Hard starting E34-M20

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Dec 8, 2004
My E34 seems to have a harder time starting lately. It used to only need 2 or 3 cranks to get the engine started but lately noticed that it needs at least 5 - 6 cranks to get it going. This is more noticeble when the engine is warm/hot, in the morning it seems to start easier. I suspect it could be due to a weak fuel pump, perhaps fuel pressure is low or something. However when i do get the car started there is no problems it runs fine. What are the tell tale signs of a fuel pump about to go?. BTW I have renews the fuel filter only recently so it can't be a clogged or dirty fuel filter. Oh and also when you turn the ignition to the 'ON' position just before starting, is the fuel pump suppose to come on?. I thot normally when it is turned to the 'ON' position the fuel pump would come on but I can't hear the fuel pump running. Or perhaps the fuel pump on comes on when you are actually cranking the engine? Anyone can confirm this?. Or anyone has had similar symtoms as me and know what could be possible causes of the hard starting?. Thanks in advance.
The fuel pum will run for a few seconds when you crank the engine. Fuel pressure can be tested by any mechanics with a proper pressure gauge...but I doubt you problem is fuel related. i suspect it may be the crank position sensor startinf to get faulty. that can be tested too.
I suspected it could be my CPS too so I had it replaced several months ago but it made no difference. Still had the hard starting problem so thats why now I suspect it could be the fuel pump. Perhaps it could be something else?. Ignition coil, distributor, dirty fuel injectors, etc...

Anyone got any more ideas?.
Originally posted by ehoe@Oct 16 2005, 08:42 PM
This is more noticeble when the engine is warm/hot, in the morning it seems to start easier.
get ur starter check/serbis.
ehoe...hehe :nyehehe: :lazy: ....maybe your "potato chips" :nyehehe: :nyehehe: inside get eaten by lipas; tikus or maybe anai-anai lah....

Anway, will ask my mech about your problem..

Your fuel regulator may be in need or replacing.
I encountered a similar problem and it went away after I replaced the part.
Originally posted by RonKovic@Oct 17 2005, 08:10 PM

Your fuel regulator may be in need or replacing.
I encountered a similar problem and it went away after I replaced the part.
May I know where is this fuel regulator located and how much did it cost you to replace?.
the fuel pressure regulator is a cylindrical disk with two fuel hoses connected to it on both side. it is usually located in front of the intake manifold. one end of the hoses come from the fuel pump and the other end goes into the fuel injector rail.
i have the same problem..have been trying to rectify this problem for awhile now.. only mine starts easier when when i kill the engine say for 10 mins and start it again.. i sent it for inspection and the mech in mayang says its a faulty fuel pump.. i do hear the fuel pumping when the check light is on though.. i too am confused :(
I went thru this hard starting bout years ago.Car just simply wouldn't start.Crank many times.Then suddenly it just fired right up.Turned out to be the fuel pump.Lo pressure.Get the output pressure chk'd.There is a procedure to do this in the net.
Normally, if da fuel pump is wearing off,u should hear a buzzing
noise fr da rear once u started da car. B)
hi all..
i'm experiencing a similar problem to this..
sounds a little like this;
i have to turn the ignition a couple of times n hit the gas b4 the engine cranks up.macam minyak tak naikla.
then when it does start n when its running for a while,shutting the engine down and restarting it is no problem at all..skali start je.
i suspected it to b the fuel pump but when i did replace it,
the problem still occurs.
can any of u sifus help me wit this.. :eek:k:
Originally posted by bmwky@Oct 18 2005, 12:07 AM
the fuel pressure regulator is a cylindrical disk with two fuel hoses connected to it on both side. it is usually located in front of the intake manifold. one end of the hoses come from the fuel pump and the other end goes into the fuel injector rail.
Tried looking for the fuel regulator but no sign of it wor. :huh: I can only see the fuel lines coming from the rear of the car and it goes straight into the fuel injector railing. r u sure the M20's has a fuel regulator?.

Will try to snap a photo soon. :)

See pics on the location of fuel regulator. But it for M50 engine

Hope it helps
Thanks Armereth for the pics. Seeing mine is a M20 I believe my FPR will be different from the M50's. I think I know what the M20 FPR looks like now, was searching for a pic from the net and i think I found one.

Anyway a few more suggested I also look at the coolant temperature sensor, this could also cause hard starting if the sensor is not working ok. Anyone encounter this before?

From what I've found out, this are the only things that can possible cause hard starting :

1) Fuel pump (low pressure or failing pump)
2) Crank Position Sensor (failing sensor)
3) Coolant Temperature Sensor (failing sensor)
4) Dirty Fuel Injectors
5) Fuel Pressure Regulator (failing)
6) Fuel Filter (dirty or clogged)

The first 3 items being the most likely cause whilst the rest are highly unlikely. So perhaps for those whom are also having similar symtoms as me can get those items checked.
ehoe,dude....dont forget to get ur coil checked.
chances r tht it needs replacing!
i thought my fuel pump,etc needed replacement but it turned out tht it was the ignition coils tht needed replacement.
its alwiz the last thing tht we think needs to be checked! :rolleyes:

all the best anyhow!
Originally posted by ehoe@Nov 7 2005, 05:12 PM
Anyway a few more suggested I also look at the coolant temperature sensor, this could also cause hard starting if the sensor is not working ok. Anyone encounter this before?
Normally if this sensor kaput, u kenot even start the car at all as no signal to the ecu. i doubt this the cause of ur hard starting but u can try to change it as its cheap. mebbe i cud be wrong :p
Originally posted by skinhead@Nov 8 2005, 10:24 AM

Normally if this sensor kaput, u kenot even start the car at all as no signal to the ecu. i doubt this the cause of ur hard starting but u can try to change it as its cheap. mebbe i cud be wrong :p
Yeah i suspected it was the coolant temp sensor that was faulthy so had that replaced (it was cheap anyway) and the problem seems to have gone away. :D

Thanks to all for all your suggestions & ideas.
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