DSC off, S6, Sports Mode "ON".

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Originally posted by walrus_lord@Mar 25 2005, 06:15 AM
Necc - give me a 1 lap advantage handicap in Sepang OK!
Yippppeeeee!! walrus_lord is onz. You got my car keys bro! (pssst... better ask for 2 laps advantage, The Necc dribing E46 M3 now and just learnt how to engage sports mode, hehehe!!)
Originally posted by ALBundy@Mar 24 2005, 11:43 PM
Off topic, lets not forget the battle between Alvin and Kevster!!! 6pot vs 4 pot *cabutz* :rofl: :) :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:
:aggressive: WOI! The showdown was with you.....not Alvin! Besides, I will be too busy instructing and fine tuning Alvin's chassis to even consider taking anyone on. :getyourfactsright:
Originally posted by kevster30@Mar 25 2005, 02:28 PM

TALK IS CHEAP!!!!.........

......bring it on!
Hmmm, how would we know if this Stefan guy will show-up, if at all? He could be incognito...
JPB - relax la bro... me if selling my ride would upgrade the engine CC....The MPV is a seperate story :-; So still will be in the UDM circle... but will c you in Sepang.

Btw, on my car, the ASC can only be turned off - so no DSC and step sport gear selection. But must admit that turning off the ASC during wet roads provide more exhiliration out of corners :)
I was just reading through the discussions. Some people have just got too much time and too much money. And the best part is the BIIIIIIIGGGG argument about the cars.

Sometimes I wonder whether you actually bring these "questions" to members actually to make actual enquiries or are you bringing up these topics just to show off how much money and cars you have?

You have a nice car. I'll give you that. But to get into a heated argument over it and challenging each other to show up with the cars? A bit immature, don't you think?

This is a BMW's appreciation forum. Appreciate the car for what you have and what it is.

'nuff said.
Thank you all for the invitations to sepang. Unfortunetly due to my geographical distance, I can only experience its 15 turns and 2 straights via my ps2. and I usually run with all its grandstands empty, crashing and burning at turn 9, projected gloriously on my wall.

As a new visitor to your country (albeit via my monitor and keyboard, for the time being), I’m wide-eyed and flabbergasted to know that there are such obnoxiously rude and hideously vocal individuals amongst your commuinity. Aren’t you after all, as an automotive-focussed forum, a local community reaching out to (and striving for) a global audience? Far from me to give you, as a visitor, a lecture on simple courtesy and manners, I think some specific responses to my postings have been extremely malicious and dare I say, executed without a nuance of finesse nor sophistication.

Are you the best Malaysia can offer? Your Prime Minister has just recently headlined "Malaysia is a story waiting to be told…" I think he has absolutely no idea the story that I’m getting here.

My name is stefan and its not a pseudonym. The Necessary is a pseudonym, so is ilovevagina (albeit a culturally insensitive one), so is walrus, kevster, etc. I’m surprised that if you profess to be a porcheholic, you do not recognise me. Must I really give you clues and further insult your intellect?

Talk is indeed cheap hence I extend an invitation to spa, to zandvoort, to hockenhiem, or even the nring. Perhaps then you can show that your mr yoong was indeed an anomaly in f1 and malysia does possess world-beating talent.

I never go against my better judgement and my advise is you shouldn’t either. If you have driven for as long and as much as I have, youl’ll understand.

Have I describe anything inconsistent of an m3 that made you doubt my ownership of one? (besides, of course, our differing views on the car’s behaviour and character) It’s a fairly common car over here.

I have never questioned your ownership of an m3 nor have I asked for your references to vouch for you as an ‘individual of known quantity’. Why are you compelled to continously prove yourself the real deal? Are you trying to be clever but end up being insidiously manipulative? As to other members attesting to your driving skills, I see that they take great pleasure and amusement of your antics on a gokart. Do you participate in races often? Are the spectators not safe whilst you’re in a kart?

I see great contradiction here – how can one drive ones m3 ‘hard’ if sport was only just recently discovered? Dsc on? And launch control never released? And you have not ever tasted oversteer? (you don’t need insane speeds to wag its tail – I can do mine at 60) Never tracked? How many sets of tyres have you gone thru? Perhaps you’ve gone thru 6 sets of fronts with the orgy of understeer that you’re experiencing while still having 70% on your FIRST set of rears?

If you have no mechanical curiosity wahtsoever, then perhaps the 911 is not the car for you. Mind you, cos the engineers at Porsche have spent the better part of 4 decades trying to correct their mistake in physics. It needs sensitive, patient, and ultimately, accomplished drivers. You’re not one, .....yet.

Have you driven any 911 for any length of time?

Which one? The gt3 that you almost bought? For you to deem it interesting with great steering feel, can you describe its great steering feel? Wats it like entering corners?

Or have you been reading too many magazines? which ones?

I have suggested the administrator to set up a non-bmw thread but I have not received any rsponce except one from a committee member derisively questioning my understanding of the English language but I’ve followed my better judgement to not dignify him with a reply. Again, talk is indeed cheap.

My personal take is that one can only outgrow ones car if one have exhausted the car’s abilities (sometimes that includes writing it off – see wrecked exotics) and from your postings, as per your story telling, your level of driving skill does not even allow you to scratch the surface of the m3’s abilities. Hence my suggestion to sell it for a 318ci that would be a more suitable tool for you - at this point in time.

The word to describe the m3 is NOT “boring”, perhaps its ‘compromised’.

You’re only qualified to describe it as boring if your name ends with huisman, cecotto, soper, ravaglia, stuck, winkelhock, et al.

Otherwise you’re nothing more than a rude undeserving yuppie poseur suffering from a massive inferiority complex.
:D I've been waiting so long for Stefan to log on... and bangs a few words here..oh boy!! B) the truth hurts but its interesting... :D

keep it up..!!! more..please..!!! :)
Originally posted by Stefan Rosier@Mar 25 2005, 01:44 PM
Thank you all for the invitations to sepang. Unfortunetly due to my geographical distance, I can only experience its 15 turns and 2 straights via my ps2. and I usually run with all its grandstands empty, crashing and burning at turn 9, projected gloriously on my wall.

B) Sepang circuit is nice..!! B) if you happens to be here..pm me.!! :D
Originally posted by Stefan Rosier@Mar 25 2005, 01:44 PM
Talk is indeed cheap hence I extend an invitation to spa, to zandvoort, to hockenhiem, or even the nring. Perhaps then you can show that your mr yoong was indeed an anomaly in f1 and malysia does possess world-beating talent.
it's sure nice if I can go to the N ring.. but I pity mryoong... :beaten: leave him alone for his own goodness sake :)
Originally posted by Stefan Rosier@Mar 25 2005, 01:44 PM
Thank you all for the invitations to sepang. Unfortunetly due to my geographical distance, I can only experience its 15 turns and 2 straights via my ps2. and I usually run with all its grandstands empty, crashing and burning at turn 9, projected gloriously on my wall.

As a new visitor to your country (albeit via my monitor and keyboard, for the time being), I’m wide-eyed and flabbergasted to know that there are such obnoxiously rude and hideously vocal individuals amongst your commuinity. Aren’t you after all, as an automotive-focussed forum, a local community reaching out to (and striving for) a global audience? Far from me to give you, as a visitor, a lecture on simple courtesy and manners, I think some specific responses to my postings have been extremely malicious and dare I say, executed without a nuance of finesse nor sophistication.

Are you the best Malaysia can offer? Your Prime Minister has just recently headlined "Malaysia is a story waiting to be told…" I think he has absolutely no idea the story that I’m getting here.

My name is stefan and its not a pseudonym. The Necessary is a pseudonym, so is ilovevagina (albeit a culturally insensitive one), so is walrus, kevster, etc. I’m surprised that if you profess to be a porcheholic, you do not recognise me. Must I really give you clues and further insult your intellect?

Talk is indeed cheap hence I extend an invitation to spa, to zandvoort, to hockenhiem, or even the nring. Perhaps then you can show that your mr yoong was indeed an anomaly in f1 and malysia does possess world-beating talent.

I never go against my better judgement and my advise is you shouldn’t either. If you have driven for as long and as much as I have, youl’ll understand.

Have I describe anything inconsistent of an m3 that made you doubt my ownership of one? (besides, of course, our differing views on the car’s behaviour and character) It’s a fairly common car over here.

I have never questioned your ownership of an m3 nor have I asked for your references to vouch for you as an ‘individual of known quantity’. Why are you compelled to continously prove yourself the real deal? Are you trying to be clever but end up being insidiously manipulative? As to other members attesting to your driving skills, I see that they take great pleasure and amusement of your antics on a gokart. Do you participate in races often? Are the spectators not safe whilst you’re in a kart?

I see great contradiction here – how can one drive ones m3 ‘hard’ if sport was only just recently discovered? Dsc on? And launch control never released? And you have not ever tasted oversteer? (you don’t need insane speeds to wag its tail – I can do mine at 60) Never tracked? How many sets of tyres have you gone thru? Perhaps you’ve gone thru 6 sets of fronts with the orgy of understeer that you’re experiencing while still having 70% on your FIRST set of rears?

If you have no mechanical curiosity wahtsoever, then perhaps the 911 is not the car for you. Mind you, cos the engineers at Porsche have spent the better part of 4 decades trying to correct their mistake in physics. It needs sensitive, patient, and ultimately, accomplished drivers. You’re not one, .....yet.

Have you driven any 911 for any length of time?

Which one? The gt3 that you almost bought? For you to deem it interesting with great steering feel, can you describe its great steering feel? Wats it like entering corners?

Or have you been reading too many magazines? which ones?

I have suggested the administrator to set up a non-bmw thread but I have not received any rsponce except one from a committee member derisively questioning my understanding of the English language but I’ve followed my better judgement to not dignify him with a reply. Again, talk is indeed cheap.

My personal take is that one can only outgrow ones car if one have exhausted the car’s abilities (sometimes that includes writing it off – see wrecked exotics) and from your postings, as per your story telling, your level of driving skill does not even allow you to scratch the surface of the m3’s abilities. Hence my suggestion to sell it for a 318ci that would be a more suitable tool for you - at this point in time.

The word to describe the m3 is NOT “boring”, perhaps its ‘compromised’.

You’re only qualified to describe it as boring if your name ends with huisman, cecotto, soper, ravaglia, stuck, winkelhock, et al.

Otherwise you’re nothing more than a rude undeserving yuppie poseur suffering from a massive inferiority complex.
:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

Blardy good one Stefan! OUCH!

U R my hero.....


And.. if you are ever here, PM me, dun mind being ur guide n show U around the country... especially the beaches and island of Trengganu!
(P.s - That's where Shoemarcher played soccer with local folks)
Stefan, I believe that many forummers here have found your input to be quite invaluable. Keep it up! I regret that many responses to your postings have been deemed "unsatisfactory" but I hope you can take it with a pinch of salt and not be inclined into making generalisations about the Malaysian people. After all, we are a very diverse community and should you visit us someday, you'll find that you have friends here. On your suggestion for a non-bmw section, I have expressed some views in support and requested for the Committee to inform us of their decision. Being an ex-Committee member, I understand that this matter has to be deliberated to achieve some level of consensus, which should be forthcoming. In the meantime, I would like to advise that you must be prepared "to take as much as you give" in this forum. There have been many debates on many issues in this forum and sometimes they can be quite healthy. I still recall the gargantuan exchanges between Eeric and The Necessary that led to a splendid track session between the former's modded Cooper S and the latter's modded ex-330i. They even landed up becoming friends (I recall a high speed drive down to Singapore together) despite continuing their barrage of exchanges. So, I hope that you do continue to impart your perspective and experiences here. Thanks!

P.S..... Mr. Yoong is indeed an anamoly (somewhat like Vestappen) which we shall eventually evidence and reading your postings have made me check the dicktionary a few times too. Bravo!
whoa..!!!!!Stefan....!!!!! :eek:

if its you driving the yellow 911 in the Ring...then I'll be lying face down on the floor like a tribe praying you as God of Sideways!!! The videos from the Green-Flag are :eek: Awesome...!!!! B)

I'm sure the NECC can afford to fly to the Ring and play with you man.... B)

I'm sorry, perhaps I've misread your initial post on this topic, but who was the one being "obnoxiously rude and hideously vocal" first?

Also, I do not like your tone about how my attitude reflects badly on Malaysians. If only they were as vocal and opinionated as me, I say! As for your insinuations; there are racist and cultural undertones which fankly, I find most distasteful, especially coming from someone who's claiming to be more mature and educated. Which educated or learned man even BEGINS to judge a forum, a country, a people from the postings of one individual?

As for finesse and sophistication; Stephan, please tell me how your first post directed to me was at all sophisticated (or eloquent)?

This forum is supposed to be about BMWs (and cars), something which you threw out of the window with your comments about how I was "undeserving" and a "yuppie". From then on, it ceased to be a discussion purely about the mechanical qualities of an M3, and guess what? YOU STARTED IT. You were the one who made unsolicited comments and judgements about me. Sure, I haven't taken my M3 to the track, yet, but I do own and run an Intrepid chassised Rotax MAX 125cc kart. Something which I drive regularly with aplomb. Are you telling me that that does NOT require skill? You do not know me, as I do not know you, yet you were the first to judge. What does that say about you?

We do have differing views on the M3, so what? I am an open minded individual who's willing to accept another's point of view- if it was expressed with any of that finesse and sophistication you talk about. However, your first post was if anything, a blunt and poor reflection upon yourself.

I don't know which country you come from, but it's a poor one if it considers you, a closeminded, uncivililsed and uneducated bigot, a citizen of.

Judge us, and me, at your own loss.

(BTW, who give a toss if you are THE Stefan Roiser? Even if you are in possesion of all that skill and experience, it still does not make you any less of a t.wat. And... what are the chances that the real Stefan Roiser will be posting on some BMW forum in Malaysia? (I would love to be proven wrong!))

Edit: Oh, as for the whole "proving who you are" insistence, well, I could easily have logged on as say... "Alex Yoong" on some foreign board and claimed to be him, no?


Sorry, but a further edit; after reviewing what you've posted so far, I cannot help but feel and express disgust for a hypocrite such as yourself, Stefan.

Also, as for the rest of you forummers. What the hell are you guys on? This f.ucker has singlehandedly insulted us Malaysians, yet you're all still nice to him. Ball f.ucking lickers.

You are my hero.........and i AGREE, this guy is insulting us and there sure are some massive BALL CARRYING jokers lurking 'round here......hehehehhe


You have no right to pre-judge any of us here. I understand that we may come across as callous and obnoxious, but then, HEY DUDE, you haven't proven otherwise either!

My 2 cents........Stefan, if we insult your intellligence and come across as rude an uncouth, please, for the love of god remove our URL from your bookmarks!
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