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Dec 1, 2005
Hi Dudes out there,This mostly attention to those who bought their car from grey importer/car dealer...BTW, how many car key been given when you take delivery of the car..1 only..2, 3, 4 if you are lucky to receive all 4 original key...just want to compare notes....see what dealer excuse if the key u receive were less than 4..Fire
For those who are having one key, what do you think? Do car manufacturer provide only one key? I don't think so. There are chances that the car is hijack and these leave the robber with one key from the victim. Hope I am wrong.
you should have a total of 4 keys:

- 2 diamond-shaped keys (master keys)
- 1 jockey key (without the alarm button)
- 1 plastic "wallet" key
aiyoo...I only got 2 keys. Not sure if I can check with the dealer again.....
That is right..there are four key..I only receive 1 key from them...they suppose to give me the spare key but they claim they could not find it...well that leave something to think & worried about...what if the car is stolen? what is someone break-in to the car and take out something from the car?or worst still put drug or weapon in your car..say you make police report for losing your car, police ask you about the spare key & you told them you only been given one key & the rest lost with dealer...that will put the dealer under police microscope....and the insurance get a copy of police report and find out the spare key keep by dealers...you think in this scenario...will insurance still pay back your insurance claim???? :cry: :aggressive: :blink:
Maybe can consider changing the locks? Donno the damage to the wallet though... call AB la...
.. not expect they have all the key but at least 2 diamond key should be hand hand over ...as diamond key are the most primary key..the other 2 key will be most likely seldom used except for emergency..change lock... :( ...tht will a put a bigger hole in the wallet.. :(

Hard to say whether they keep all the key or vice versa...but at least 2 key should be the safe bet..
my personal opinion, if it's worth anything ...

we have bought a UDM with all our 'might' (money hehehe), in these circumstances, changing whole lock system would be the best way.

at least you can sleep at night!
Hi Guys,

Still waiting for my spare key from the importer where I bought my car.

Checked with AB, to order a spare prime key (with immobiliser) from them will cost about RM970, and need to make a police report and all the docs available, and will take about 2 weeks.

Anyone can share where can duplicate spare primary key without the immobiliser, at least can keep a spare to open the car door in case the ori key missing. I was told that it will cost more than to duplicate a Merc key? And many "key master" shops, when asked can only do for Merc? Is this a good news for the BMW owner & bad news for the Merc owner?? I mean security wise.. : :unsure:
U dont have to chnage the lock set, all you need to do is to sent the car back to ab and get the immob code to be reset on the key and car. the missing old key will be no use. If u get a new key it need to be reprogram to the new code the key itself cost 900+ from AB.
Sound tempting....oh please "money"....pls don't go away from me.... :cry:
Really seeking for advise, where can I duplicate my car key (without immobiliser), just to make a spare key so at least I can open the car door or boot in case my prime key not working or missing.
i got 4 of the keys

but now i m thinking how to re-program the 2 diamond keys

both of the diamond keys behave differently

i got 3 keys only. 2 diamonds. n one plastic.

i think go back AB for a duplicate keys is necessary as there are lots of programmin needs to be done on the car..

guys. better take good care of yr keys... if u r those forgetful type, use plasitc keys will do, at least hilang also wont sakit wallet.! hehe.. cabutzzzzzz
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