DSC for track day

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Sep 25, 2005
guys,i had always have the DSC on since the first day i got the car. but recently found out that its actually slowing me down abit as it tends to do brake the car to slow down the speed...do ppl switch it off during track day for more agressive driving or it's helping in some way by having it on?mind to share a bit guys? B) and oh ya, for my case, the DSC started working when the car started to bounce abit during the corner due to the un-even road surface. could my prob be settled by having stiffer dampers?other PSS9 that seems like the ultimate choice for E46, any other cheaper option do they offer aftermarket?...thanks in advance guys :rolleyes:
I always switch off the ACS of my MCS when on track, as I find that the ASC disrupt the exit speed out of corners. I can drive smoother without the interference of the ASC.

On the other hand, someone I know with a 325i SMG keeps the DSC on as he feels that he has more confident in pushing the car to its limit by braking very late into corners, knowing the fact that the DCS will do the job if he messes up the entry.

So the best thing to do is actually try it on track by first running with DCS on, push the car near its limit gradually. When you are confident enough, switch it off and again drive gradually to it's limit. Then decide which one you prefer.
yes, try both and the stop watch never lies......

Alvin, yes - I think I know who u r refering to on the E46 325 driver.....i see him braking beyond the 100m at T1 (from 180kph or so)....AWESOME, i tot and then later he revealed his DSC asisistance.....

try it and tell us ur findings.
off the dsc if u dun mind powersliding thru the corners.. hurhurhur..

i once turned it off, gunned the car, konon2 terer la can counter-steer, the can spun 270degree!! just missed the kerb by 1/2 foot!! takpela, i rather have a slower lap time, until i'm gud enuff to handle the car.. hehe

p/s: this friday no chance la bro.. if u r going some other time, gimme a shout key?
Learn to drive your car first. Not trying to be rude here but driving fast & being able to handle it when the tail steps out is 2 different thing.
Do what bmFive said. Drive with DSC first. How do you judge that you are slow with the DSC? You will be surprise actually that to have the fastest time is to drive as smooth & cleanly as possible.
Most of the kart racers here will agree to it. Yes you will faster when you push it. Sliding & all but the clock with tell otherwise. Just watch F1 & you will understand more.
ooopsss....I m so confused by the MCS Avatar ( cos I snapped the pix! )......tot it was Alvin posting n now realised it's BM5....

btw, if u gun the car mid corner - I would expect a spin........smoothness in throttle/steering/braking helps on track.....& road.
Originally posted by tony5050@Feb 9 2006, 01:42 AM
........other PSS9 that seems like the ultimate choice for E46, any other cheaper option do they offer aftermarket?.......

I dun think PSS9 is close to being the ultimate choice, since one set is circa USD2,000 where as there are other brands like Ohlins & DMS are going for closer to USD5,000.

Of course Bilsteins are make more street suspension kits than Ohlins & DMS so they market it better, whereas Ohlins & DMS are more for motorsport use although they do make street suspension systems for a limited number of applications.

I am afraid you get for u pay for, so if it's cheaper you can be sure it won't be as good as the PSS9, although it may still be value of money. I think the Apex sports kit is slightly cheaper, but i heard there are issues with the longevity of the koni absorbers (which they make for Apex).

Other well known brands like H & R, Racing Dymanics are also using Bilstein absorbers.

So Jules, would you suggest switching the DSC off, then gun the throttle when entering the corner so you get the tail out early???? hehe

Since u only want to have fun on the track and not racing, it's best to take the safer option to make sure you can go home in the same car you went to the track in, unless you are very confident that you can handle the car without the DSC. Try driving the 100cc or 125cc kart (as they are very tail happy) to get used to counter steering and catching the tail back!
kart also got dsc what....bum ( sensor ),brain ( CPU ), legs&hands ( actuators )!

no road car will come close to a kart's responsiveness.......
wow!..thanks alot for all the infos mate.

ya la, i tried out the car abit thought of entering sepang ma..damn now no chance already.. :beaten:

thanks dude..seems like the PSS9 is quite affordable d then.. :ph34r: :lol:
tried 125 and even the 100 few times before but when it really comes to driving the big car down the bigger track, damn everything seems so different and even the tyre sounds are so dramatic.. :lol:
nonetheless, karting does help alot before driving in the track..thanks :lol:

agree with you..of course the cleanest run will bring you the fastest time. good braking and acc timing are just equally important as knowing the correct line right?..thanks anyway :lol:
Cool stuff....GT3 seems to be quicker out of the corners, but the GT3 driver was running wide most of the time. :p
The GT3 driver takes a safe & conservative line, he always takes the corners with late apex and he stays away from the kerbs, hence giving chance for the M3 to overtake on the inside line.

The M3 driver is more aggressive, taking tighter lines & consistently kerbing the apex. The corner (T9) which he overtook the red E46 is very tricky, very brave (& skillful) driver! B)
Originally posted by tony5050@Feb 9 2006, 05:31 PM

ya la, i tried out the car abit thought of entering sepang ma..damn now no chance already.. :beaten:
Why no chance??? :dunno:
Originally posted by bmFIVE@Feb 10 2006, 11:23 AM
The GT3 driver takes a safe & conservative line, he always takes the corners with late apex and he stays away from the kerbs, hence giving chance for the M3 to overtake on the inside line.

The M3 driver is more aggressive, taking tighter lines & consistently kerbing the apex. The corner (T9) which he overtook the red E46 is very tricky, very brave (& skillful) driver! B)
are you trying to show us your knowledge of sepang?

coz thats really turn 12 and not turn 9. and its not even half as tricky as the preceding T11.

can tell us why T11 is tricky?
My intention is to share knowledege of Sepang...hence the map.

If I recall the video, it the RIGHT hander where the M3 overtook the GT3, which is neither T9 or T12 cos its T11! ( I can excuse BM5 for undercounting 1 corner cos T 7 & 8 is taken as one corner anyway...)

T12? dunno how u counted but it dun matter.

More interesting is where is your T11 now then? T11 hard cos off chamber? ( guessing-lar )

I very very new to this kinda thing, so want to learn from the sifus!

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