Engine vibrate during Idling

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Club Guest
May 18, 2006
Dear beemers, Kindly seek all the sifu's out there to help me on this problem. I bought my car E46 N42 yr 2003 about 4 month ago. until now the car still vibrate during idling. Already spend more than 8k to solve this problem. change most of the parts already. Any suggestion what suppose to do next.... :confused: . tuning?? engine flush??...
Hi Bro,

well my car is year 2000 model e46 had the same problem and changed the follwing parts :-

1. knocking sensor
2. air flow sensor
3. adjusted unit

it did some good to solving the problem.......but when i changed my engine mounting was the ultimate solution.......

argie3568 said:
Dear beemers,

Kindly seek all the sifu's out there to help me on this problem. I bought my car E46 N42 yr 2003 about 4 month ago. until now the car still vibrate during idling. Already spend more than 8k to solve this problem. change most of the parts already. Any suggestion what suppose to do next.... :confused: . tuning?? engine flush??...

Q.1 - Whn vibrate during idling = engine dies? Have ur last repair solved the issue? the GT1 would have diagnosed them..

Q.2 - What's ur ride mileage? U may have to consider ATF changes, rear axle oil..

Q.3 - Engine flush? Just do ur normal routine engine oil change shd be suffice.

Q.4 - Handling? Lower arm & bushes ( common wear & tear ), engine mounting..

Best have ur mech to visually inspects them besides the GT1 b4 suggesting any repair..

argie3568 said:
Dear beemers,

Kindly seek all the sifu's out there to help me on this problem. I bought my car E46 N42 yr 2003 about 4 month ago. until now the car still vibrate during idling. Already spend more than 8k to solve this problem. change most of the parts already. Any suggestion what suppose to do next.... :confused: . tuning?? engine flush??...

BTW argie3568, it's a courtesy here @ the club to formally introduce urself at the newbie section first...:D

So, that u'll get a warm welcome..
N42 engines are also prone to pre-matured ignition coil failures.
helloo have u all registered for AD...its just 2 weeks away
go and check out your engine mounts.

pretty sure they are the culprit.
Vibration...ask me dude....I'm having the constant same ole' problem...

A few questions:
1. Does you engine hunt during idling? (ie: sometimes the rpm goes up and down)
2. The vibration is intermittent but almost certainly frequent enough?
3. Do you drive your car like a sissy?

If you answer yes to the above, the main culprits of vibration is always attributed to:

1. (Major) Ignition coil failures - Make sure you have the BOSCH ones.
2. (Major) Hose on the manifold - change that if you have not done so.
3. (Minor) What engine oil are you using - I'm using Castrol Edge 5W 40.
4. (Minor) Fuel filter due for change?
5. (Major) Engine mounting changed?
6. (Major) Dirty valve - Decarb you car. A valvetronic do not have throttle nor idle valve. This will eventually cause vibration. Rev your car once a while....this will help...redline it!
Ade, this decarb service that gets preformed, how effective is it?

I mean, i am old school. i believe in the tried & tested, not theory balony.

So to me the way i drive my car is good enough to remove any carbon deposits, etc.

Does one need to pay (providing that the decarb thing works) for something that be done naturally?

I have not been to any workshops for decarb. To me, a bottle of STP total fuel treatment and redlining will be suffciently effective to me.

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