Guess What I've seen today...!!??

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i've seen 'abang' to that tofu guy in cyber...
hik hik hik...





with that shiny pavement, this topless can do donut on it both axle at the same time, pivoting at it steering column. :D
For those who are thinking of 5 lugs conversion..well this is what you need.
All seen at PNDC..

Shot at 2007-07-03

have you found wot you were looking for???

:p :p :p
ah lian;229918 said:

have you found wot you were looking for???

:p :p :p

:eek:slurrppppppp!!!!!!!!!:( droooling la...!!!!:(

Please buy for me.....please...please...!!!!!:eek:
Zoggee;229937 said:
actually yesterday...on the way back from Penang.

Shot with SONY ERICSSON P990i at 2007-07-09

let me guess.....u were driving minding your own business...suddenly u saw crowd gathered by the road side, traffic slowing down....itchy backside must know what's going decide to kepoh....traffic got worst :D
shaifulo;229939 said:
let me guess.....u were driving minding your own business...suddenly u saw crowd gathered by the road side, traffic slowing down....itchy backside must know what's going decide to kepoh....traffic got worst :D

nope....there were no cars at the trunk road which I was driving on.

Was rainning....then saw a man standing on the roof of the car,the ladies still in the car. Nobody was there. They asked for help.I stopped , turn on my hazard light and call my tow truck operator friend.
There were 2 couples. The ladies was sooooo panicc!!!!!!!!! .They told me that they are from KayEl, knows nobody there. I waited for a while then I chiao lor.

Funny things happened....the ladies flip their skirts up for me to see... haha..mebbe they are too scared to get their dress dirty.....:cool:

I did called and check with my tow truck friend today....they are all alright now.
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