Gear Box Oil Leak :-(

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Oct 11, 2010
Just found out some oil stain on the ground of my garage :-(Looks like its from the GearBox ... aiyks ..Any idea on what should i do with this? I did remember i had changed to oil sump gasket few months ago ... so what could be the causal to this leakage? Any hints?
Hi Cyne,
Just change the flywheel oil seal? without replacing the ATF oil?

cyne;780550 said:
Flywheel oil seal.... changed that before on my ex 39. RM450 with labour I think
I have been lving with leaking issue, so far i hv repaired once and it happened again in less than a year. Just need to monitor the seriousness of the leak, top up the oil if necessary..after owning a few bmws, i think it is a common issue lah bro..
Yeah , flywheel seal is the common thing - u needto bring down the gearbox to replace that . Other than that , the gearbox oil filter pan could be the reason too. The best way is , jack the car and check the source.
cyne;780550 said:
Flywheel oil seal.... changed that before on my ex 39. RM450 with labour I think

Care to share where you get it fixed for RM450? Since it's a common problem it be good to be prepared
u mean gear box oil leaking is common to E39? heheheh than should i ignore it? hahaha
Heritage did recommend to change all those rubber seal or could be involving the flywheel seal too as this is an aging sign. And off course the ATF oil need to be flushed and replenished .. so looks like a major repair to me .. anybody experience this?
The leaking is not that serious yet ... but i think i will need to be prepare for it.
BTW .. what will be the impact if the flywheel oilseal is not in good condition? will it harm the gearbox?
mech has checked it .. most likely its the o-ring issue ..
anybody changed the o-ring before?
my father e60 had oil leak and coolant leak issue.. ingatkan sket je, but after removing the floor cover.. ha hambik kau.. operated by a trusted family mech (if anyone near melaka need repair on bmw from old model till the new m5 can pm me and i'll give u the pomen number). banyak sangat barang tukar till i lupa..haha.. but all less than rm2000(parts), labor (rm150-for half day work)...
jsng;782204 said:
mech has checked it .. most likely its the o-ring issue ..
anybody changed the o-ring before?

what they are saying is both the flywheel oil seal and the gearbox pump seal is most likely leaking. by looking at the oil stain on the floor, it is difficult to say engine oil only or atf only because both can mix and look like engine oil. this can be only inspected upon removal of the gearbox. so the chances are, both the flywheel oil seal and the atf pump seals are shot. the reason why jason asked you to check with kepong is that he does not fix the gearbox pump side.

you can keep tab of yr engine oil leak by monitoring yr dip stick but you cant monitor yr low atf level (no dip stick) !!
Thanks Tropos_net :)
Any idea how much time do they need to fix this? I mean fixing both the flywheel oil seal and gearbox pump seal ...

tropos_net;790263 said:
what they are saying is both the flywheel oil seal and the gearbox pump seal is most likely leaking. by looking at the oil stain on the floor, it is difficult to say engine oil only or atf only because both can mix and look like engine oil. this can be only inspected upon removal of the gearbox. so the chances are, both the flywheel oil seal and the atf pump seals are shot. the reason why jason asked you to check with kepong is that he does not fix the gearbox pump side.

you can keep tab of yr engine oil leak by monitoring yr dip stick but you cant monitor yr low atf level (no dip stick) !!
it takes 1 whole days work to remove drive shaft, drop gbox and dismantle it completely. the flywheel oil seal is very straight forward where a new seal goes into the seal carrier just behind the flywheel. the gbox is more complex. the input shaft seal is straight forward that you pop the old one out to press new one. then the torque conv. shaft and seal will be inspected for wear and the worst thing happens when the shaft is worn badly (that would be a separate TC job). the ZF gbox pump orings are located inside the gbox so the whole gbox has to be dismantle into pieces to remove the pump assy. then 4 large orings, 2 oil tubes and many minute washers shall be changed.

minus the TC job (assuming its perfecto), it should be in the 2k region. with all the fixes, you will experience firmer gear shifts and less rpm drop when it shifts (apart from very dry engine and gbox of course)
In short .... it takes days to get it done?

tropos_net;791085 said:
it takes 1 whole days work to remove drive shaft, drop gbox and dismantle it completely. the flywheel oil seal is very straight forward where a new seal goes into the seal carrier just behind the flywheel. the gbox is more complex. the input shaft seal is straight forward that you pop the old one out to press new one. then the torque conv. shaft and seal will be inspected for wear and the worst thing happens when the shaft is worn badly (that would be a separate TC job). the ZF gbox pump orings are located inside the gbox so the whole gbox has to be dismantle into pieces to remove the pump assy. then 4 large orings, 2 oil tubes and many minute washers shall be changed.

minus the TC job (assuming its perfecto), it should be in the 2k region. with all the fixes, you will experience firmer gear shifts and less rpm drop when it shifts (apart from very dry engine and gbox of course)
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