E39 1998 523i UK – Squeaking noise from the rubber door seal

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Mar 14, 2005
Recently my wife told me that the windows of her 523i were going to give way after hearing loads of squeaking noise. After the visit to the mechanic, it was found out that it is due to rubbing between the body and the doors’ rubber seals. I was told to apply those “leather shine” on them and it did quiet down. However, this does not last very long. After about two weeks the noise becomes prominent again. Does anyone know the root of the problem? Would changing all the seals (RM1000+) helps or I need to tighten certain nuts for the doors? Now my 1991 E34 CKD runs much quieter and I had never once applied any lotion to any interior of the car, not even the dashboard. In fact, I hardly paid attention to the maintenance this 520i. Does this kind of problem only happen in CBU cars? I don’t think I’m able to carry out the routine of applying the silicon lotion to the doors every two weeks for very long. [FONT=&quot]Helps from the experts would be very much appreciated[/FONT]
Hi... I am not sure it will work on your car but it works on my mum's WIRA and also my friend's Harrier.

Take a clean cotton cloth, apply water and wipe clean both side of the rubber of your door and car body panel. This task have to be done carefully as you have to cover all parts including the metal part of the door as long it have contact with the rubber. Once clean, sun bath your car under the hot sun with all doors open ( 2 hours)

Also check the door locks and hinges, if it is not perfectly thight it will allow vibration to the door.

Good luck..
If you are in Penang (island), go to Chu Seng Auto, they will apply some sort of tape with smooth surface (like selotape) on the metal part. The tape carries a BMW part no.

It works on my E36, apparently this (squeaks between rubber and body) is a common problem for E36 and E46, not sure about E39.
Yeah bro, had that problem too.. Don't know about your leather shine lotion, which I think dries up too quickly, I tried using bearing grease (red colour) voila! problem solved.. or at least, it has been 2 months of noise free rides :D
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