Electronic Gremlins ! Trans. Failsafe Prog

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Club Guest
Jul 5, 2006
Reaching 150 km on odo, electronic gremlins starting to appear.... 10 days ago I had 'trans. failsafe prog' error message on ODU, and airbag light coming up once in a while. Check bimmer.org, uk forum etc for advice, tried some tricks, but the problem stayed. Went to see my mech last Wednesday, chk fault codes etc, and it seemed like a 'major operation' was required. Set 'appointment' for Monday, and was ready to send in the car this week and prepared mentally some serious deep pocket expenses.... (ready for nasi and kicap, air kosong everyday, etc...sob! sob!) ... but suddenly, 3 days before the 'appointment', all error messages gone away..... Don't understand why and how, totally confused, but glad at the same time. Any strange experience with 'trans. failsafe prog' or other strange electronics faultcodes? I'm just worried that this would lead to something bigger. :(
I think what Alex meant was go get your OBD reading taken at your pomen's workshop. It will list out all the faulty sensors and OEM spare part codes a.k.a. shopping list..
My turn

AstroCreep;294395 said:
Reaching 150 km on odo, electronic gremlins starting to appear....

10 days ago I had 'trans. failsafe prog' error message on ODU, and airbag light coming up once in a while. Check bimmer.org, uk forum etc for advice, tried some tricks, but the problem stayed. Went to see my mech last Wednesday, chk fault codes etc, and it seemed like a 'major operation' was required. Set 'appointment' for Monday, and was ready to send in the car this week and prepared mentally some serious deep pocket expenses.... (ready for nasi and kicap, air kosong everyday, etc...sob! sob!)

... but suddenly, 3 days before the 'appointment', all error messages gone away.....

Don't understand why and how, totally confused, but glad at the same time.

Any strange experience with 'trans. failsafe prog' or other strange electronics faultcodes? I'm just worried that this would lead to something bigger. :(

I just have the same thing displayed on my ODU, did your car perform effortless, I have to step on it in order to move it. sent to my mech, computer display shown "stall speed" and "sensor" failure. As it was already late, left my car there.. now worried, do not know what to expect. How is your car now?
Whether it lost pickup or not, didn't notice before and after.
...since I testdrove the E60 525i M-sport package, I always felt my car is slow anyways. :eek:

It had another blip this morning, but dissappeared when I restart after.

Thanks to update after your mech experience (+ bills!)
car reset, don know how??? asked to flush gear oil and still no promise that the problem won't come back again, more on preventive measure. Ask them to repair my eletronic seats too, currently only the left size of both the front seat can come up, estimated cost, gear oil flusing about RM900 and repair of seat RM80. Car can only ready by mid tomorrow. Will post the bill then
Damage as below.

Flush gear oil.
ZF ori trans fluid= 51 X 11= RM561
Flush T. Fluid using machine RM150
Auto sump gasket= RM78
FL strainer= RM160
Repair seat = 80 X 2= 160

Total = RM1066

Hope the price is fine. I am happy with the outcome. Car back to Vroom Vroom and seats are at fully operationa now.l

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