e46 ci

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Jun 4, 2006
i m using e36 coupe..was window shopping around for e46 ci..as i go along i got bit on confuse..my coupe only have 2 power window switch next to my gear as the rear window could only tilt.but when i saw this post n all the e46 ci post as well like thishttp://www.mudah.my/vi/1831463.htm?ca=3_si found that there is 4 power window switch n the rear window still tilt out like mine.so my confuse here is..could the e46 ci rear window could wind down?sorry if i brought up a silly question..
they only open little as the picture (6) from your link.. not wind down ..
so if it doenst wind down..what the four power window button for as u can see in the link pic..
It doesn't wind down, it will open sideways (tilt or whatever we call it, I don't know how to describe)
on e46 Ci cabriolet the rear windows wind down all the way.. there are 5 window switches.. one for each and an extra to wind all windows at once.. hope this helps..
i understand what u guys said..but as u can see in the url that i post..go thru all the pics..n u can see there 4 power window switches next to the gear..dont u guys see that?not only one..but all those e46 for sell post for example on mudah.com.my,all post have that kind of pic..

check it out guys..
Of course there are 4 switches, because, there are 4 windows that can be open. Front windows wind down, rear windows open sideways.
Aha! Go open your mudah link again, and refer to the last picture. That is how the rear window is opened.

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