E34 Instrument Cluster

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Dec 8, 2004
Been having this intermittent problem of the tacho (rpm) not working once in a blue moon especially if I drive over very bumpy roads. The tacho just goes dead but the rest of the gauges (i.e petrol, temp, speed) all still ok. Sometimes light banging on the dash brings the tacho back to life or simply just drive over another bump or something and wah lah its working again.So obviously its a loose connection somewhere. I know there are two connectors at the back of the instrument cluster, could these be loose or connectors don't have good contact?. or perhaps within the instrument cluster itself there are loose connections. Anyone face this problem before and have identified what is causing this lose connection?. I know each meter (i.e rpm, temp, petrol & speed) is inserted into the cluster circuitboard and the legs of the meter touches a set of metal contacts to get contact to the circuitboard. I'm worried over time this may also have loose connections so was just wondering if its ok to solder this to ensure better contacts between the legs of the meters and the circuitboard?. Hope my explanation is clear....
Originally posted by ehoe@Feb 28 2005, 10:25 AM
Been having this intermittent problem of the tacho (rpm) not working once in a blue moon especially if I drive over very bumpy roads. The tacho just goes dead but the rest of the gauges (i.e petrol, temp, speed) all still ok. Sometimes light banging on the dash brings the tacho back to life or simply just drive over another bump or something and wah lah its working again.

So obviously its a loose connection somewhere. I know there are two connectors at the back of the instrument cluster, could these be loose or connectors don't have good contact?. or perhaps within the instrument cluster itself there are loose connections. Anyone face this problem before and have identified what is causing this lose connection?.

I know each meter (i.e rpm, temp, petrol & speed) is inserted into the cluster circuitboard and the legs of the meter touches a set of metal contacts to get contact to the circuitboard. I'm worried over time this may also have loose connections so was just wondering if its ok to solder this to ensure better contacts between the legs of the meters and the circuitboard?. Hope my explanation is clear....
I have another problem with my rev meter... usually just after I start my babe, the rev needle has a "sticky" problem. It wud not move in relation to the engine speed and might stick at a certain reading. But once everything warms up, it works ok.

Per Bai Yee, I wud need to dismantle my instrument panel and oil the back of dial... (cud be a tedious job). Have not done that yet though. Will only do that once the rev meter goes konk...
Originally posted by flash@Feb 27 2005, 09:41 PM

I have another problem with my rev meter... usually just after I start my babe, the rev needle has a "sticky" problem. It wud not move in relation to the engine speed and might stick at a certain reading. But once everything warms up, it works ok.

Per Bai Yee, I wud need to dismantle my instrument panel and oil the back of dial... (cud be a tedious job). Have not done that yet though. Will only do that once the rev meter goes konk...
By right I think the meters do not need any 'oiling' thruout its lifespan but I may be wrong. Anyway removing the cluster is a simple job and for your case since you want to try to lube the meter, you will need to remove the front panel of the cluster as well. I think there are something like 6 screws you need to remove to take out the front panel.

Just a word of caution, becareful once you have removed the front panel of the cluster as all the meters are exposed now and that includes the fragile needles (dial needles). I have seen people accidentally snap off the dial needles!!. Once u snap those off by breaking the tiny little shaft on the motor then you'll have to replace the entire meter. So take extra care yah.
Originally posted by ehoe@Feb 28 2005, 10:25 AM
Been having this intermittent problem of the tacho (rpm) not working once in a blue moon especially if I drive over very bumpy roads. The tacho just goes dead but the rest of the gauges (i.e petrol, temp, speed) all still ok. Sometimes light banging on the dash brings the tacho back to life or simply just drive over another bump or something and wah lah its working again.

So obviously its a loose connection somewhere. I know there are two connectors at the back of the instrument cluster, could these be loose or connectors don't have good contact?. or perhaps within the instrument cluster itself there are loose connections. Anyone face this problem before and have identified what is causing this lose connection?.
Same thing on my e34. Same symptoms (only a dead tachometer).
Took out the cluster and re-seated the cable connectors. That worked for me.

I think generally taking apart anything in the e34 would require tlc as most parts are very brittle by now.

I am not sure about your model but on the E36, you can do a self test for the instrument cluster.

Just press the "milage reset" knob with the ignition key in off position.

When the "Total Milage and Trip Milage" appear, while pressing the "milage reset", turn the ignition to "ON" (first click), it will turn all the display to be on, tachometer, speedometer, fuel meter and temperature to be max to return to minmum. Just found out about it today. try it.. it is quite awesome sight to see...
Originally posted by ehoe@Feb 28 2005, 11:59 AM
Just a word of caution, becareful once you have removed the front panel of the cluster as all the meters are exposed now and that includes the fragile needles (dial needles). I have seen people accidentally snap off the dial needles!!. Once u snap those off by breaking the tiny little shaft on the motor then you'll have to replace the entire meter. So take extra care yah.
That is one reason why I have yet to open my instrument cluster... I can live with this slight annoyance in the meantime.
wat if jus my petrol indicator meter is out?the light indicating the low fuel is peculiarly on..is ther anything i could do to fix this?
Originally posted by zackertashia@Feb 28 2005, 02:05 PM
wat if jus my petrol indicator meter is out?the light indicating the low fuel is peculiarly on..is ther anything i could do to fix this?
If your petrol meter is always low and low fuel light is on even after filling with petrol, then your level sensor is either faulty. check the 2 nos. of fuel guages sensor located under the passenger seat..
Originally posted by zackertashia@Feb 28 2005, 03:24 PM
the low fuel light is not faulty s it really works but the dial doesnt move..
have you done a cluster instrument test by pressing the "Trip Reset". it will make the instrument to go to maximum without having to remove the instrument cluster.. try that first.. if you dial guage is sticky, this test would confirm it.

Hi all,

I have even worse senario.. Sometimes when i switch to Reverse position, the speedo and techno will jump to max then to min. Any clues??
I have this problem too. But my problem is the low fuel light does not work even the pointer shown as "R". Could it be the sensor problem? I have change the light bulb but the problem is still occur!
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