Assalamualaikum and very good morning ladies(if any) and gentlemen...I'm a newbie here...looking forward to meet and know all the sifus out there...for your info, i dont even drive a bimmer yet...but have been sitting inside it once...while i'm visiting one of 2nd hand car dealer at's a 3 series 318i.seems to be very "delicious" inside...from that feels like i would like to have one of the beauties under my home's garage...i've been heard from the merc owner ( my boss drove merc ), he said that bmw is not as reliable as merc...?is it true...?i don't mean to "fire stone" any of you... k: he said that the parts are more expensive than the merc...but on the other story i've heard from one of the ex-5 series bimmer said, its not that bad...that guy driving a harrier now and he said he will buy the bimmer match (in term of comfort) to the Japs...then i've been thinking...i will never know how true the story is...and now i would like to ask all of the UDM owners out there...which one is pockets are not that deep comparing to all of you out there...what about the maintenance...? manja or not...?especially 3 series...318,325,328...?i think that's all for now...10Q