01. fariz.hashim/e39/cluster ribbon + cluster bulb*3
02. seewai/e39/cluster ribbon + (cluster bulb*3) + cluster ring + MID ribbon
03. Kaniz/e38/MID ribbon
04. bmw7833/e39/cluster ring + cluster bulb*3
05. naharms E39/instrument cluster ribbon only ( for the ribbon cable replacement)
06. JAAR E39/instrument cluster ribbon only ( for the ribbon cable replacement)
07. wans/e39/cluster ring + cluster ribbon
08. harbhajan e39/cluster ring + cluster ribbon*3
09. Mtigo/E39/instrument cluster ribbon
10. Nitedevil/e39/cluster ribbon + cluster ring + cluster bulb*3
11. Sewell/E39/Cluster Ribbon + MID Ribbon
12. Yazmeen/e38/Cluster Ribbon + MID Ribbon + cluster bulbs*5
13. herbert/e39/MID Ribbon
14. lithium2/e39/Cluster Ribbon + cluster bulbs*3
15. BMW520/e39/Cluster Ribbon + cluster ring
16. Vincent Hor/e38/Cluster Ribbon + MID Ribbon
17. Crusher /e36/MID Ribbon
18. Gerald 5 E39 MID ribbon (if there are differences for ribbon for pre and post fl?)