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Aug 9, 2016
hello everyone. since im new here, i would like to apologize first if i do say some stupid stuff..haha
im not malaysian and i bought this e34 525i a year ago but i suddenly lost my gearbox. first few weeks it would have problems to reach third gear then it geadually failed but 1st and 2nd gear was ok so i took the car to workshop the mechanic checked and said 3rd gear is totally grinded so i need to overhaul.
now im thinking whether to swap 5-speed or change to a new gearbox or overhaul cant decide. i would really apprecite your responses. cheers!!!n
Buying a used auto gearbox is always a risk as even the mechanic won't know the internal condition of the said used gearbox. Overhauling is the best solution (provided the mechanic is well versed with gearbox) as worn internal parts would be replaced.
In theory, I agree with Herbert, buying a second-hand gb is risky. But my experience with my engine proved otherwise. I spent more that 6k overhauling an engine twice and in 2 years and then ended up finding a very good second-hand engine that cost me 4k including installation. The problem is that good, reliable mechanics are expensive and hard to find. That's why taking the risk on second hard gb or engine may be better than relying on the typical mechanic.

There is well-known gb repair box in Batu Caves that you can ask for a quote to help you weigh your options. If you don't know it, PM me and I will give you its name and location.

For a second-hand GB you can try finding a gatco at one of the many half-cut shops. You'll also need the long shaft. I don't think the swap is that difficult or expensive. Others in this forum who has done this can share their experience.

You can also go for a manual swap (which was what I did). This should cost you about 5K including installation. In my opinion this is the best option in terms of reliability, gas-mileage and ease-of-mind.
thanks alot@Herbert
@deepblue- that was very informative. please send me the location for the workshop at batu caves if possible any mechanic u recommend there? i would really appreciate it. coz i can hardly trust the mechanics around here. and also maybe if i get the car running again we can arrange a classic bmw meet up somewhere around kl. should be fun!!!
deepblueE34 said:
hey bmwe34bd,

Sent you PM few days back.
Hi deepblueE34...still with E34 ke?...regret selling mine.... :bawling: :bawling: :banghead:
Hi Anakin,

Yeah! my daily driver, it has has its ups and downs, but I'm pretty happy with it over-all :D These days I try to service it and do some of the repairs myself whenever I can, and avoid the "bmw specialists" as much as possible :)

I remember yours was pretty nice, and that you replaced its engine at some point, what made you sell it? I have contemplated selling mine, when things got bad, but I don't think I can bring myself to do that after all that we had been through :D
deepblueE34 said:
Hi Anakin,

I remember yours was pretty nice, and that you replaced its engine at some point, what made you sell it? I have contemplated selling mine, when things got bad, but I don't think I can bring myself to do that after all that we had been through :D
So true...sold it coz so frust kena kencing dgn so called "specialist"... :) when we are so deep with the car,sometimes changing your mechanic will lead to a miserable life....lesson for the day, don't simply change your trusted mechanic...

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