DSC off, S6, Sports Mode "ON".

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The Necessary

Dec 15, 2004
Gives the E46 M3 SMG a new lease of life, me thinks. Was getting a little bit bored with the car (already), then I hit the "sport" button, switched off DSC and turned up the wick till 6, S6, that is. Even though it's all a bunch of electronic mumbo jumbo, the car DOES feel alot more responsive. Can't drive around without "sport mode" no more.If you have one, try it. Driving without DSC is not the death sentence that most people think it is.
nicer still if you can hang the tail out like you do with ur go kart....
Is that the most extreme setting, which will lock or nearly lock the diff in approriate conditions? Yummy....
The Necc:
You can still do the launch control thing. What? Youre bored with that already?
Forget Porsche, forget Ferrari, forget those Astons, Saleens and Bakali Zonda. What The Necc need is a full blown rally car - 300bhp, 500NM of torque, 4WD, and a roll cage for The Necc to roll inside.

Come end of 2005, the Citroen & Peugeot WRC program will cease - perhaps a few cars will be for sale?
Why spend so much? Theres a couple of Caterham 7s around. Turbo charge it or put in a bike engine. Your 0-100-0 will be close to that of the rally car.
But rally car comes with full roll cage and built to take punishment. Have you seen how the Necc drive a kart? He would need the roll cage!!!!
Originally posted by OSFlanker@Mar 21 2005, 12:55 PM
But rally car comes with full roll cage and built to take punishment. Have you seen how the Necc drive a kart? He would need the roll cage!!!!
Haha, so would we if we're watching him drive at the side!! :)
OK, all you jokers, very funny!

Fabs: Problem is, modern cars are just too overtyred. Trying to get those fat 265 section rears to let go requires more balls and skill than I think I have!

WK69: I think the diff will lock up according to its ratio, regardless of the DSC/gearbox settings.

3er: I've never launched the thing yet, you know... Hmmm, that's something to look forward to, I guess! Too much mechanical sympathy!

I'll think of an appropriate response to you other jokers out there (esp you, OSF!) and reply later!
Originally posted by The Necessary@Mar 23 2005, 12:13 PM

3er: I've never launched the thing yet, you know... Hmmm, that's something to look forward to, I guess! Too much mechanical sympathy!
The M3 was designed that way. Use it! Potter about under 3k and you're gonna break something soon. :)
The S54 engine is notoriously over-stressed. Hence, the need for THREE engine recalls since it's inception in 2001. Although it IS designed to work at high RPMs (max power is produced only 100rpm shy of it's redline at 8000rpm), this is one highly, highly, stressed engine that is expected to last as long as the engine in your normal BMW. Hence, the need for a fair amount of mechanical sympathy.

But don't you worry, do you really think I spend much time under 3000rpm in the M?

OSF: I think it's alot more economical to invest the money in a go-kart and in the entry fees for the races...
i find it amazingly unbelievable that you''ve not engaged launch control even once in your ownership and yet you say you''re bored.

a REAL m3 driver would instinctively depress the sport and dsc off buttons upon ignition. its again amazingly unbelievable that you''ve only just found out that sport quickens the throttle response and s6 quickens the smg.

pls spare us the mechanical sympathy hogwash - you really really wanna leave this car as part of your granchilderens inheritance, rite?

do us all a favour - sell the m3, buy a 318ci instead before you bore us to death....

you guys entertain this undeserving yuppie poseur too politely...
...and might I enquire who the f.uck you are? Another 318 driving wannabe who's envious of me?

It's my car, I'll choose to do whatever the f.uck I wanna do with it, thank you. But cos you seem like such an a.rsehole, I'll indulge you.

Firstly, your comment about how I can be bored with car, yet not have used launch control. Tell me, "Stefan" how does launch control make me feel that the M3 is more "interesting"? By launching away from the lights every single time? What's so interesting about that? Way-Hey, it's goes to 60 in 5.2s, big f.ucking deal.

Now, Stefan, let me educate you on what "interesting" is and what REAL drivers (not just "REAL M3" drivers, mind) want. They want sharp throttle response (which I admit had been sharpened up a great deal with sport mode), great steering feel and a highly adjustable chassis. Now, on the M3 (have you even sat in one, you poor boy?), the steering has about as much life and response as a wet noodle and the chassis (on public roads) has only an appetite for scrubbing away the front tyres in an endless orgy of understeer. So, the M3 scores 1 outta 3. Great. So bloody interesting. In addition, I feel the engine note's coarse and the ride and handling's been compromised too much by the 19" rims which admittedly, look great, but hey, that's fashion and not "substance", something which REAL drivers want. And before you even start on how I've got a soft ass, realise this, great handling cars, like the Noble M12, for example, ride very well over a variety of surfaces and still handle like a race track refugee.

OK, let's see what your next point is;

Oh yes, something about how "REAL M3 drivers" (guess that makes me a "fake" M3 driver than? hahaha) will "instinctively" depress the sport and DSC buttons.

Right. If BMW bothered to make a real drivers car of the M3, they'd have left DSC off the car and made sure it was on sport mode all the time. Anyhows, you do realise that if the mash the throttle, there's no difference between sport and non-sport mode, right? Well, now you know. It's only on part throttle openings that sport mode is most felt. Not very hard core, eh? As for DSC, Stefen, maybe you're some hot shot race car driver, but I'm not, ok? I like to have an electronic safety net, I'm a wuss. Anyhow, I always had SMG on S5 anyways... and it's not that big a jump to S6... sure, mili-seconds, but who's counting? You?

Mechanical Sympathy.

Yes, I do have mechanical sympathy. What's wrong with that? I treasure my ride, just like how I make sure the oil temp is up to operating temp before I go past 4000rpm. What's wrong with that? I thrash my cars in a more sympathetic manner, I like to ensure that all my inputs are nice and smooth, from throttle openings, to steering inputs. I try to drive round pot holes. Again, you might be some hot shot race driver, but if you were, you'd know that smoothness is the key to speed, and that if you take care of your race machine, it'd take care of you.

Leave it to my grandchildren? Please, I'm already bored of it.

Oh, and you know why the people who've replied "entertain this undeserving yuppie poseur too politely"? Well, cos, 1. I'm not a yuppie, 2. I'm not a poseur (try keeping up, Stefan). Though I will admit to being undeserving. Oh, and also, I'm not a sad little envious git like you, Stefan.
Oh boy, I just knew there's gonna be fireworks! Welcome back, The Necessary!! We misschiu! Can we have Jeremy Clarkson back in the ring, please?!
Thank you for your erudite justification on how and why your m3 bores you. Have you been waiting assiduously all evening for my response so that you can showcase your renown wit?

Who I am is not relevant. Whts relevant here is that – to cut it simply – you do not seem to know how to drive and most importantly ENJOY an m3. Its akin to saying, after you’ve been paired with a certain ms. A. Rai for a week, that “ she bores me ‘cos she taller than me.” Or with mdm. C. Zeta-Jones for a few weeks, that “she bores me ‘cos she’s such high maintenance.” Or with ms. J. Aniston, that “she bores me ‘cos I’ll rather brad.” Sacrilege, I say.

A public forum such as this allows you, wee laddie, to be educated, and at no expense whatsoever except to damage that whispering beast behind your left ear called pride and hurt its twin behind your right ear called ego. But lest be assured that we all here are sympathetic to your foibles and shortcomings as much as you are sympathetic mechanically.

Launch Control
Have you not an ounce of mechanical curiosity? On how all that ‘electrical mumbo-jumbo’ holds the revs at exactly 4k with the throttle held at the floor and launch awaiting release by just and only your hand? Even ferrari’s famed f1 gearbox does not do this. This is definitely a big deal in the automotive world and of course, its… (wait for it)… INTERESTING. And if you can only really release once a month, you’ll log at least 27 months before needing a new clutch.

Its not so much the time that boy racers covet but the sheer technological ability that bmw has so graciously allowed us to humbly experience, outside of sir frank’s domain.

Understeer and Wet Noodles
Watcha on, boy? Watcha talking abt?? The e46 m3 has an ultimately adjustable chassis!! From my experience, its oversteer on demand but then do you know how to ask that of it? Do you even know what to ask of the car? Perhaps you’ve been providing the answers before even attempting to ask? Seek and you shall find, boy.
It answers with gradual understeer if you overcook it (its actually for your own safety when it washes gradually wide).
Do you even know what great steering feel is? If the m3 steers by wet noodles, then a 330i would steer by wet dough. Again, watcha on, BOY?

Have you ever experienced it on a track? There’s an altogether an entire driving dimension out there for us mere mortals but then sadly, as an enlightened being, you’ll be bored ‘cos its uninteresting.

I humbly apologise for not having the priveledge to experience a Noble’s great ride and handling. It is not a point of reference that I can relate too. Again my sincere apologies. Does your m3 ride harshly? Mine seems acceptable.

DSC and sport
It took me some time (coming from a ravaglia special) but I’ve accepted the fact that bmw needs the m3 to now cater to the masses and by default dumb down to the differing levels (or lack of) of driving skills of its new found buyers. YOU are exactly their target market. DSC aside, now that you’ve discovered sport, don’t you wish that sport ON should have been the default upon ignition and not as it currently is?

Throttle mashing
Are you even in the right gear and at the right rpms when you compare mashing the throttle between sport and non-sport?

I’m sorry but I really dare not to presume anything at all of you now after your petulant response via the ambidextrous use of the English language.

My apologies if I’ve offended you.
Stefan, u can really screw someone without using any 4 letter word....

but then, cheers and not war.....

Perhaps the_necc can tone down as well without the use of 4 letter words.
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