Futsal Any Takers

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Quite rite guys,
I wish we could get a 2 hour slot right away.

It is their policy to re-confirm with all who have booked on play day (ie. monday), so we will know for sure about how many hours by 2pm..... I will post their response accordingly.

On a better note, I play there every sunday. My experience tells me that there are always people who cancel....

Lets hope for the best ! cheers
siap beli kasut nak main ni....

bukan beli getah nak main, macam mat t.... b... tuh....


RB, dah beli kasut ka?
Hoi QD hang dah pi beli kasut ka..aku belum Bailey kata pegi beli kat PS..baik punya diskaun
Mouse;278901 said:
if u get 5 more player u can start a field match

so r u cumming ????????????

wei syahrulN as if like never heard wat PS mean hah?

for such a not regular player jes go & buy at PS butik lor hehehehe
yahooooo time to rembat kat tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuttttttt tis monday guys
You want to wear rubber shoes, plastic shoes, no shoes also OK. Just dont wear shoes with studs :) thanks
Bailey;279175 said:
so r u cumming ????????????

wei syahrulN as if like never heard wat PS mean hah?

for such a not regular player jes go & buy at PS butik lor hehehehe
kaki bangku lar bang

baru nk beli kasut ka....

petua: jgn lupe gigit kepala kasut, utk elak melecet blakang kaki!

c ya...
takut bukan gigit kasut tapi takut ada yg kena gigit dgn home minister hehehe
1. redbaron
2. bailey
3. rahizwan
4. silver
5. iceman63
6. zoggee
7. johnj
8. silverchair
9, meanguy
10. cppeng
11. Bimmer910
12. Speedy Timo
13. joetan
14. Jacky
15. xxx
16. QD250
17. iceman13

ok guys hope to see u all tonite yeah

king eric,

is yr name there ?????? come lah
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