how many of u practise this?

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Club Guest
Dec 17, 2006
Just to find out how many of u do this:-open up ur bonnet to cool down the engine compartment when u reach home after a reasonable distance drive? I do. For the engine compartment to cool down faster than normal and also to expel heat that is harmful to rubber or even plastic parts. Well, have been practising this since the previous car. Only worry is that the front bonnet absorbers will experiece higher wear & tear coz everyday also open mah :)
I'm doing that too...but only pull the bonnet lever only, just to let the heat go faster...
Used to do that all the time with my ex-E30. Cant remember why I stopped. Gotta start doing that with my E34 and E36.
Russie;217491 said:
Just to find out how many of u do this:-

open up ur bonnet to cool down the engine compartment when u reach home after a reasonable distance drive? I do. For the engine compartment to cool down faster than normal and also to expel heat that is harmful to rubber or even plastic parts. Well, have been practising this since the previous car. Only worry is that the front bonnet absorbers will experiece higher wear & tear coz everyday also open mah :)

I practise that also exspecially after short drag or long distance drive.

Bonnet absorber, cheap only ! get used from chop shop for a pair RM50. hehehe....
Nope, never did it and not gonna do it. :D

But its interesting and something new(at least to me). Probably beneficial too but I am too lazy and hate the hassle.
True, thats a very inexpensive way to keep your engine compartment healthy :)
I believe its proven to prolong the life of engine parts and other rubber/ plastic parts. Yeah, engine bonnet absorber is not really expensive, i bought and abt RM65 per piece brand new
Yup, i've been doing it too. Damn car gets too hot and the heat soak is terrible. It takes forever for it to cool down even after a short run.
I do this too. the heat from our car is much more than Japanese engine.
This way the engine also can "speak" to you to clean it.
im doing ricer style where i jack up my bonnet few centimeters using washers. Hey, at least it works XD
I always do this.... my uncle taught me actually... and its proven to make all your rubber hosing in your engine compartment to last longer.... a sure thing is - it expels out that damaging heat much faster...
Yeah,i do practise that,rubber hoses n plastic parts last longer.Aiya...bonnet absorber arent Tau Foo,it can last a long time:p
Sigh, I live in an apartment with a basement carpark, wanna practise this also cannot... else will start to see engine parts start going missing one by one...
Another tip for those headlight that will slightly fog up during car wash.
you could try pop the bonnet but not opening it to let the hot air escape to prevent condensation inside the head lamp's glass cover.
hey i do tht too...especially since the recent spate of bad traffic in kl...looks weird but at least the engine bay temp is reduced tremendously...get plenty of weird looks but heck,who cares?

but normally i do it whn my e30 is parked and yes it does help cool down faster..
good to knw a few other udm'ers practice this too..
i did that too but not everyday
btw pls define "reasonable distance drive" ?
50km? 1 hr drive?
i cannot help but to ask this.

you guys who do open up the hood, the primary reason is to reduce heat soak, and that is to preserve the minimal rubber parts in the engine compartment.

er, correct me if i am wrong but i'm sure what ever parts that's in the engine compartment is designed to withstand the heat that's generated. Obviously, not everything will last a lifetime and in the end of a few years of service life, certain things will need to be replaced.

but really guys, the fear of heat in the engine bay? might as well remove your bonnet!?!?!?!?!!?!?!
never practiced it and never will. No point. The parts in the engine bay is already designed and manufactured to withstand the heat. The parts will degrade whether u practice this or not, it has not been proven that by doing such a task, it will extend the parts life by another 10,000km or 5 years and its not feasable nor logical to do such a test, a waste of time. Only reason for me to open up the hood once i reach home is to admire at the engine and to show visitor what a good engine it looks like, thats it. BMW is not that dumb to design a car which u have to open up the bonnet after a drive so that the parts can last longer.
I practice this but not everytime. I think it will help more or less to preserve the rubber parts in the engine compartment.
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