Dear friends,
This is a friendly reminder that 17th July is almost upon us.
Please note that to enjoy the best rates of RM90.00 per seat at the Inaugural Annual Dinner on the 30th July 2005, please arrange to make yr payments to my representatives, or myself, whenever you see us.
This is to facilate the payment of hotel, food, and other stuff that we are lining up during the dinner itself.
My representatives are:-
North: Hartge
South: Zamtresco and Vladd Tappish
Klang: Jarance
Central: Iceman, Jeffery Ewe, 2-cents, or any IAD committee you may meet (535i, Vanilla Coke, Fireblade, Sithwarrior, JuanPowerBlow, three28, fomoco, Kahar and others)
Thank you for your time reading this, and for tolerating me posting this all over the forums. Lets make the Inaugural Annual Dinner a great event, and a start to many to come.
Treasurer IAD[/COLOR