"Evaporating" engine oil

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Oct 9, 2006
Hi,Am wondering if any fellow 523i owners is encountering the same problem as mine.Bought a local assembled 523i in Nov 2006 and 2 months later, there was a warning on the computer that the engine oil has fallen to min level and needs topping up. A check on the computer indeed showed level to be at below min level. Sent to AB workshop in Segambut and they topped up to full while assuring me there was no leakages. Now another 2 months later, a check on the computer indicates that the oil level has dropped to below mid level!A call to the rep who sold me the car now says it's a common problem with the new magnesium engine. Seems there's evaporation of engine oil! That's why they have rescheduled all such models for service every 10k instead of 20k. I'm wondering if it's all balloney that's he's telling or if there's a deeper underlying problem. Imagine the hassle not to mention the costs (post 3-yr period) if we so frequently have to send in the car for top ups.Appreciate feedback from any other owners with same problem.Cheers
Be careful, I'd check the oil sensors first. You might be overfilling. I've seen accounts of a few E90 owners who are registering frequent low oil warnings. The problem was traced back to the sensors. The problem with having no dipsticks is there is no way to visibly verify this.

Your oil consumption is definitely irregular.

My N52B30 engine consumed 2 to 2.5 quarts within its first 13,500 miles (my first oil service was at this mileage - blame city driving)

Btw minimum level means you're only down a quart, but again within 2 months is ridiculous.

Your SA is BSing you, the magnesium block still have aluminum liners. Never heard of evaporation through magenesium. Its not unusual for the engine to consume some oil (varying amounts, depends) during the break-in period.

I hope you're not paying for your topups...
My E39, M54 engine also requires top-up about 0.5 litre every 5000km. No leaking whatsoever! I was told, it's a "common issue". Could be due to the oil we used. As the engine aged, we may need thicker oil like 15w/50

I think you e39 'makan minyak hitam already' the salesman had con you already,

it's common now in the new engines, it's seems with the new type of engines and to keep it from 'blowing-up', the oil will deminish within a 3k period..these new engines piston and rings uses up oil now..
Something might not be right if its more than a short term problem. Scary sia for such a new car if the problem persists.
I don't know, a quart every 2 months is pretty extreme I think. But more relavant, the evaporating oil comment is BS, never heard that one before. Technically, the block is magnesium alloy but the cylinders are lined in aluminum.

My E39 523 CBU just fine and never asking me to topup the engine oil. Just a cup of plain water every 2 weeks will do his job. :eek:
I have this problem with my E39 2001 previously but have u noticed any white smoke from your exhaust? I change the seal in the valves and after which it was ok.
Consuming engine oil.

Yes, Vanos engines do consume engine oil and so does poor valve seals. If there is no certain increase in fuel consumption, engine is mostly ok.

You might consider Castrol RS engine oil, it cost more but lasts and lasts. A couple of quarts for 10K km is normal. More city driving consumes more. Good luck and check the oil levels every month please. Do not over-fill. Keep level just slightly below the Top level marker, you should be OK. ;)
My E60 525i CKD purchased march 2006 has been topped up with oil 3 times to date.

First time was approximately 3 months after my purchase, at around 10 - 15k km's..

Second time around 30k kms and then subsequently one more time at 45k kms.

According to AB, im not the only one with this problem and it seems the N series engines have this problem...

Dont know...
i also had to pay for my last top up... Bloody hell man
hmmm my car so far never drain any oil till date, beside petrol...hhahaa...for my understanding, it should not have this kind of problem, i have check with my machanic, he say is not a common problem, is a serious problem, he say need to send back to fac and use computer to check your sensor, if is orite, then your engin might be in risk....it will never drain or evaporate any oil. he also ask where u service your ride?..izzit BMW specialist? coz e39 engin cannot simply put any brand of engin oil. need to be very careful. well this is wat his review.

good luck

k3nny;207176 said:
My E60 525i CKD purchased march 2006 has been topped up with oil 3 times to date.

First time was approximately 3 months after my purchase, at around 10 - 15k km's..

Second time around 30k kms and then subsequently one more time at 45k kms.

According to AB, im not the only one with this problem and it seems the N series engines have this problem...

Dont know...
i also had to pay for my last top up... Bloody hell man

Wow, 10-15k in 3 months...you drive a lot.

I think vis a vis your oil consumption pattern is similar. I believe this is within the normal operating spec, esp for a new engine.

Although the OP's account seem more drastic that is why I thought the SA should check out the oil sensors as well. The last thing you want to do is overfill.

Again, not quite sure about that oil evaporating out suggestion, doesn't add up. The block is not porous you know...
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