Futsal Any Takers

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zoggee, sure or not u can come ??????? i tot yr permit & visa only can go gohtong jaya maaaaaaaaaa

come lah bro if u really can get endorsement from the immigration officer yeah
1. redbaron
2. bailey
3. rahizwan
4. silver
5. iceman63
6. iceman13
7. johnj
8. silverchair
9, meanguy
10. cppeng
11. Bimmer910
12. Speedy Timo
13. joetan
14. Jacky
15. xxx
16. QD250
17. zoggee

chaiks - pulled out

ok guys wow the list is getting longer wuuuuuuuuhhhooooooooo lets futsal
johnj;278113 said:
oops ..wrongly posted!!!

weiiiiiiiii deeeeiiiiiiiiiii thambhy why u r trying to increase yr no. of post ka by simply post wrongly hah:thefinger:

dont forget hah mr rubberman yr name is in the list for futsal ok tis monday
1. redbaron
2. bailey
3. rahizwan
4. silver
5. iceman63
6. zoggee
7. johnj
8. silverchair
9, meanguy
10. cppeng
11. Bimmer910
12. Speedy Timo
13. joetan
14. Jacky
15. xxx
16. QD250
17. iceman13

Ha ha ha ha
1. redbaron
2. bailey
3. rahizwan
4. silver
5. iceman63
6. zoggee
7. johnj
8. silverchair
9, meanguy
10. cppeng
11. Bimmer910
12. Speedy Timo
13. joetan
14. Jacky
15. xxx
16. QD250
17. iceman13

wahh jersey no 6 is changed to spare jersey no 17

ha ha ha
sorry to be a kill joy, but they've informed me (sportplanet) that there is only an hours slot available now. They will re-confirm availablility on sunday.
QD250;278239 said:
ICE semua satu team.....

mua ha ha ha

maybe got KAREN wor tats why cannot side by side lor the name yeeeeeeehhhhhhhaaaaaaaa

alamak bimmer910 how lor if only 1 hour ??????????

dont miss tis futsal event as there'll be a SUPERMAN wei
Bailey;278439 said:
maybe got KAREN wor tats why cannot side by side lor the name yeeeeeeehhhhhhhaaaaaaaa

alamak bimmer910 how lor if only 1 hour ??????????

dont miss tis futsal event as there'll be a SUPERMAN wei

We will still be able to get the second hour because its usually the case that some people who book the other courts wont show up.... SO no worries. :)

Those who dont know the rules, let me quickly post them :

1. No shoes, no play
2. 5 a side (1 keeper)
3. First team to score 3 goals, or is winning after 10 mins stays ON. Losing team leaves the pitch, and is replaced by 3rd team. (rotational policy is the best for older people). Winning team stays on until they loose.
4. This is a non contact sport. No diving tackles, kicking peoples legs, biting and scratching, throwing tantrums or violent conduct.
5. Can pass back to goalkeeper. Keeper can pick ball up with hands.
6. Choice of playing using the outside line (kick in) or just continuous play (very tiring). I vote for the former.
7. Players not allowed to smoke on the pitch
8. Those who wish to get intoxicated, please bring your own life support machine.

Thanks and see you all there ! ! !
cool bimmer910, hope to see u at our official TT tis friday at rainforest rite in front of sunway lagoon resort so tat we can discuss further on futsal thingy

come on guys lets sweat & kick some BALLS yeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaa

those who had confirmed

1. redbaron
2. bailey
3. rahizwan
4. silver
5. iceman63
6. zoggee
7. johnj
8. silverchair
9, meanguy
10. cppeng
11. Bimmer910
12. Speedy Timo
13. joetan
14. Jacky
15. xxx
16. QD250
17. iceman13
johnj;278582 said:

sometime or most of the time shld discount a bit tis guy wooooorrrrrr :thefinger:
Bimmer910;278559 said:
We will still be able to get the second hour because its usually the case that some people who book the other courts wont show up.... SO no worries. :)

Bro - not all the time we can get together like this for a good futsal game. So lets not take any chance of ending up with only ONE hour of game - as there are many of us coming and everyone would want a fair chance of play.

My experience is that once people book - its very very unlikely that they will not turn up... So just to be sure, would greatly appreciate if you could just check with other nearby Futsal places if there is a 2 hour slot available on Monday from 8-10pm?? Thanxs bro.....
i bet we'll get 2 hours bro dont woli as he explained cheers MERRY MAAL HIJRAH
Bailey;278711 said:
i bet we'll get 2 hours bro dont woli as he explained cheers MERRY MAAL HIJRAH

K Bro... if can get 2 hours, then good laa, coz if ONE hour only - surely many will be dissapointed wan...

HAPPY MAAL HIJRAH to you too.... May this new year bring us all more blessings, happiness and prosperity....
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