30km radius .whenever i got that problem i did nothing but after sometimes it can be started...strange car,....
I pegi ofis naik motor je...hujan ke panas ke...M40 tetap kat rumah..once a month bawak gi KL....buruk2 pun sayang worr...I always have a feeling about our car..if we treat them with tender loving care...they will do the same to far my car never let me down...
ari tu dia buat hal cannot be start...i look at the coil cable bended and crack so cabut the cable straighten it and walla boleh start .....
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