e36 318i ecu needed urgently

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Oct 12, 2010
well, i have had the intermitent missfire, and occasional backfire through the intake plenum for a while, a fault code has shown its the ecu casing this, so, im in need of a complete set, ecu and ews etc to fix my car.............been 3 days already without our beloved 318............. anyone with contacts to finf these parts?, i have found on UK ebay, but the sellers wont send to malaysia.dave
OR if anyone can suggest a competent workshop that i can take the car to tomorrow to be fixed, please share.............. im told i need an ecu with the ews transponder, theres 3 types, i need a workshop that can identify this, and do the job, we need the car for work tuesday, the workshop i went to seems to not be bothered about locating the parts............
thanks, today its gone in for starter moter replacement, i can do it, but its a bugger of a job !!! im still trying to get to the bottom of the issue i have, car is running perfectly,apart from an intermittent backfire through the intake at startup. workshop said its ecu problem........... and i cant seem to find anyone trustworthy to actually give me second opinion either..
carlsberg;701729 said:
thanks, today its gone in for starter moter replacement, i can do it, but its a bugger of a job !!! im still trying to get to the bottom of the issue i have, car is running perfectly,apart from an intermittent backfire through the intake at startup. workshop said its ecu problem........... and i cant seem to find anyone trustworthy to actually give me second opinion either..

The joy of owning a used BMW. :eek:
yea, now the workshop just called, he cant do the job as he does not have any torx tools............. WTF?......so 2 weeks wasted talking to clowns, wify was on holiday, now, no car for work on tuesday, and a 160k round trip everyday.

silly me for thinking this could be fixed in 2 weeks in bolehland.
torx set not so expensive... the garage should buy one..... easily can get from industrial hardware supplier... but not the hardware shop for barang2 rumah
yea, crap workshop, but only one here, now car back home, duno what to do next, cant keep driving to KL to stupid w/shops that just wana rob or cant be botherd. car parked under the tree now, my mind set on just leaving it there !!!.......... hard to get any satisfaction here, i usually do my own work, but ecu and things like that im prepared to pay a workshop, seems thats not working................ 2 weeks now ive been trying to sort this out, cash in hand, asking to get it fixed..............seems cannot. *shaking my head*
relax bro...all prob can be solve.....were r u staying??? any wokshop at ur place can swap the ecu first n tried it first than can conform with the prob....??? this the easiest thing to rectyfied the prob..those ecu with the module r not chep bro...coz before this my fren e46 320 had the same prob like u.....tried averything but still cant trace the prob..until the car cannot start n cannot engage the gear lever....somehow our fren kindly give a try his car parts n averything is clear the ecu kong...

just my 2 cents bro
theres no one here with any expertise, im at tg/malim, your right, i wanted to got to, and did go to a workshop in KL, fully prepared to leave the car and just get it done, 'close one eye' hehehehe........... but seems i cannot find anyone to help.
bro ,
the other option come up to Ipoh . 2 of our favorite / recommended w/shops .
Ultimate Auto ; Ah Seng 05-2827180 or
Ipoh Garage ; Saiful 016-5406269
ok, thanks for all the help, much appreciated, yesterday i took the car for a second opinion, a workshop at batu caves, their opinion was that its not the ecu at all, they suggested the crankshaft sensor was sending eratic signals, i bought a new one and went to my friends shop where we fitted it, damn fiddly job i can tell you, and quite a few odd looks at his new mat salleh mechanic LOL........ anyway, so far so good, but, as it was an intermittent fault, i wont know for some time if its fixed, the downside, is my wife has lost confidence in driving the car............. the sensor we removed was showing signs of aging, the once flexible wire was baked hard by engine heat........ i checked the service records, theres no record of it having been ever changed, with the car now at 280k, i guess its time was up.................... next job is flexi plate renewal........im sure theres some teeth damaged on it.
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