how many of u practise this?

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musclehedz;232660 said:
never practiced it and never will. No point. The parts in the engine bay is already designed and manufactured to withstand the heat. The parts will degrade whether u practice this or not, it has not been proven that by doing such a task, it will extend the parts life by another 10,000km or 5 years and its not feasable nor logical to do such a test, a waste of time. Only reason for me to open up the hood once i reach home is to admire at the engine and to show visitor what a good engine it looks like, thats it. BMW is not that dumb to design a car which u have to open up the bonnet after a drive so that the parts can last longer.


bmw7833;232669 said:
I practice this but not everytime. I think it will help more or less to preserve the rubber parts in the engine compartment.

maybe, an extra month for every 5 years prehaps?
Well guys, each and everyone who wrote here has his or her own point. But we are referring to personal preference :) I believe there would be people agreeing to this and also people who would disagree. No matter what, in the end, it is what you do that make your ownself "happy" :)

well...i guess, it's to each, his own. I personally do that. True that the engine department is designed to withstand heat, but when your car is stationary, there is no moving air to cool the internals, resulting in heat soak. Same reason why you need a big ass fan in front of the car and open the bonnet when you do a dyno run. Any method to dissipate heat at a higher rate will definitely be beneficial.

Sometimes after a long/hard run, I don’t turn off the engine immediately when I reach home. Let it run for a few minutes to cool down further. Yea…yea…I am cheapo…should get a timer.. :p

I don’t think there is any scientific or mathematical way of calculating how long you can lengthen the lifespan of any parts in your car by doing this, but i think most of us here do try to take care of our cars as much as possible. :) not very hard to open the bonnet and let the hot air ‘escape’.

Anyway…just my 2 cents. Hope I didn’t ruffle any feathers. :)
I only do that after a few hot lap at track... let it cool down faster b4 i go 4 another spin.....
Russie;232678 said:
Well guys, each and everyone who wrote here has his or her own point. But we are referring to personal preference :) I believe there would be people agreeing to this and also people who would disagree. No matter what, in the end, it is what you do that make your ownself "happy" :)


Yes..cheers..:rock: :rock:
theCROW;217919 said:
i did that too but not everyday
btw pls define "reasonable distance drive" ?
50km? 1 hr drive?

reasonable distance drive in my context means something like KL-Shah Alam/PJ or even for a short distance but when u got stuck in bad traffic jam.
I do agree with snchin on his statement "I don’t think there is any scientific or mathematical way of calculating how long you can lengthen the lifespan of any parts in your car by doing this, but i think most of us here do try to take care of our cars as much as possible. :) not very hard to open the bonnet and let the hot air ‘escape’".

In fact, when all of us here try our very best to take good care of our cars, we'd think of ideas, which sometimes may sound silly, right? There are also other things we should do & shouldn't do to keep certain parts of the car in good working condition or maybe lengthen the lifespan. Perhaps I should start another thread for this? Maybe a thread like "How many of u practise this? - Part II" :) any seconder?
dun need to worry who's right or wrong here..

there's two school of taught here..

the old school is those days the cars run hot with out ac, the parts used in the engine bays were old technology hence every day when my dad comes home, he pops open the bonnet to cool down the engine bay.. did help alot there on the longevity of the engine and most important the hoses and wires..

new school, all the parts can with stand the heat of global warming hence the parts are new tech even so, we do cool down the engine after high run..

i have never open my bonnet on the e30 since two years of M50 engine installed, only when i want to do something to the engine, mostly after a long run i wait for the fan to cut off, then switch off the engine, this is to maintain the engine oil tempreture be at it's optimum before i shut down. the other teory is the hot to cool off period is to maintain the different tempreture levels of the compotents of the hoses and other parts..too cold(like wash engine) will shorten engine life.

as for e28, yes, it is vital to cool down this way, cos the engine is old, with the brittle sockets and wires.. but i can due to the car is parked outside..

so there..
pussy;232935 said:
dun need to worry who's right or wrong here..

there's two school of taught here..

the old school is those days the cars run hot with out ac, the parts used in the engine bays were old technology hence every day when my dad comes home, he pops open the bonnet to cool down the engine bay.. did help alot there on the longevity of the engine and most important the hoses and wires..

new school, all the parts can with stand the heat of global warming hence the parts are new tech even so, we do cool down the engine after high run..

i have never open my bonnet on the e30 since two years of M50 engine installed, only when i want to do something to the engine, mostly after a long run i wait for the fan to cut off, then switch off the engine, this is to maintain the engine oil tempreture be at it's optimum before i shut down. the other teory is the hot to cool off period is to maintain the different tempreture levels of the compotents of the hoses and other parts..too cold(like wash engine) will shorten engine life.

as for e28, yes, it is vital to cool down this way, cos the engine is old, with the brittle sockets and wires.. but i can due to the car is parked outside..

so there..

Since you never open , do you mind to open for the last time to look where is the pully ? :biggrin:
Daniel;232649 said:
i cannot help but to ask this.

you guys who do open up the hood, the primary reason is to reduce heat soak, and that is to preserve the minimal rubber parts in the engine compartment.

er, correct me if i am wrong but i'm sure what ever parts that's in the engine compartment is designed to withstand the heat that's generated. Obviously, not everything will last a lifetime and in the end of a few years of service life, certain things will need to be replaced.

but really guys, the fear of heat in the engine bay? might as well remove your bonnet!?!?!?!?!!?!?!

musclehedz;232660 said:
never practiced it and never will. No point. The parts in the engine bay is already designed and manufactured to withstand the heat. The parts will degrade whether u practice this or not, it has not been proven that by doing such a task, it will extend the parts life by another 10,000km or 5 years and its not feasable nor logical to do such a test, a waste of time. Only reason for me to open up the hood once i reach home is to admire at the engine and to show visitor what a good engine it looks like, thats it. BMW is not that dumb to design a car which u have to open up the bonnet after a drive so that the parts can last longer.

i agree with u guy
what the .... to do it...we drive bimmer la bro.... we must proud on it.
Just 1 thing, make sure your cooling system is in perfect condition.
i wonder if ther is a study on this and how many dollars it actually saves you over time?
i'm sure it helps somewhat, but to leave your bonnet open and then have to have it at the back of your mind the whole time it is left open, i'm not sure if tit's worth the trouble or not.
maybe some scientist can do some research and find out how many dollars in savings this practice translates to..:)
personally, the thought never crossed my mind!
p/s- i wonder if you fellas hose the engine down?
Unless of course u don't want your neighbour's cat to sleep on the warm bonnet after a rainy day...

Then again...u might get the other neighbour's rat chewing on some rubbery stuff under the bonnet!

I once had a friend who does that all the time after a long drive....when we take a group shot at the parking area, we'll always find one with a bonnet opened!
heat is actually good for the engine bay. its gets the motor to operating temps and helps keep it there when you have it parked, so its all ready to go when you get back in.
I dont practice this. For some reason my common sense tells me that you dont want metal and other materials to expand and shrink too many times. If I open the bonnet to cool the engine, metal will shrink and when i restart it and run it, it will start to expand again, many-many times.

I prefer to let it cool slowly so that the difference in temperature between the parts are more uniform.. remember metals cool faster than plastics or rubber, so you dont want metals to shrink too much before the plastics/rubber and other materials.

The truth to this we may never know unless we can interview some engine designers
i dont do it, coz nz is freaking cold and will only take about 10 min tops to freezzz the engine..hehehehe.. but it sounds like a good idea to do in m'sia
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