E39 ABS and traction control light on

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Club Guest
Aug 29, 2007
My E39 528's ABS and Traction Control lights have been on intermittently. They will appear suddenly in the middle of driving and will disappear if I stop my car and restart the engine later.I was told that it could be the airbag controller or sensors problem. If it is the former I think it is not cheap. Anyone has similar experience on this? Thanks.
Hi Peanuts,

Could be yr ABS Controller...have it checked by yr mechanic..$$ quite painful..RM2.8K when i changed my this year...similar symptoms.

Yes as ny friend's car, a e39 528 also has similar problem and the quoted price is 2k+ as well. He has not changed it yet as the mechanic said it is ok but he intend to change it quite soon as it is quite disturbing to see such lights coming on over the meter panel:eek: :cool:
it could be just the speed sensors, cost less than RM400, if its the controller than could cost you more than 2 k ! I had this prob. too luckily is just the speed sensors.
Yes..don simply change the controller b4 u check for sensor 1st..sometime only the ABS sensoe goes wrong..I had this problem b4 and only changed the sensor cost ard rm300, then all solve..
My E39's ABS sensor had failed one after another over time and all four have been changed since.
My sensors als have been changed b4. Cause of failed sensors:

Prolonged turning of steering left and right twisting the wires.
Movement of the suspension units and rattling

This will expose the wires. Mine was worn and lights up when u hit water on a rainy day. When it dries its fine. But too much exposure to water will short circuit the main ABS controller. Then i will be Tua Kee liau!
hi it just happened to but my ABS and traction light 'off' continuously..
go to the bmw specialist.. plug in the computer. it say the front left wheel sensor.. but then when i change the sensor.. still can't work.. the ABS is not functioning.. then i surf internet found this company in UK.. luckily i'm in UK.. said they can repair the ABS unit.. go there with my ABS unit.. the next day they send the ABS unit through mail.. and put back the ABS.. and walllllahhhhhh!!.. is working.. it cost me 200 pound ( RM 1200)... save money since the ORI from BMW will cost + fitting around 900 pound .. (convert it RM.. wooooo.. so manyak oooo)
I sent in my to the worksop and the error message was the front left sensor. Changed the front left sensor for RM350 and the *&#%$* error message still appear after that. :banghead:

It seems that this is a confirmed ABS controller unit problem which will cost about RM2500+ and unfortunately here in MY I don't think anyone can fix a problematic unit.
ABS light

Also got same problem. Any body knows where recond abs is sold around pj. My volvo 850 had same problem replaced with recond unit for rm1100. So far 2 years already no problem yet. Volvo abs not related to speedometer so can wait, but this e39 the speedometer is dead. :top:

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