If change Brake Pads, Discs, Tyres outside, BSRI Affected?

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I called up BMW Voice, they say dunno. Ask the dealer.

I spoke to the service advisor and sales man in Ingress, they both told me that it won't void the warranty.

but no B&W, anyone know?
I think it will void your warranty. Please do us a favour, get them to give you in black and white and then post here to let us know.
Warranty full

To the question of whether any modifications or work done to your car outside of the SC will effect your warranty, my response to this question will have to be YES it will affect the car's warranty.

T&C of the warranty indicates that any changes done using non-BMW parts or changes or work carried out by non-BMW trained personnel at non-BMW authorized service centers, will constitute a breach. The exception to this are the installation of body kits, tinting and rims/tires, or any other changes that are authorised by BMW. Thus any changes done to the car or work done on the car outside of the SC can technically be used to refuse a warranty claim. Of course we can argue that the warranty should only affect and be isolated to the relevant part of the car or car system, but we are really at the mercy of the warrantor. Proceed with caution. Being friendly with your SC does go a long way. However do recognize that the ultimate approver of the warranty claims is BMW and not the SC, SA or any other party.

The above does not however impact BMW's obligations to the BSRI servicing.

In addition to this BMW has come up with yet a new ruling that they can also refuse to extend warranty/BSRI or refuse a claim if the car has not been maintained in accordance with the T&C of the agreement and at the required interval. Any exceedence of a service visit is regarded by BMW as a failure on your part to comply with the T&C of the BSRI/warranty agreement and therefore it can be used as ground to withhold their obligations to you.

BMW has also introduced a 5yr unlimited warranty program and they have become very strict in enforcing it. Any work done to the car outside of the SC and if the car is operated beyond or outside of the recommended parameters, can be used as grounds that you have not fulfilled your obligations to the terms and conditions of the warranty agreement and may void your warranty in part or as a whole.


I am aware that there is at least one SC that allows their Customers to change their brakes outside.

But to date, no related problems has arisen to give rise to challenge the validity of the warranty.

If you have a dispensation from an SC, insist on it in writing and share it will all of us. It is best if the letter is from BMW and not the SC.

Following please find an official response from an SC

Dear En. Saad, we as in Authorised dealer will Only recommend to carry out all the repairs with us due to our original parts especially when it comes to safety related parts. This is because we can't guarantee that the non authorized repairers would use original parts or non original parts. The fake products can then adversely affect the functioning and safety of your vehicle, which can lead to wear, damage and even accidents. Warranty is void if you ( customer ) carried out repairs by an unauthorised repairers ( Related to repairs that invovled parts that are related to the repair job and interrelated to other parts). I hope this clarifies your question.


Attached please find the revelant paragraph of the T&C concerning work done outside which spell it out very clearly. IMG_5325.JPG
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