E30 owners? E30 pro? E30 Junkie? Just read kisah riwayat hidup ku pls

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Mar 6, 2009
Haaaaa, hello hello, this is my first time joining a forum, i got abit lost just now on how to post a thread, banyak peningggg ar, anyways, here is my story laa, sob sob, very sad one, the only reason y i join this forum for the very first time in my life is to get your opinion lorh....Once upon a time, in a land far far away, ada this budak kecik suka main guli back in the year 87/88, since he was small, his dad owns a E30 4 door car, dat was his first ever bmw purchase car back in 85 la, b4 dat he drives a Mitsubishi gallant, weird thing is, this car always been around me one, the more i grow up, the car would still be there, my dad is a bmw freak, aku masa kecik pun pelik, apa best sgt laa bmw nih, he would buy bmw magazines sampai the house dah jadi bmw library, pfftthh, wasting money. Years after years, he would switch to a better car, BUT THEN! i seriously dunno y he would still keep the junk E30, pergiiii juallll laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, when i was tadika, dat car ada, masuk primary oso, that car would still be around under d selimut, high school oso the same thing. There was this one day, we went for kenduri, i was 11 i think, my abang2 cousin around 24+ all ask la my dad about the car, they said sell it to them la, they wanna bikin2, lantak diorang la nak buat apa, just get rid of the car lorh!!, then i almost pengsan, my dad replied " ouh tak bole, dat car for my son bila dia dah besar nanti, hayoiiihhhh!! u wanna give me dat car ar?!!!! arghhh!!!!, nvm nvm, he sure realise one day dat car will kasi duit habis je, so, after aku dah besar n dapat lesen kereta, i asked for a car, but then i said " i rather get a small car rather then ride that old junk", wah wah, eksyen sungguh, aku. So, since i got good grades for my spm till i got a scholarship, i was awarded a car, punya la excited, TGK2! a kelisa!!!! huarggghhhh, aku ingatkan coupe ke, 2 doors car ke, but its ok, dat time kelisa just got out, so people agak keco with the similiraties with mini. So i was bit proud la to drive the car, but then...., 8 years has passed...., n im still driving the same freakin kelisa...., gi uni naik kelisa, sampai grad n start workin also with kelisa..., so i got fed up!, did i mention the E30 is still around! haish haish, crazy crazy, so i was like " ayahanda yg tercinta, anakanda tidak bole memandu kereta kecik lagi", my dad replied, no prob, i think now its time for u to get in the E30, oh no no no no, i gave him a safe answer " i cant", he asked "why?", bcoz i dun like driving manual, kl jam maaaahhh, bole kasik itu kaki kepala siku otak suma pecah. Next thing I know, my kelisa now sudah nazak n givin lotsa prob, plus am bored with it. Not only dad, my dad did something really crazy gi tuka the E30 from manual to auto for me to drive, wahh wahh, u mau kasi saya feel guilty yaaa, so i figured, fine!! i give it a shot! after berpuluh-puluh tahun of just lookin at the car without even touchin it, now finally, im on the wheels drivin the car......Damn, my dad did a really good job of maintaining the car for years n years, very smooth, abit very the berat la, mcm bawak submarine, n last but not least, very2 powerful car one, am bit jakun la coz b4 this i drive kelisa only maaahhh, so the kesimpulan to this story is, now i feel like maybe i should just use the car since my dad really loves dat car, he also very old one now, he wants me to pass to my son the car....., mmg tak la!!!!! hahaha!! by the time i give my son, can make playground already with car, anyways..What i wanna ask here, which is very important is...., the car is originally standard, no bikin2 apa. So im thinkin i wanna bikin it. Kasik garang2 la, change bodykit n stuff, make it look like very super sporty n brooom brooommm even batman oso surrender with his batmobil. I asked my fren the other day how much he can hook me up, coz apparently he said his fren in subang can help buat power giler, can turn the car sampai look like a ford mustang, i said watever la, janji kasik garang, the he showed me sample n said its rm7k including paint, steel fabrication like original, when i heard that, i mau pengsan already, issit true arrr? to bkin this car`s bodykit consist of that much of amount? help la!!!!! i sudaaa takda keretaaa wooohh!!!!
nice story there. E30 has always being a very intimate car to most of the owners. Owning the car is like being in a relationship.

But you can start by sharing what is the model of the car, 318, 320, 323 or 325i.

also, search in the forum ,i m sure you find more info.

But i would tell you, the E30 can and will cost more than your kelisa.
:41::41::41::bebored::69: Bravo.....great and funny story. Perhaps you should apply for a job with Lat in the future. Welcome to BMWCM forum. You are right...E30 is still the
best handling 3er I've ever driven. Hang on to it a while more and it'll become a classic. Good ones doesn't come by easilt today. Since you have one which has been well looked after, hang on to it tight.

I believe you don't need to spend up to RM7k for bodykit and spraying. Unless of course you want nothing but ori parts.
nice story, almost cry oredi.....
bravo to your dad. dont break his trust.... stick to it. you will enjoy every minute with it
tepuk dada, tanya poket. kalau takde budget, tak perlu modify lagi. tak salah just keep your car standard.. janji nice and clean.
I'm very touched with the story and drama & welcome to the club. A car worth keeping and its very responsive towards any modification done. Try dig up the history of E30 and you'll appreciate it more. On top of all, your dad is passing his legacy to you and its worth more then anything else. Enjoy the forum and have fun with your E30 which had found you 1st rather you finding it.

Sounds like your dad is a great guy, saving the best things for you when the time is right.

Make him pround, don't Ah-Beng your car! It's a classic. Do it the German way. You story so far is good, can be made into a short movie.
wc9922;401895 said:
Sounds like your dad is a great guy, saving the best things for you when the time is right.

Make him pround, don't Ah-Beng your car! It's a classic. Do it the German way. You story so far is good, can be made into a short movie.

I second you bro:top::wink:
Please do not insult the BMW E30 by making it look like a ford mustang.

BtW, your dad is a wise man. He know what is a good car and he is saving it for his son.

You are one lucky guy..
jarance;401919 said:
Please do not insult the BMW E30 by making it look like a ford mustang.

BtW, your dad is a wise man. He know what is a good car and he is saving it for his son.

You are one lucky guy..


I think our club has one 5 series that looks something like a mustang right? well at least the white stripe does..... always write in RED. Maybe he will be at the TT tonite.Ha ha...
changing the fighter look of an E30..... is a CRIME dude!!!.....heheheh.....
Rotiboy;401859 said:
What i wanna ask here, which is very important is...., the car is originally standard, no bikin2 apa. So im thinkin i wanna bikin it. Kasik garang2 la, change bodykit n stuff, make it look like very super sporty n brooom brooommm even batman oso surrender with his batmobil.

Don't you ever dare, son.:68::68::68::68::68::68::68::68::68::68::68::68::68::68::68::68::68::68::68:
wc9922;401971 said:

I think our club has one 5 series that looks something like a mustang right? well at least the white stripe does..... always write in RED. Maybe he will be at the TT tonite.Ha ha...

that one does not look like a mustang. It is a "skunk" :top:
waaaah, so fast ey the people here reply, i feel like a superstar now, like jay chou. Well i guess this is what like to be in a forum. Not bad, i`m having fun now and did i mention this my first forum i joined in my entire life? bmwclub malaysia, who wouldve tot, hohohohoho,

Ok back to the topic, y peopleeeee? yyy??? y cant i make it look garang n sporty? ok la, i must admit dad my dad really took good care of the car, even the interior suda kasi tuka baru suma n clean. But then!! the car looks so boring my frennnnn, very lame n plain mahhh, how to get the chicks like dis? no amoi or awek wanna look at me now when i drive this car (when i drive kelisa oso takda org pandang pun, its just makcik jual kuih suka pandang hoping i`ll stop n buy her kuih), howww la?!!! the car is not even lowered, ouh btw the car model is 318, forgot to mention dat, im quite surprised lotsa people here discourage me to change the bodykit n so on, y? y? y the sky is blue n the mamak nowdays doesnt make good roti canai anymore until u guys say dun change the body kit, apa aku merepek ni?, haa y?

Im very sad one my dear frens, i drive the car petang2 now, rolling down the window isap rokok n hope dat this car would look better, but takda laaa sampai rm7k!!!, 7k i can go pay installment for a new car already, haiyooohh, i see all other E30 all manyak syiok one, not really syiok la, but ok la since i hafta drive dis car now i have to force myself with the word syyiiokkkkkk , syyyiiookkk advice la plsss
read up the threads, and browse the galleries. if you wish for your E30 to appear 'garang' and not as boring as you say it is, consider the M-Tech bodykit or ACSchnitzer. i don't know why you keep mentioning your 7k budget. it may be enough, or it may not. one thing is for certain though, takde orang kata pun yg ko kena bikin semua tu dalam masa seminggu. nice E30's owned by forumers here took months or even years to put right. so, please don't be short sighted to say you 'only' have 7k. in the future, who knows what your rezeki will be.
echoing the rest, please don't insult the E30 by putting on cheap and tacky body mods. standard is very very nice.. if you have the true appreciation of what an E30 is, you will understand what most of us here are saying. kalau ko tak paham jugak, cukup la sekadar kelisa tu. the E30 is not for you.
bro rotiboy.... i guess what we are trying to tell u is.... not to "disturb" the originality of the E30...yup.. u can go ahead with the bodykits....but.. better make sure they are originaly meant for an E30... not any customized "add ons" just to make your ride look "garang"..... to play around with an E30 u need to have PASSION... & a lots of PATIENCE.......
....you own an E30... not just any BMW......it's a CULT.... haahahahahahhaha........
gud luck bro... i hope u'll get the message
sounds like u got a nice car there, many people in this forum would be lucky to inherit such a machine from their fathers. Me? not so lucky, had to buy mine!. If u decided to make it more sporty, may i suggest you to not go down the EuroTrash/ahbeng/e30lutionize look. keep it e30'ish.Sporty,simple yet classy. As for the ladies dept, i was told that they love the feeling of the M-tech seats and the way the car seems to "hugs" the bends day in and day out. ask arnd, ul be surprised when u start to fall for the lure of the E30. welcome mate! :top:
The e30 is a classic and one of the best cars ever built during the 80s era. Leave it alone and it will be worth much more in the near future. If you are still gatal, follow the advice that the bros here are sharing with you. Remember: Money cannot buy taste and once you 'ah BEng' a bmw, konfirm kau akan dipinggirkan.
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